The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1341 Activating the Heaven Breaking Formation (3rd update)

As a Demon Lord, Chong Lou also respected Du Yuesheng extremely.

But when the monks around saw this scene, they couldn't help but shouted:

"Ha, this Du Yuesheng not only brought a demon woman to the fairy world, but also brought a demon man into the fairy world, this son should be punished!"

"Hmph, fortunately I surrounded Du Yuesheng today, otherwise I wouldn't have known this would happen!"

While everyone was clamoring, the Xueshamen's immortal level master sneered and said: "That demon clansman, come on, if you kill Du Yuesheng with your own hands today, I might consider letting you go!"

The Blood Fiend Sect Immortal Venerable thought very well, let Chonglou and Du Yuesheng fight each other, and they will reap the benefits of fisherman again.

Du Yuesheng grinned when he heard this, pointed to the three immortals of Xueshamen, and said: "Come, bring the three of them here first."

Mozun nodded, his figure flashed, only to see a streak of purple-black aura dissipating, and the whole person disappeared in place.

The others saw a purple-black light flash in the air, passing by the three immortals of the Xueshamen.

Afterwards, everyone was horrified to find that the three immortals of Xueshamen had all disappeared.

After taking a closer look, everyone saw that the three immortals of Xueshamen all knelt on their knees and appeared in front of Du Yuesheng.

"what happened?"

Not only the others, but even the three immortals of Xueshamen didn't react. When they found themselves kneeling in front of Du Yuesheng, they immediately tried to stand up.

"The Emperor of Heaven didn't let you get up, so you kneel down to me!"

Seeing this, Mo Zunlou gave a low shout, and a sound wave visible to the naked eye came out of his mouth, and directly blasted on the three immortals of Xueshamen.

The three immortals of Xueshamen immediately opened their mouths, and spit out a mouthful of blood mixed with internal organs.

This time, the three immortals no longer had the strength to stand up, and could only bow their heads and kneel in front of Du Yuesheng with pale faces.

Only then did Du Yuesheng grin slightly, turned to look at the three of them, and said indifferently: "Since you have considered letting me go, I will give you a chance to say, how do you want to die?"

Speaking of this, Du Yuesheng raised his head again, turned his gaze, and scanned the other people one by one, saying: "But you guys, then you won't be treated so well!"

As soon as this remark came out, the eyes of many monks around suddenly changed.

Those immortal masters in the sky who were aggressive and full of eyes just now have already put away their contempt in their hearts at this moment.

None of them could catch the three immortals in one breath, and seriously injured the three immortals with a low shout!

At this moment, the three immortals of Xueshamen finally breathed a sigh of relief, but instead of raising their noble heads, they lowered their heads down:

"Heavenly Emperor, let... Let us go, we will be cows and horses in the future... I will wait, and there will be no complaints!"

"Begging for mercy?" Du Yuesheng frowned, and said with a sneer: "Begging for mercy is useful, but what's the use of my sword?"

As soon as the words fell, the Zhuxian sword behind Du Yuesheng soared into the sky, drew an arc in the air, and flew past the throats of the three immortals of Xueshamen!

After a muffled stabbing sound, blood flew, and the heads of the three immortals rushed into the sky immediately!

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng for killing three first-level immortal masters and gaining 1.2 million immortal points!"

After hearing the prompt from the system, Du Yuesheng couldn't help raising his brows, and murmured:

"The system didn't prompt me to forge the supreme bone, which means that I can use experience points to upgrade, but the experience points required are too much, and 1.2 million didn't allow me to upgrade to the immortal!"

After thinking of this, Du Yuesheng looked up at the nearly thirty immortals above the sky, then grinned and said, "Chonglou, catch them all here!"

There are more than 30 immortals here, all of them have been killed, if you don't believe it, you won't be able to upgrade to the immortal!

All the immortals have already noticed the power of Chonglou, but they still have a little bit of luck in their hearts.

Seeing the flash of Chonglou's figure, three or four Immortal Venerables waved their hands, and a heavenly net was formed out of thin air, covering Chonglou directly.

But when Chonglou saw the net, he just stretched out his hand and pulled it casually, the extremely hard net was torn apart in an instant, and the four immortal monks who sacrificed the net were seriously injured and vomited blood immediately!

Chong Lou raised his hand casually, and a huge arm appeared above the sky immediately, grasped all four of them, squeezed them hard, and put them in front of Du Yuesheng, and the four of them had their last breath left.

Seeing this scene, the other immortal monks were frightened out of their wits. This is one enemy against four.

And it looks like there's still room left!

Seeing this, how dare everyone dare to fight Chonglou? Without even thinking about it, these immortals stretched out their hands to tear open the space in front of them, stepped into it, and prepared to escape.

And Chonglou frowned tightly. Although he is powerful, he doesn't have the ability to confine the space. If all these immortals want to escape, he won't be able to catch them.

Seeing that all the masters of his own immortal master had fled, the rest of the monks below ran even faster one by one, turning into a stream of light and shooting into the distance, with no intention of staying.

Chong Lou's face suddenly became even uglier.

But at this moment, Du Yuesheng took out a small array with a smile on his face, and said calmly: "Everyone come and leave whenever you want, don't you look down on me too much?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a ray of light lit up on the formation board in his hand.

As the light came on, strange fluctuations suddenly appeared between the sky and the earth.

Immediately afterwards, two hundred miles away, in the four directions of southeast, north and south, the same fluctuations also came out at the same time.

Then everyone saw the sky with a radius of two hundred miles, and at this moment, a huge purple crack appeared. This purple crack spread from the sky to the ground, directly isolating the surrounding two hundred miles. It's coming.

"Is that... Chaos?"

Seeing this scene, the well-informed master Xianzun suddenly turned ugly.

Chaos is completely different from void. After the space is broken, there is void, and after the void is broken, there is chaos. Immortal masters can travel through the void, but they have nothing to do with chaos!

Now there is a chaotic chasm between the heaven and the earth, that is to say, this piece of heaven and earth has been completely isolated!

At this time, Du Yuesheng grinned, and said lightly: "I made everyone laugh. At this time, everyone in the big formation of Duantian, don't even think about going out. Now, line up for the Emperor of Heaven. Come and die one by one!"

At the end, Du Yuesheng's voice also suddenly became icy cold: "I am so happy to kill the Emperor of Heaven, maybe you will save your disciples and grandchildren!"

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