The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1351 Breaking the Formation (Second Change)

Du Yuesheng looked at Xiao Changsheng who came to kill him, and with a flash of his eyes, he could see that the way the other party had comprehended was the very rare way of weapons—the way of guns.

Compared with elemental avenues such as metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, this kind of weapon avenue is much less lethal in a large area, but it is much stronger when fighting alone.

But it's a pity that the person he met today was Du Yuesheng who had the strongest Chaos Dao.

Looking at Xiao Changsheng who came to kill him, Du Yuesheng just grinned, and then directly activated the Dao of Chaos in his body.

In the next second, Xiao Changsheng charged towards the sky with a spear, and the space where the spear touched instantly shattered.

But just when the point of his spear came to a radius of one zhang around Du Yuesheng's body, the momentum of the point of the spear, which was supposed to be indestructible, stagnated fiercely, and then it lost its initial sharpness, and its power dropped by more than double in an instant!

"My avenue!"

Xiao Changsheng was startled, and immediately realized that his Dao had suddenly disappeared.

In a flash of Du Yuesheng's mind, the Zhuxian sword on his right hand suddenly lifted up, and the sword swung out, and the light of the sword fell down like the sun.

Immediately, the sword light with the aura of the Dao of Chaos flew towards Xiao Changsheng overwhelmingly.

Xiao Changsheng didn't have time to think about why his avenue was useless, so he quickly drew his gun and turned around, flicking the gun flower, directly forming a gun circle on the surface of his body, trying to block the sword light!

A moment later, the sword light slashed down and landed on the gun circle, but it was not bounced away, instead, it broke through the gun circle like a broken bamboo, and slashed on Xiao Changsheng's body!

Chi Chi Chi!

A muffled sound came out, and a large ball of blood exploded from Xiao Changsheng's chest, and his whole body fell straight to the ground like a meteorite.

"I... my avenue... what's wrong!"

Up to this moment, Xiao Changsheng didn't understand why his avenue of the spear seemed to have completely disappeared in front of Du Yuesheng, without any effect.

Du Yuesheng couldn't help laughing when he saw this. In front of the Dao of Chaos, the rest of the Dao of Chaos would almost be obliterated by the Dao of Chaos, and they were useless at all.

At this moment Xiao Changsheng was seriously injured and fell to the ground, Du Yuesheng immediately had a thought, and chased straight towards Xiao Changsheng, wanting to kill him directly.

But the disciples of Tianyuan Pavilion watching this scene raised their weapons one after another and shouted loudly: "Tianyuan Hundred Dragon Formation!"

In an instant, a huge formation composed of hundreds of immortal emperors appeared directly in front of Du Yuesheng.

Seeing this combined attack formation, Xiao Changsheng, who was seriously injured, let out a long breath, and said with a sneer:

"Boy, I don't know what method you used to make my Dao disappear, but it's useless. In front of this Tianyuan Hundred Dragon Formation, you have only one dead end!"

A combined attack formed by hundreds of immortal emperors can indeed kill experts at the fifth or sixth level of immortal venerables!

However, he didn't know that Du Yuesheng was also a master in the formation!

Seeing the formation of this combined attack, Du Yuesheng immediately thought: "System, help me scan this combined attack formation and find their weaknesses!"

"Ding, the system prompts that scanning this formation will cost 100 points of unparalleled value. Is the player sure to scan?"

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng couldn't help curling his lips. The system is really stingy now, and there is a fee for scanning any combined attack formation.

But this also shows the power of this joint attack formation.

So he immediately said: "OK to scan!"

"Ding, the system prompts that the scan is successful, please follow the prompts to crack the Tianyuan Bailong combined attack formation!"

At the same time, in front of Du Yuesheng's eyes, arrows appeared one by one, and there were also labels one by one. The method of cracking appeared directly in front of Du Yuesheng's eyes.

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng couldn't help but smile.

But before he could crack the formation, the disciples of Tianyuan Pavilion thought that Du Yuesheng was afraid when they saw that Du Yuesheng was not moving, so they couldn't help shouting:

"Du Yuesheng, you were so arrogant just now!"

"Du Yuesheng, didn't you just want to steal my Tianyuan Pavilion's teleportation array!"

Xiao Changsheng, who was seriously injured and unable to make a move, gritted his teeth and said coldly: "Fellow daoists, whoever participates in killing Du Yuesheng will get ten extra places to enter the Chaos Immortal Realm!"

Hearing this, the faces of many monks present changed slightly, and a tangled look flashed in their eyes.

At this moment, they already know that Tianyuan Pavilion has done many injustices and should not help.

But the quota to enter Chaos Immortal Realm is also a real benefit!

For a while, many monks were entangled.

At this moment, a sect leader stood up directly, and said with a cold snort, "Du Yuesheng is a rebellious person in the fairy world, everyone can get him and punish him, and I, Luo Tianmen, are willing to fight for fellow Taoists of Tianyuan Pavilion!"

"Haha, thank you fellow Taoists of Luotianmen!" Xiao Changsheng was overjoyed.

There was a Luotianmen who took the lead, and then monks stepped forward one after another, wanting to help Tianyuan Pavilion kill Du Yuesheng.

At a glance, there are at least a thousand monks, but unfortunately, they only account for less than one-tenth of the monks in the field. It seems that most of the monks in the fairy world still understand the reason.

Du Yuesheng couldn't help grinning and said: "Hehe, since most people believe in this Heavenly Emperor, then this Heavenly Emperor cannot let you down!"

While speaking, Du Yuesheng's figure flashed, turned into a stream of light, and flew straight towards the Tianyuan Hundred Dragon Formation.

Seeing this, the disciples of Tianyuan Pavilion who set up the formation immediately had a thought, the spiritual power in their bodies surged, and they activated the large formation of combined attack.

Immediately, streaks of brilliant light rushed towards Du Yuesheng like rainwater. The speed was so fast that it dazzled people, and the density was so high that it was almost impossible to avoid it!

Seeing this scene, Xiao Changsheng couldn't help but nodded, and said: "My Tianyuan Hundred Dragon Formation in Tianyuan Pavilion is really powerful, and it's not something ordinary people can block!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, he saw the streamer transformed by Du Yuesheng plunge into the attack range of Tianyuan Hundred Dragon Formation, and then it was like a swimming fish, shuttling back and forth, dodging in all directions.

Although looking at the past, it seemed that Du Yuesheng might die at any time, but if you look closely, you will find that he dodges all the attacks just right every time, and there is no danger at all!

"This kid... Could it be that he saw through my Tianyuan Hundred Dragon Formation in Tianyuan Pavilion?"

In an instant, Xiao Changsheng's whole body trembled, and there was a hint of disbelief in his eyes.

But before he continued to read, he saw Du Yuesheng suddenly waved the Immortal Execution Sword in his hand, and a beam of sword light flew out, avoiding all the attacks, and directly bombarded a piece of Tianyuan Hundred Dragons Formation impartially. above the boulder.


As the boulder was slashed by a sword, the entire Tianyuan Hundred Dragon Formation was also affected and stopped suddenly.

And those more than a hundred masters of the Immortal Emperor, who were in formation, opened their mouths in unison at this moment and spat out a mouthful of blood.

In an instant, the surrounding area, which was still roaring loudly just now, suddenly quieted down, becoming like a ghost!

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