The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1358 Trigger Hidden Mission

Du Yuesheng hurried over to help the Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit, and was about to open the Wushuang Value Mall to find the antidote.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the system's notification sound suddenly sounded:

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for triggering the hidden mission, the first stage of the revival of the ancient clan.

Players are requested to use the elixir of the ancient race to detoxify the Jiutian Xuanling Rabbit's body, and the time is limited to one day! "

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng frowned.

This means that you can't use the elixir from the Wushuang Value Mall to save people.

In desperation, he could only extend a burst of spiritual power, lifted the Nine Heavens Profound Spirit Rabbit, and flew into the sky: "Ancient Clan, isn't that the Illusory Demon Clan?"

Originally, Du Yuesheng didn't want to deal with the Illusory Demon Race anymore, but now it seems that it is impossible not to deal with them.

In desperation, he could only shout in his heart: "System, help me scan the location of the Phantom Demon Race!"

"Ding, the system prompts that the target scanned by the player is very secret, and it will take a thousand unparalleled points to complete it. Will the player confirm the scan?"

"It actually costs so much unparalleled value?" Du Yuesheng frowned, nodded after thinking about it, and said directly: "Confirm!"

"Ding, the system prompts that the scan is successful, please follow the system prompts to move forward!"

Du Yuesheng raised his eyes, and there was a big green arrow symbol in front of him. Without any hesitation, Du Yuesheng immediately got up with his sword and rushed towards the direction marked by the arrow symbol.

Time is running out, so hurry up.

He didn't encounter any obstacles along the way. After an hour, Du Yuesheng flew thousands of miles, and the arrow symbol in front of him suddenly disappeared.

Du Yuesheng frowned, and looked down at the forest in front of him, with a trace of hesitation in his eyes.

Looking at the forest right now, it is ordinary, there is no sign of anyone moving at all, it doesn't look like a place where the phantoms live.

But on second thought, the Illusory Demons are masters of illusion. If they couldn't even hide their settlements, they might have been captured by foreign monks long ago.

Thinking of this, he immediately grinned and said, "System, help me scan the forest below!"

"Ding, the system prompts that the scan was successful!"

Following the system prompt, the original state of the forest below was gradually revealed to Du Yuesheng.

At this time, Du Yuesheng saw that the forest in front of him was clearly a huge tree city. On the towering trees, there were tree houses, and under the tree houses were streets. walk.

And around the forest, there is a huge illusion shrouded in it. Let alone see through it, ordinary people may not be able to discover its clues even if they break in unintentionally.

After seeing through this point, Du Yuesheng's figure flashed immediately, and he brought the Nine Heavens Profound Spirit Rabbit down from the sky, rushing directly to the top of the tree city.

It seems that his action with such a clear goal caught the attention of the Illusory Demons in the tree city. Before he entered the tree city, a group of Illusory Demons soared into the sky and flew straight towards him.

At the same time, in the tree city, red rays of light actually lit up.

In an instant, the tree city, which was still in order just now, suddenly became flustered. Many phantom demons rushed into their tree houses one after another, and took out flying magic weapons one by one from inside. It seemed that they wanted to run for your life!

At this moment, an old sigh sounded out:

"I didn't expect that there would be people who could directly see through the illusion of our Illusory Demon Clan. It seems that it's time for my Illusory Demon Clan to die. I don't ask Your Excellency to show us extrajudicial favors, but I just ask Your Excellency to leave a few members of the clan to serve Your Excellency !"

As soon as Du Yuesheng heard this voice, he realized that he was regarded as an intruder.

And those Illusory Demon Clan members who flew over also stood in front of Du Yuesheng, all of them showing expressions of resignation to death.

It seemed that they wanted to hold Du Yuesheng back with their own lives to buy time for the clansmen to escape!

The current strength of the Illusory Demon Clan is not as good as before, and these clansmen who are used to delay the enemy actually only have the first or second level of the Immortal Emperor.

Du Yuesheng only needs one skill to kill them all.

But Du Yuesheng came here to ask for medicine this time, not to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

So he immediately smiled and said: "I know Xiaojun Ling, and I am her friend. I came here this time not to arrest someone, but to ask for something else!"


At this moment, the members of the Death Squad Illusion Demon Clan were stunned, and one of them was even more surprised and called out: "Do you know the little Patriarch?"

Du Yuesheng paused, Ling Xiaojun's little cultivation is nothing more than that, a little girl like her is actually the little patriarch of this phantom demon clan?

In this way, I am afraid that the matter of seeking medicine will be much simpler.

So he immediately said: "Yes, I am the Emperor of Heaven, if you tell her, she will know!"

Before the group of Illusory Demons could go back to seek proof, an excited voice sounded from a distance: "Heavenly Emperor!"

When everyone looked back, they saw Ling Xiaojun flying up with a group of people.

Originally Ling Xiaojun was planning to bring someone to delay the time and let other clansmen escape, but he didn't expect that the so-called intruder was actually Du Yuesheng.

Seeing that Ling Xiaojun really knew Du Yuesheng, the atmosphere in the venue immediately relaxed.

After Ling Xiaojun flew over, he saw the obvious excitement on Du Yuesheng's face, but his doubts were also obvious: "How did you find us, Emperor Tian?"

Du Yuesheng smiled slightly and said: "There is no place in the world where the Emperor of Heaven can't find it. Have you forgotten when we met?"

Ling Xiaojun suddenly remembered that when she was practicing illusion in the wild, she was indeed seen through by Du Yuesheng at a glance. She was relieved, nodded and said:

"So that's how it is, follow me to my clan, and I'll show you around!"

Ling Xiaojun was so enthusiastic and unguarded against Du Yuesheng, which made Du Yuesheng helpless. He could only point to the Nine Heavens Profound Spirit Rabbit beside him who was supported by spiritual power and said:

"Let's go shopping later. I came here this time to ask for medicine."

"Ask for medicine?"

Ling Xiaojun was very excited when he saw Du Yuesheng, and then he noticed the Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit.

But when she saw the purple face of the Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit, she frowned and said in surprise:

"Poisoned by paralyzing spiders? This is extremely poisonous. Even a master of the fairy lord level encountered this kind of poison, and it took a lot of trouble to detoxify it!"

Du Yuesheng's heart sank, and he quickly said: "But that paralyzing spider is only one or two layers of immortal, why is it so poisonous?"

Ling Xiaojun shook his head for a while and said: "I don't know about this, but it is true... But you don't have to worry, Emperor Tian, ​​I can help you find a way!"

Ling Xiaojun had just finished speaking, and before Du Yuesheng had time to rejoice, Lingdong's annoying voice sounded again:

"Cousin, how can you accept these things at will, don't you know how troublesome the poison of paralyzing spiders is?"

PS: The third update.

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