The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1337: The Floro Clan (3rd update)

At this moment, Zhao Yun is already a master at the level of a fairy, and with the strength of his figure in the kingdom of God beyond ordinary people, I am afraid that the army of 3,000 monks will not be able to gain benefits in his hands!

But at this moment, another Heavenly Court disciple hurriedly ran into the Golden Luan Hall, and shouted anxiously: "It's not good, there are also three thousand monks coming from the north of my Heavenly Court!"


Hearing this, Galen immediately stood up holding a big sword, and said in a low voice, "I'm going to defend the north!"

Qin Shihuang frowned. With Galen's strength, it was obviously very difficult to defend against the attack of an army of 3,000 monks, but at this moment, the Heavenly Court was besieged on all sides and had no other choice.

So Qin Shihuang immediately gritted his teeth and said: "If you win this battle, I will give you a credit!"

"Hehe, I just want to have a good time, it doesn't matter if I remember the merit or not!" Galen laughed, holding a big sword, and immediately rushed out of the Golden Luan Hall, leading more than a hundred disciples from the Heavenly Court towards the north.

Jian Hao, Lu Bu and other generals looked at each other, and when they were about to say that they would help Galen, disciples from the Heavenly Court rushed in one after another from outside the door!

"It's not good, there are also monks coming from the direction of Liuduan Mountain in the south!"

"There are also enemies in the direction of Jinbi Mountain!"


News of enemy attacks kept coming, and generals kept leading troops into battle.

Not long after, in the huge Golden Luan Hall, only Liu Bowen and Qin Shihuang, who couldn't fight, were left!

Seeing this scene, Qin Shihuang couldn't help but frowned tightly, and said: "I didn't expect our Heavenly Court to be besieged by so many forces this time!"

Liu Bowen gritted his teeth and said word by word: "It's fun for these people to besiege me now. After the Emperor of Heaven returns, their doomsday will come!"

Qin Shihuang narrowed his eyes and looked into the distance, saying word by word: "I'm afraid I won't be able to wait for the Emperor of Heaven to come back!"

At the same time, millions of miles away, Du Yuesheng was rushing towards New Heaven at full speed, his speed had reached the limit, but he still felt a little slow.

Coincidentally, at this moment, there was a stream of light approaching them not far away.

Taking a closer look, the streamer turned out to be a huge leaf, and on top of the leaf, there were several people sitting cross-legged, talking happily, and the voice of the conversation came over with the strong wind:

"Everyone, can we catch up with the siege of Heaven!"

"Don't worry, this is Jing Wuye, who was cultivated by Immortal Master Jingping himself. Its flying speed is so fast that even a master at the peak of Immortal Venerable is a little worse than him!"

"Yes, in half a day at most, we will be able to reach the territory of the Heavenly Court, and we will definitely be able to participate in the siege of the Heavenly Court. When the time comes, we will definitely have a share of the Heavenly Fire in Tianlong Mountain!"

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng couldn't help raising his brows, and with a thought, he suddenly appeared in front of Jing Wuye, blocking the opponent's way!

"Hey, which kid who wants to die dares to block Grandpa's way, he can't do it!"

The monks on Jingwuye immediately cursed.

Du Yuesheng narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard the words, and said: "You all want to besiege the Heavenly Court?"

"Hey, so what? Could it be that you still dare to help Heaven? Believe it or not, I'll make your death ugly!" The monks on Jing Wuye asked with sneers.

After they finished speaking, Du Yuesheng lightly raised the Zhuxian sword in his hand, and with a thought, Tuntian uttered directly, followed by a low shout:

"Let the Emperor of Heaven die so ugly? The Emperor of Heaven wants to see who dies first!"

Swish Swish Swish!

The light of the Heaven Swallowing Sword was shining brightly, and the eyes of the person shining on it were stinging, and the cultivator on Jing Wuye was only at the eighth level of the Immortal Emperor, so where is Du Yuesheng's opponent at the peak of the Immortal Emperor?

In an instant, all the monks on Jing Wuye were completely engulfed by the sword light, and screams were heard one after another.

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng for killing 7 immortal monks and getting 70,620 immortal points!"

But at this moment, Xian Ji who was at the side suddenly turned serious, and with a movement, he appeared directly beside Du Yuesheng. With a wave of his hand, a ray of brilliance flew out of his sleeve robe and blocked him.

Almost at the same time, a ray of light shot out from the body of a dead monk on Jing Wuye, attacking Du Yuesheng like lightning and flint, and finally hit the defense built up by Xian Ji with a bang. superior!

"This person is a child of everyone, otherwise there would not be such a magic weapon for self-defense!"

Only then did Xian Ji speak slowly.

Du Yuesheng nodded and said: "I know, if it's not everyone's children, there will be no magic weapon like Jing Wuye, but it's okay, since they dare to take advantage of my Tianting, even if they have a great background, they don't want to live!"

After all, he moved and jumped onto Jing Wuye.

Jing Wuye is extremely fast and can take him to the heaven faster.

But when he stood on Jing Wuye, Jing Wuye was out of control and wanted to fly back to the way he came.

Xianji frowned, and said: "Jing Wuye is a magic weapon sacrificed by an expert at the level of a fairy master. I am afraid that he has been recognized as the master long ago. Unless you kill the person who recognizes the master, it is difficult to erase the recognition. host!"

Du Yuesheng just smiled slightly when he heard the words, and said: "It's okay, the Emperor of Heaven has his own way!"

At the same time, he shouted directly in his heart: "System, help me erase the identification on Jing Wuye!"

"Ding, the system prompts that you need to spend 1,500 Wushuang Points to erase the identification on the magic weapon Jing Wuye. Are you sure you want to erase it?"


It's only 1,500 unparalleled points, which is very cheap. If you buy a magic weapon like Jing Wuye, it will cost at least 70,000 to 80,000, or even hundreds of thousands of unparalleled points. This is a big profit!

Following Du Yuesheng's thought, a strange fluctuation also came from Jingwuye.

Immediately afterwards, I saw bursts of green smoke rising from Jing Wuye, and a human face appeared in the green smoke:

"It's okay if you want to take Jing Wuye away, but please let me let go of my grandson, otherwise, even if I chase you to the ends of the earth, I will take revenge!"

It seems that the face in the green smoke is Jing Wuye's original owner, and his grandson must be one of the monks Du Yuesheng just killed.

So Du Yuesheng immediately grinned and said, "I'm sorry, your grandson has already been beheaded by me!"

"What?" The face in the smoke suddenly became distorted:

"Bastard, you dare to kill my grandson. You are looking for your own death. If you dare to report your name, I, the Floro family, will not let you go!"

Du Yuesheng raised his eyelids, smiled, and said, "Revenge on the Emperor of Heaven? Very good, the Emperor of Heaven, Du Yuesheng, is heading towards the Heavenly Court. If you have the guts, come and take revenge!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player for undoing Jing Wuye and recognizing the master, and the player has successfully recognized Jing Wuye as the master, consuming a total of 1,500 unparalleled points!"

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