The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1361 Killing Unforgiven

Lingdong's extremely excessive behavior before made Ling Xiaojun have no fluctuations in his death.

So Du Yuesheng killed Lingdong, but Ling Xiaojun still respected Du Yuesheng.

Hearing Xiaojun Ling's words, Du Yuesheng immediately said:

"She entrusted me with the hope of the rise of your phantom clan, and you will follow me later. When I find my companion, I will take you to the ancient land, let you obtain the inheritance of the ancient land, and revive the phantom clan !"

Hearing this, Ling Xiaojun nodded for a while, trying not to cry.

At this moment, she is no longer the little patriarch, but the serious patriarch of the Phantom Demon Clan.

The burden of the Phantom Demon Clan has all fallen on her, and she can no longer be a little girl like before.

Seeing the changes in Ling Xiaojun, Du Yuesheng also nodded secretly, the entrustment of the old patriarch of the phantom clan was correct.

But at this moment, the voice of the Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit suddenly remembered:

"Damn it, this handsome rabbit has already cultivated at the ninth level of immortal respect?"

Speaking of this, he jumped up and hugged Du Yuesheng's thigh, shouting again and again:

"Boss, let me be poisoned by the paralyzing spider again, maybe I can break through to the realm of the fairy master, and the realm of chaos can be promoted to the realm of the fairy master!"

Du Yuesheng curled his lips and said: "There are many poisons, but there is only one medicine, and you just took it, are you sure?"

When the Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit heard this, he immediately shook his head, and said righteously:

"I think we should go find other people first. They have all successfully sacrificed their Eight Desolation Artifacts and woke up. They entered the Chaos Immortal Realm with me, but we were separated!"

Halfway through the conversation, the Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit continued to say: "And I heard that the dragon clan has undergone major changes, a goddess dragon has appeared, and there have been shocking noises in the ruins of the emperor's veins. I guess Long Wushuang and the empress will also come to the Chaos Immortal Realm !"


Du Yuesheng frowned, and couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth. With so many reinforcements, all of them have arrived in Chaos Immortal Realm, and then they won't have to fight alone. Isn't the ancient land just easy to capture?

Thinking of this, Du Yuesheng pondered for a while, and then said:

"Since they're all here, there's no need to look for them. Presumably they all know the news about Gudi, and they will definitely start looking for Gudi. Let's go directly to Gudi and wait for them!"

The Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit nodded repeatedly and said: "Yes, yes, the ancient land in Chaos Immortal Territory is very famous, and I know it, but how do we know where the ancient land is?"

At this time, Ling Xiaojun's voice sounded: "I know... my mother-in-law told me the location of the ancient land three years ago..."

"Huh?" Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit only noticed the existence of Ling Xiaojun, he looked at Ling Xiaojun, then at Du Yuesheng, and then said:

"Hey, boss, you can do it!"

Glancing at the strange smile on the face of the Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit, Du Yuesheng immediately slapped it out.

The Nine Heavens Profound Spirit Rabbit flew more than a hundred feet away, and then Du Yuesheng said lightly to Ling Xiaojun: "Let's go!"

Ling Xiaojun's trust in Du Yuesheng did not decrease at all, so she immediately nodded and flew into the air, taking Du Yuesheng and flew towards the ancient land.

The Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit hurriedly chased after him. Now his cultivation base is already at the ninth level of Immortal Venerable, and he is only one step away from the Immortal Lord, and his speed is also very fast.

It's a pity that the leader Ling Xiaojun is only at the level of an immortal emperor and cannot guide the way in the void, otherwise everyone can directly tear the void to reach the ancient land, and the speed will increase a lot.

Although Chaos Immortal Realm is surrounded by chaos, its area is actually much larger than that of Immortal Realm.

Coincidentally, the Phantom Demon Clan is located in the southernmost part of Chaos Immortal Realm.

But the ancient land is in the far north, spanning the entire Chaos Immortal Territory.

Fortunately, not far from the phantom demon clan, there is a city built by foreign monks. In the city is a large teleportation array, which can span half of the Chaos Immortal Realm. You can go here first.

But when it comes to going to the city built by foreign monks, Ling Xiaojun's eyes showed a trace of fear:

"Can we fly over slowly? On the teleportation array of the city built by foreign monks, there is a detection array that can detect ancient people like us. Once my identity is revealed..."

Hearing this, Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit directly interrupted Ling Xiaojun and said:

"Don't worry, with the boss here, it's not a problem, anyone who dares to stop us, one word, kill!"

Du Yuesheng curled his lips, the Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit had already stayed in the Heavenly Court for a long time in order to guard Bai Susu and Feng Ye, and after coming out this time, his murderous intentions rose sharply.

I don't know what Wang Kaixuan will be like after he comes out after staying in Heaven for so long.

But Ling Xiaojun still looked at Du Yuesheng worriedly, and said: "But the large teleportation array here can only be found in Xingji City.

In Xingji City, there is a fairy-level master named Xingji Jun! "

"A master of the fairy master level?"

Du Yuesheng smiled slightly. A master at the level of a fairy master may be unattainable in the eyes of others, but in his eyes, he is still just a chicken and a dog:

"There is no need to worry about these, just follow the Emperor of Heaven!"

Although Ling Xiaojun still had hesitation on her face, she still took the initiative to raise her hand and point to the front, leading the way and rushing towards Xingji City.

Not long after leaving the Phantom Demon Clan, the surrounding scenery turned into a gray-yellow desolation, the earth seemed to wither, the sky gradually turned dark, and the clouds piled up, making people feel very depressed.

Later, the surroundings became even more like night, and it was difficult to see five fingers.

But at this moment, Du Yuesheng suddenly noticed a little light in front of him. In this dark space, it was as bright as a North Star.

"That's Xingji City!" Ling Xiaojun quickly pointed to the light and said.

Du Yuesheng nodded, the light was obviously the light from the fairy stone, it seems that the monk who built this Xingji City was an extremely powerful person.

The Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit stared at the bright light with wide eyes, almost drooling: "There are a lot of fairy stones, at least hundreds of millions!"

"Fairy spirit stone?" Ling Xiaojun looked at the Nine Heavens Profound Spirit Rabbit suspiciously:

"The reason why Xingji City emits such a bright light is that they inlaid many glowing stones on the walls outside the city. It turns out that they are called fairy stones. Are they very precious? There are many in Chaos Immortal Realm!"

Hearing this, the Nine Heavens Profound Spirit Rabbit stayed where it was, because fairy stones are so common in the Chaos Immortal Realm.

While everyone was talking, they had already arrived near Xingji City, and before they had time to speak, they saw a Huaguang cruising beside Xingji City, flying straight towards everyone.

From afar, there was a stern shout: "Recently Xingji City is under martial law, all monks must verify their identity before they can enter Xingji.

Otherwise, kill without mercy! "


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