The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1345 Who else (third)

As soon as the old woman opened her mouth, the demon monks around couldn't help but look sideways.

You must know that although this old woman looks like a country woman, she is actually Chen Gonglan, the current leader of the Holy Demon Sect!

This Chen Gonglan's cultivation base has reached the seventh level of Immortal Venerable, and she is the top master of the Demon Race!

When the Demon Emperor saw Chen Gonglan speak, he immediately shook his head and smiled:

"It's just a young man. It's not worth your shot, just let a young man go out!"

In the eyes of the Demon Emperor, a person at the first level of Immortal Venerable is just a little guy, which shows how powerful the Demon Emperor is.

Naturally, no one dared to disobey the Demon Emperor's order, so Chen Gonglan could only grit her teeth and back away. At the same time, a demon cultivator who looked only in her twenties stepped forward, cupped her hands, and said to the Demon Emperor arrive:

"Please ask the Demon Emperor to allow Qin Er to fight, to kill Du Yuesheng, and then bring back the Drunk Mo Witch!"

The Demon Emperor raised his eyelids and glanced at Qin Er, remembering that Qin Er is also a genius monk with a great life of the demon clan, and also has a heart of admiration for Zui Mo, so he nodded immediately and said:

"Go, don't delay, make a quick decision!"

Qin Er immediately bowed his waist to thank him, and then turned into a streamer and flew straight out of the building.

At the same time, Du Yuesheng was walking towards the demon monk step by step.

The immortal monks behind him not only did not cheer for Du Yuesheng, but because of the encouragement of the three masters of the immortal world, they ridiculed Du Yuesheng one after another:

"Hey, arrogant boy, you dare to use your own strength to fight against the army of 300,000 demons, you want to die!"

"It's good to die. Anyway, this kid also colluded with the demons. It's good to be killed by his master!"

"Look, look, there are demon masters coming out to fight!"

When everyone was talking, Du Yuesheng also looked up, and at a glance, he saw Qin Er flying out in a stream of light.

In the distance, Qin Er showed his real body, and shouted sharply: "My son Du Yuesheng, quickly kneel down and die, this deity can still give you a good time!"

After shouting, Qin Er raised his eyes and looked at Zui Mo in the distance, and his voice became much lower:

"Zui Mo, come back now, the Demon Emperor will definitely forgive your mistakes and save your life!"

Zui Mo, who was standing beside Xianji, didn't move at all after hearing this, and shook his head directly, "I have nothing to do with the Demon Race, and the Holy Demon Cult, and I won't go back!"

Hearing this, Qin Er's eyes suddenly became blood red, and his eyes flashed and fell on Du Yuesheng with murderous intent:

"Zui Mo, what's so good about this kid that you would stick to him so willingly? Alright, then I'll kill him and take you back!"

While speaking, Qin Er's figure flashed, and there was a muffled bang around him, turning into a huge cloud of black smoke.

In the black smoke, there were pairs of scarlet eyes, and the low roars of wild animals kept coming out of the black smoke.

Afterwards, the black smoke enveloped Du Yuesheng directly, as if it wanted to swallow Du Yuesheng in one gulp.

Seeing this scene, Zui Mo couldn't help screaming: "Be careful, this is Qin Er's skill, don't be covered by black smoke..."

As soon as she finished speaking, Du Yuesheng's whole body was directly enveloped in black smoke.

In an instant, the expressions of Zui Mo and Xian Ji changed drastically.

As for the monks in the fairy world, they all showed the expressions they deserved, and no one showed the slightest worry about Du Yuesheng.

As for Qin Er, he let out a sneer from the black smoke at this moment: "This is the first time I have seen such a weak immortal, it seems that the immortal world should be swallowed up by my demon clan!"

"Oh? Coincidentally, this is the first time the Emperor of Heaven has seen such a weak immortal..."

But just as Qin Er's voice fell to the ground, Du Yuesheng's voice immediately rang out.


With a thump in Qin Er's heart, he quickly picked up the finger and used the dark avenue that he had comprehended, trying to increase the power of the spell to a higher level.

As he decided to pinch it out, the black smoke suddenly became darker and darker. At a glance, it seemed that the whole person would be plunged into that darkness.

At this moment, Qin Er thinks that even if there is a second-level monk whose cultivation level is one level higher than his own, there will be death and no life in this black smoke!

But at this moment, only a pair of fairly fair hands were seen protruding from the black smoke. When he raised his hand and pulled it, the black smoke was like black cotton, and it was torn into pieces in a single stroke. Two halves!


Qin Er was shocked, he added the black smoke of the Dao, and was torn apart by an opponent of the same level? This has broken his cognition!

And after Du Yuesheng tore open the black smoke, the whole person also walked out of the black smoke, the Zhu Xian sword in his hand was shining, and he shouted: "Swallow the sky!"

As soon as Tuntian came out, the sword light was overwhelming, and the sword light flickered, directly covering Qin Er, who had already lost his color in shock.

"If you break my spell, it's impossible to break my defense!" Qin Er looked at the sword light covering him, felt a chill in his heart, and quickly took out a bronze bell-type defensive magic weapon in his hand.

But at this moment, Jian Guang directly cut down on him, and Qin Er directly buckled the bronze bell upside down on himself.

Dang bang block!

After three crisp sounds, Qin Er thought that the copper bell's defense magic weapon, which was extremely hard, was cut into pieces in an instant!

After that, the sword light continued to move forward like a rainbow piercing the sun, and in a blink of an eye, it passed through Qin Er's body.

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for killing Qin Er and gaining 300,000 immortal points!"

"Only 300,000 experience points? A little less!"

After Du Yuesheng heard the system prompt, he pouted for a while, then raised his head and shouted at the demon army: "Who else?"

Originally, when everyone saw that Du Yuesheng killed Qin Er in one fell swoop, they were all shocked, and couldn't recover for a long time.

Especially the three masters of the fairy world, who are also the younger generation of immortal masters, they also know Qin Er's strength, even if they are very proud, they dare not say that they can easily defeat Qin Er.

But Du Yuesheng did it easily.

And when they heard Du Yuesheng's sentence, who else is there, their expressions suddenly became weird.

Is this provoking the demon army?

Provoking the 300,000 demon army with your own strength?

Isn't Du Yuesheng too crazy? He thought that if he killed Qin Er, he would be able to kill all the demon monks?

Seeing this scene, the Demon Emperor at the rear couldn't help raising his brows, and said: "It seems that I have underestimated this kid, but it's okay, Mo Shengzi, you go and kill this kid, I hate this kid a little now! "

Hearing the words of the Demon Emperor, a two-headed demon immediately stood up and bowed his hands respectfully towards the Demon Emperor. Then his figure flashed and turned into a stream of light, flying to the front of the formation, shaking his two heads, In a word it says:

"The Demon Emperor said that he hates you and wants to take your life, so take your life!"

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