The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1353: Rebuilding the Teleportation Array (First Update)

Du Yuesheng was preparing to repair the formation, but the monks in the field looked at Du Yuesheng's movements, but they were a little confused.

Especially those cultivators who stood up to accuse Du Yuesheng couldn't help but mocked:

"Hehe, this Du Yuesheng is collecting fragments of the teleportation array. Could it be that he wants to rearrange the teleportation array?"

"Hey, it's not that we look down on this kid, it's just that he is too arrogant. This teleportation array was left over a million years ago, and the skills in it have long been lost. How can he rearrange it if he wants to? "

"Hmph, I really want to see what kind of expression this kid will have when he finds out that the teleportation array cannot be recovered!"

Ear-piercing ridicules continued to be heard, but Du Yuesheng continued to collect the fragments of the teleportation array as if he didn't hear them at all.

It wasn't until after a stick of incense that Du Yuesheng collected all the fragments that he finally stopped.

Immediately, a group of monks began to sneer again: "Hehe, we've finished picking up the pieces, let's see what you do next!"

Du Yuesheng was still smiling, and arranged the fragments of the teleportation array in his hand on the ground one by one.

After that, he directly followed the system's prompt and began to restore the formation.

Looking at it from a distance, Du Yuesheng seemed to be just playing the simplest jigsaw puzzle, putting together the pieces one by one, feeling relaxed and content.

This scene immediately caused many monks to laugh again and again.

But as time went by, the formation in front of Du Yuesheng gradually took shape.

Not long after, the prototype gradually became complete again.

This time, the sarcasm and ridicule of the monks in the field gradually became smaller.

When Du Yuesheng's formation was fully formed, the surroundings suddenly became silent, only the heavy breathing of everyone in the field could be heard!

Du Yuesheng straightened up after the last piece of the formation returned to its place, grinning at everyone in the field and saying:

"Now, whoever wants to enter Chaos Immortal Realm, please feel free!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone stayed in place as if struck by lightning:

"What? You mean, we can use the teleportation array at will? Without paying any fees?"

"This... Du Yuesheng, are you kidding me!"

Du Yuesheng had a panoramic view of the expressions of the surrounding monks, he grinned slightly and said, "Of course it's not a joke."

Seeing that Du Yuesheng's expression was not fake, someone immediately took courage, walked over, and stood on the teleportation array. With a thought, the teleportation array opened, a flash of light flashed, and the person disappeared immediately.

Not long after, the fellow monk who was the first to set foot on the teleportation array suddenly erupted in cheers: "Haha, brother sent a letter back, he has arrived in Chaos Immortal Realm!"

This time, no one doubted Du Yuesheng's words anymore.

The faces of many monks present all showed ecstasy.

"Haha, thank you Heavenly Emperor for blessing us!"

"Du Yuesheng is worthy of claiming to be the emperor of heaven, and his means are as good as the sky!"

"Emperor of Heaven, for today's favor, I will definitely repay the Emperor of Heaven in the future!"

For a while, even the cultivator who had ridiculed Du Yuesheng couldn't help but lower his head, made a shameful expression, and shouted:

"Did I wait wrong?"

"Emperor, I waited wrong, I waited wrong!"

"Emperor, I know I was wrong. From now on, I will never doubt your power again. If anyone dares to disobey you, I will definitely be the first to stand up and fight with him!"

Speaking of which, these monks who had ridiculed Du Yuesheng also walked towards the teleportation array shamelessly, and also wanted to use the teleportation array built by Du Yuesheng to enter the Chaos Immortal Realm.

But at this moment, a sneer suddenly sounded:

"When there was no teleportation array just now, you could be said to be extremely mocking of the Emperor of Heaven. Now that there is a teleportation array, you want to admit your mistake and let the Emperor of Heaven pretend that nothing happened?"


Hearing Du Yuesheng's words, those monks who had ridiculed Du Yuesheng couldn't help but change their expressions, and a flash of anger flashed in their eyes.

But when they thought of the heart teleportation array built by Du Yuesheng himself, especially Du Yuesheng's terrifying strength, they all gritted their teeth and bowed their heads, saying in a hurry:

"Before, I waited with blind eyes..."

"I was too stupid to wait before..."

"Before I waited too arbitrarily, please forgive me a lot, Lord Heavenly Emperor."

These cultivators who had ridiculed Du Yuesheng all lowered their stance, wanting to obtain the qualification to enter Chaos Immortal Realm!

But after Du Yuesheng listened, he still sneered and said:

"If you don't need this Heavenly Emperor, you can ridicule and scold at will, and if you can use this Heavenly Emperor, you will make a large number of Heavenly Emperors...hehe..."

Du Yuesheng looked at the group of monks who had been ridiculing him before, but now they were humiliating, the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more intense:

"That's very embarrassing, the Emperor of Heaven has everything, but there are not many adults!"

Speaking of this, Du Yuesheng's voice suddenly raised an octave and said: "Those who ridiculed and scolded the Emperor before, don't even think about entering the Chaos Immortal Realm from here!"


In an instant, those monks who had ridiculed and scolded Du Yuesheng froze in place as if struck by lightning.

And those monks who didn't disrespect Du Yuesheng were extremely grateful that they didn't ruin the big thing because of impulsiveness.

Soon, those monks who had ridiculed and scolded Du Yuesheng came back to their senses and immediately exploded:

"Du Yuesheng, I did make a mistake before, but I have already bowed my head and admitted my mistake!"

"Du Yuesheng, you are also a master, why are you so stingy, isn't it a joke?"

Some people yelled directly: "Du Yuesheng, please show the demeanor of a master, don't let us think that you are a villain!"

Du Yuesheng listened to the shouts of those monks, but was not moved at all:

"Oh, admit it wrong? If you admit it, I will accept it?"

"If those of you who are disrespectful to the Emperor of Heaven are allowed to pass through the teleportation formation, it will not be arrogant, but stupid!"

Hearing Du Yuesheng's words, those monks who had ridiculed Du Yuesheng finally knew that it was impossible to persuade Du Yuesheng.

So the group of people looked at each other and shouted loudly:

"This Du Yuesheng is unkind and unrighteous, he wants to force me to death!"

"This Du Yuesheng is a villain, how can we give in?"

"No matter how powerful he is, there is only one person. Let's rush together. I don't believe he can block us all from the teleportation array!"

As soon as they heard someone proposed a forced charge, those monks who had ridiculed Du Yuesheng couldn't hold back any longer, and they sacrificed their magic weapons one after another, and rushed to the sky in a flash.

In just a split second, above the sky, as far as the naked eye can see, there are all kinds of streamers, all kinds of magic weapons, flying towards the teleportation array from all directions at a very fast speed.

At a rough glance, there are no less than a thousand monks who want to rush forward, but Du Yuesheng, on the other hand, only has one person, and it seems that he can't defend himself anymore!

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