The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1349 Chaos Immortal Realm (Fourth)

In an instant, the sword light of the Jade Immortal Sword soared hundreds of feet long, and the sword light pierced through the sky like a rainbow.

Without any sloppy movements, the next second, Chen Gonglan's chest was directly pierced by the sword light.

As the sword light pierced Chen Gonglan's chest, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of Chen Gonglan's mouth, and there were only four words in her old eyes: "I can't believe it."

"You... who the hell are you, how could you ignore the spells of this leader?"

Du Yuesheng grinned, and said: "I want to know why I lost? Hey, the Emperor of Heaven didn't tell you, so that you can die without regret!"


Originally, Chen Gonglan was shot through the chest by the sword light, but she just held her breath and wanted to know why she lost.

Now that Du Yuesheng was so angry, he couldn't breathe immediately, spit out a mouthful of blood, twisted his neck, and died immediately.

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for killing Chen Gonglan and gaining three million immortal points!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for killing Chen Gonglan and gaining 1,500 unparalleled points!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng, who has improved his level. The current level is: Second Level of Immortal Venerable!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng, who has improved his level. The current level is the third level of Immortal Venerable!"

Du Yuesheng couldn't help raising his eyebrows, he actually raised two levels in one go? But if you think about it carefully, it may be that the previous upgrade was only a little bit short of experience points, so it caused the effect of increasing two levels with 3 million experience points.

After sighing, he slowly drew out his Zhuxian sword.

As Chen Gonglan's body fell from the sky and landed directly on the crowd of the demon army, causing an uproar in the demon army, the crowd of monks in the fairy world burst into earth-shattering cheers!

"Haha, Du Yuesheng is a winner!"

"Du Yuesheng, you are the pride of my fairy world!"

"You even killed the leader of the Holy Demon Sect. Now whoever calls you a traitor in the fairy world, I will beat him until he doesn't even know his mother!"

Up to this moment, the masters in the fairy world had already believed and admired Du Yuesheng wholeheartedly.

After seeing this scene, Zui Mo and Xian Ji let out a long breath of foul air.

After seeing this scene, the three masters of the fairy world stayed where they were, not knowing what to say for a while.

Originally, they wanted to come here to resist the demon army and destroy Du Yuesheng's reputation by the way.

Unexpectedly, the demon army is now blocked by Du Yuesheng alone, and Du Yuesheng's reputation has directly reached its peak at this moment!

But on the Demon Emperor's side, seeing that even Chen Gonglan had fallen directly, many demon monks couldn't help but have a sudden change in expression, and a trace of fear of Du Yuesheng flashed in their eyes. After this scene, many monks were even more afraid. Seeing Du Yuesheng, it was like seeing a demon god, and they were filled with fear!

The Demon Emperor took all of this into his eyes, couldn't help but let out a long breath of foul air, and said word by word:

"I didn't expect such a tyrannical young man to appear in the fairy world. That's all, let's stop this battle between immortals and demons!"

No one thought that the Demon Emperor would directly order the end of this battle between immortals and demons before it really started.

But after hearing this, none of the masters of the Demon Race Immortal Venerable objected, but nodded in agreement.

Afterwards, the Demon Emperor waved his hand, and his whole body turned into a gust of breeze, and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

If Du Yuesheng looked here, he would definitely see at a glance that the Demon Emperor is just a phantom here, not the deity here!

The phantom of the demon emperor disappeared, and the rest of the demon masters flew out of the building one after another, ordering the demon soldiers under their command to retreat.

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng for successfully killing all the enemies in the ninth wave, the tenth wave of enemies will come in the Chaos Immortal Realm, please prepare yourself!"

Hearing the system prompt, Du Yuesheng saw that the demons had started to retreat, and couldn't help but feel a move in his heart, wanting to kill the demon emperor directly, so as to save the fairy world from worries forever.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Xianji's voice came from behind: "Du Yuesheng, follow me!"

"where to?"

Du Yuesheng frowned, and looked back at Xianji, only to see that Xianji had found out another teleportation disk, looking very anxious.

Not only Xian Ji, but even the three masters of the fairy world immediately took out a teleportation disk after seeing the demons retreating, activated the disk directly, and did not know where the teleportation went.

Seeing Du Yuesheng's laziness, Xian Ji quickly explained:

"The purpose of this battle between immortals and demons is not to occupy the fairy world, but to allow the demons to get more places to enter the chaotic fairyland!"

"Chaos Immortal Realm?" Du Yuesheng couldn't help but look confused, it can be said that he knew nothing about Chaos Immortal Realm.

Seeing this, Xian Ji could only flicker, directly pulled Du Yuesheng up, flew directly to the teleportation array with Zui Mo, and then explained:

"The Chaos Immortal Realm is a secret realm that is only opened once in a million years. The location where it is opened is in the Tianji City. Do you know the Chaos next to the Tianji City?"

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng frowned, and then suddenly remembered that when he saw Tianji City for the first time, he felt that there must be secrets in the chaotic area next to Tianji City!

Unexpectedly, inside the chaos next to Tianji City, there is the Chaos Immortal Realm!

Then Xian Ji continued: "It is said that in the Chaos Immortal Realm, there is still an Immortal Lord, and there is also a way to relieve the Immortal Realm from being cursed by the emperor's veins and unable to be promoted to the Immortal Lord!"

"Oh?" Du Yuesheng raised his brows, lifting Dimai's original curse, which he was quite interested in.

"And I heard that millions of years ago, most of the tyrannical monks in the fairy world and the demon race entered the Chaos Immortal Realm and lived forever!"


Du Yuesheng's eyes froze. Millions of years ago, it was the time when Dimai was hunted down. At that time, so many masters entered Chaos Immortal Realm, so they must know the reason why Dimai was hunted down!

In other words, as long as he enters the Immortal Realm, the truth about being hunted down as Emperor Mai can be revealed.

I can also avenge the Empress!

Thinking that the tenth wave of enemies is in Chaos Immortal Realm, Du Yuesheng narrowed his eyes and said: "So that's it, well, it seems that the Emperor of Heaven must not go to this Chaos Immortal Realm!"

Xian Ji nodded, and the teleportation array activated, leading Du Yuesheng and Zui Mo directly into the void.

At the same time, in the Heavenly Court, the Nine Heavens Profound Spirit Rabbit lying in the deepest part of the Heavenly Court suddenly woke up with a jerk.

He turned his head to look at the Eight Desolation Divine Cauldron on his left, and then at the Eight Desolation Soul Suppressing Bell on his right, and then couldn't help but shouted:

"Damn it, you guys are finally done recognizing the master, and this handsome rabbit can finally go out and explore the world. These days are so boring!"

And in the depths of the inheritance of the emperor's line, the female emperor who had closed her eyes to accept the inheritance suddenly opened her eyes, a golden light flashed in her eyes, and murmured: "The Chaos Immortal Realm has opened?"

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