The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1343 Demon Race Attack (Part 1)

As far as the current fairyland is concerned, chaos is an absolute forbidden zone.

Even a master at the level of immortal masters can only look at the ocean and sigh when they encounter chaos. If they accidentally fall into chaos, they will only die.

But now that Du Yuesheng has comprehended the Dao of Chaos, he has the god-level ability to travel through chaos. That is to say, from now on, no one in the fairy world can kill Du Yuesheng!

But soon, Du Yuesheng calmed down, and his eyes fell on the second skill.

This skill is a passive skill and cannot be triggered actively.

Ability: Avenue of Chaos

Level: God level

Description: All the player's spells have the power of Chaos Dao, which increases the attack power by ten times and the defense power by ten times, and can ignore any other Dao attacks!

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng almost cried out again.

The attack power has been increased by ten times, and the defense power has been increased by ten times, which means that the current Du Yuesheng is almost using the Immortal Killing Technique all the time.

Moreover, this chaotic avenue can actually ignore the attacks of all other avenues. Doesn't it mean that after seeing Du Yuesheng, any master of the immortal level has already crippled half of his martial arts?

In this way, Du Yuesheng's fighting power among the immortals is probably already among the best!

"Haha, no wonder it takes so much experience to enter the realm of Immortal Venerable, so there are so many benefits!"

Du Yuesheng couldn't help laughing.

And Mo Zunlou returned to Du Yuesheng's side, frowned and said, "I feel like people from afar are coming here soon!"

"Clan people from far away?" Du Yuesheng frowned. The Demon Zunlou is a member of the Demon Clan. Although it is not the same concept as the Demon Clan in the fairy world, it may not be far from it.

What does he mean by that, could it be that the demons are about to attack the fairy world?

When Du Yuesheng was about to ask carefully, the time for the summoning of the Demon Zunlou was up, and his figure disappeared directly in place, returning to the place where he came.

At the same time, the figures of Xian Ji and Zui Mo also appeared in the distance.

Surprisingly, at this moment, Zui Mo's face was full of worry, and after seeing Du Yuesheng, he seemed hesitant to speak.

Du Yuesheng frowned, and immediately asked, "Is there something strange about the demons?"

"There is a change in the demon clan?" Xian Ji's expression changed suddenly when she heard the words, she has always taken it as her duty to protect the fairy world, although she has no objection to Du Yuesheng killing so many masters in the fairy world.

But now that the masters in the fairy world are suffering heavy casualties, if the demons come to attack, she will definitely not stand idly by!

Zui Mo said with some hesitation: "The demons have indeed begun to attack the fairy world. I just received a voice transmission from my master. She said that as long as I go back immediately, she can forget the past!"

"Huh?" Du Yuesheng frowned, looked at Zui Mo and was about to speak, but Zui Mo immediately said:

"But I don't want to go back to the Holy Demon Sect, but... the master told me that the demons have come out in full force this time, and they will definitely wipe out the entire fairy world. If I am still stubborn, I will only die!"

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng grinned and said: "It's okay, with me here, there will be absolutely no problems in the fairy world!"

Xian Ji said in a deep voice: "You have killed so many immortals in the fairy world, which has greatly weakened the strength of the fairy world, so it's time for you to stand up and fight for the fairy world!"

Du Yuesheng smiled, that's exactly what he thought.

After all, he is a cultivator in the fairy world, even if he has no intention of exterminating the demons for the fairy world, he should keep the fairy world from being invaded!

Thinking of this, he immediately took out the big sky-breaking formation plate, and with a thought, the light on the plate disappeared, and then, the big sky-breaking formation in the four directions of the surrounding four directions also disappeared instantly.

The terrifying chaotic hole in the sky also squirmed for a while, and gradually returned to its original state.

Only then did Du Yuesheng turn around and say to Qin Shihuang: "These sects besieging us are all close to the Heavenly Court. Next, you will take over these territories!"

Qin Shihuang cupped his hands respectfully and said, "I will follow the order of the Emperor of Heaven!"

After that, he brought other characters from the Kingdom of God and rushed towards the territory of other sects without stopping.

Although the characters of the Kingdom of God are all wounded at this moment, they are still much better than the major sects whose main force has been wiped out. You only need to push all the way across to win!

After the characters from the Kingdom of God left, Du Yuesheng turned his gaze to Zui Mo, and asked, "Which direction did the demons attack from? Is it the Demon Breaking Plain?"

"Yes!" Zui Mo nodded before saying:

"This time the demons have sent at least 300,000 monks, hundreds of immortals, and I don't know if there will be reinforcements behind, it is absolutely menacing!"

Du Yuesheng nodded slightly, 300,000 monks and hundreds of immortals attacked the fairy world, it would definitely be a catastrophe for the fairy world.

However, as long as he is there, the demons will never succeed in taking over the fairy world.

As far as his mind was concerned, Du Yuesheng directly touched the space transfer spell. Now that the eighth wave of enemies has been killed, he must be able to use the space transfer spell.

And Xianji seemed to be more anxious than Du Yuesheng, she directly took out a space teleportation array disk, and said: "I have a teleportation array that can directly go to the Pomo Plain!"

Saying that, Xian Ji urged the teleportation formation and stood on it. Du Yuesheng had no choice but to stand on the teleportation formation with drunken ink.

There was a clear sound, and the three of them disappeared in place.

Thousands of miles away on the Pomo Plain, there is a place called Killing Immortal Gorge. The canyon is not high, but it is long enough to almost divide the entire Pomo Plain into two.

Moreover, there are no less than three great battles between immortals and demons in the past and present, all of which started from this Immortal Killing Gorge.

Today, on the left side of the Immortal Killing Gorge, the territory of the demons, on the plain that can't be seen at a glance, there are teams of demon monks standing neatly at this moment!

These innumerable demon monks exuded a strong demonic energy, directly dyeing the sky that should have been blue into jet black as if ink had been splashed on it!

And on the right side of the Immortal Killing Gorge, a group of monks from the fairy world, whose bodies are covered with rays of light, illuminating the sky, and full of immortal energy, are far inferior to the demon monks in terms of number and quality!

Therefore, the faces of these immortal monks were full of nervousness and fear: "What should I do!"

"Why would the demons attack aggressively at this time?"

"Have the reinforcements arrived?"

Just when these monks were worried, the teleportation array behind them suddenly lit up one after another, and groups of immortal monks walked directly from the teleportation array.

Taking a closer look, everyone couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts, they were all disciples of the famous sect.

When the immortal monks present were about to celebrate the arrival of reinforcements, the light on the teleportation array suddenly dimmed.

And the hearts of the monks who had just let go, immediately raised their throats again!

Because there are really too few monks walking out of the teleportation formation, at a rough glance, there are less than 100,000 monks!

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