The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1373 Half Divine Artifact (Second Change)

Jian Feiyang was still laughing: "My sword is comparable to a semi-magic weapon, how can you break it as soon as you say it..."

But before he finished speaking, he heard a crisp voice in his ears:

Ka Ka Ka!

This sound is not too loud, if you don't listen carefully, it is difficult to hear clearly, but in Jian Feiyang's ears, this sound is as deafening as the sound of thunder!

"My sword!"

Jian Feiyang screamed and raised his hand, the sword and shield instantly shattered, his precious sword flew back into his hand, and the Zhuxian sword went straight down, about to pierce Jian Feiyang's sky cap.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Jian Feiyang stretched five fingers on his left hand and shouted in a low voice: "Sword and shadow clone!"

With a bang, a clone exactly like Jian Feiyang appeared a hundred feet away, where the Immortal Execution Sword descended from the sky, and the sword directly pierced Jian Feiyang here.

But there was no system prompt sounding in Du Yuesheng's ear.

Du Yuesheng couldn't help but twitched his mouth, retracted the Zhuxian sword, glanced at Jian Feiyang, and said lightly:

"I'm afraid you won't be able to cast this spell that summons a clone and instantly swaps positions with the clone a second time!"

Jian Feiyang didn't seem to hear Du Yuesheng's words at all, but just looked down at the sword in his hand, his face was full of distress.

He only saw that there was already a sword mark that almost pierced the sword body on his precious sword, which was just left by the Zhuxian sword.

"You almost destroyed my sword, I will kill you, and sacrifice my sword with your blood!"

Suddenly, Jian Feiyang raised his head abruptly, his eyes were bloodshot, for a sword fairy like him, the sword is almost a part of his body.

After finishing speaking, Jian Feiyang flashed his figure and came straight to attack Du Yuesheng. Before he arrived, he waved the sword in his hand. Suddenly, thousands of sword shadows appeared together, as if a mountain of swords was facing towards him. It's like Du Yuesheng crushed the past.

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng couldn't help raising his eyebrows. These thousands of sword shadows were not formed by the condensation of spiritual power, but the afterimages left by Jian Feiyang's extremely fast swinging sword.

In other words, Jian Feiyang at this moment has brought his sword skills to the extreme.

As long as Du Yuesheng didn't block any sword shadow, that sword shadow might turn into a real sword and assassinate him.

If this kind of trick is encountered by ordinary monks, I am afraid that they will only dare to leave far away, and dare not fight close.

But Du Yuesheng grinned, and with a thought, his spiritual consciousness opened up and landed on Jian Feiyang's body.

In an instant, even if Du Yuesheng closed his eyes completely, he could clearly see the trajectory of the sword flying out.

In the next second, Du Yuesheng raised his hand and raised the Zhuxian sword in his hand, and stabbed straight with the sword!

"At this time, you still want to kill me with this flat stabbing method?" Jian Feiyang laughed wildly.

He had already used his trump card, Wan Jianshu, but Du Yuesheng used a flat stab that even a child could do to break it.

"One is ten thousand, and ten thousand is one. Your swordsmanship is the ultimate in swordsmanship, and mine is the simplest swordsmanship. If you want to break your swordsmanship, mine is the best!"

While Du Yuesheng was speaking, his speed became faster and faster, and his sword stabbed straight into the thousands of sword shadows.

At the same time, half of his body seemed to have been inserted into the thousands of sword shadows. If he was not careful, he might be completely cut to pieces by the thousands of sword shadows.

But those sword shadows seemed to be just a gust of wind, after passing Du Yuesheng's body, they disappeared.

Only Du Yuesheng's sword is still moving forward!

"How could this happen?" Jian Feiyang was startled, he didn't expect Du Yuesheng to be so bold, but he still reacted quickly, turned the direction of the sword in his hand, and stabbed Du Yuesheng from a tricky angle.

If Du Yuesheng still rushes in as desperately as he did before, there is only one dead end!

But at this moment, Du Yuesheng's flat stab suddenly turned ninety degrees and turned into a horizontal cut.

Between the lightning and the flint, there was a sound of clang, and the two swords collided instantly, sparks splashed and waves of light surged.

"You... see through my sword?"

Jian Feiyang was startled, his face was full of disbelief.

How did he know that Du Yuesheng is a person with a complete soul and spiritual consciousness, his sword shadow that can dazzle outsiders, under the scanning of Du Yuesheng's spiritual consciousness, is as simple as slow motion!

"Sorry, that's exactly it!"

While Du Yuesheng was speaking, with a thought, the strength in his hand increased a bit, Jian Feiyang only felt a strange feedback from the sword in his hand.

Looking down, he was horrified to find that Du Yuesheng's sword had cut into the body of his precious sword.

"not good!"

Jian Feiyang turned pale with shock, there was already a sword mark on the blade of his sword, and now he was injured again, I am afraid this sword will be useless!

"Want to escape?"

However, Du Yuesheng reacted even faster than Jian Feiyang. When Jian Feiyang was about to withdraw, Du Yuesheng exerted force on his hand again.


Immediately, the incomparably sharp Zhuxian Sword, like a cutting machine, directly chopped off the sword in Jian Feiyang's hand amid waves of light waves and radiant flames!


Jian Feiyang let out a heart-piercing shout, and his long hair, which was neat before, suddenly began to fly wildly with the wind, and the veins on his forehead also burst out, making him look extremely ferocious.

"You ruined my sword, I will kill you!"

Jian Feiyang had almost lost all his sanity, and after yelling, he directly bit the tip of his tongue, and sprayed a mouthful of blood onto the remaining half of his sword.

In an instant, Jian Feiyang's body began to emit a strong and dazzling light, and began to shrink rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, he actually merged with his half of the sword, and his half of the sword seemed to have life, it wriggled directly, and grew into a complete sword at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"Ji Lian repaired the sword by himself, but you also turned into a primordial spirit, and a primordial spirit also wants to kill me?"

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng couldn't help but sneered, swept the sword that Feiyang turned into a treasured sword with his consciousness, and attacked with a consciousness, Jian Feiyang trembled all over immediately, and a stern scream came from the sword body:

"Ah... you, what kind of trick are you doing, why can you attack my primordial spirit!"

"The way to kill you!"

Taking advantage of the moment when Jian Feiyang was shocked, Du Yuesheng jumped up, and the Zhuxian sword rose and fell, directly cutting on the new sword that Jian Feiyang had just transformed.


There was a crisp sound, and the newly transformed sword was split into two without even being able to support it for a moment.

And Jian Feiyang's aura also dissipated at this moment.

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng for successfully killing Jian Feiyang and gaining 2.07 million immortal points!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng for successfully killing Jian Feiyang and obtaining 1000 unparalleled points!"

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