The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1377 The Holy Maiden Calls for Reinforcement (3rd)

Came to find the saint who broke the army?

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng couldn't help but twitched his mouth. This Pojun is also a very popular genius, killing him, wouldn't he also offend many genius monks!

Sure enough, after the saint and Du Yuesheng passed by, they flew to the shore of the lake, only seeing Po Jun's flesh and blood flying all over the sky, his face paled immediately, and he yelled:

"Who! Who killed my Pojun!"

After all, this saint is also an expert at the level of a fairy lord. She yelled out and scared the monks on the shore to tremble. Those monks raised their fingers and pointed to Du Yuesheng in the distance.

In an instant, the saint turned around, with a flash of fire in her eyes: "Kill me to break the army, no matter who it is, it will die!"

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, with a look of disdain on his face: "You are not the first person who wants to kill me, nor the last one, but unfortunately I am still alive and well!"

"Laughing and lying!" The saintess glanced at Du Yuesheng, and then frowned.

Although she is a saint, her cultivation is only at the first level of the fairy master. Du Yuesheng can kill the army, which means that the opponent's strength has surpassed the fourth level of the fairy master. In this way, it is impossible to do without a master at the fifth level of the fairy master.

Thinking of this, the saint didn't act rashly, instead she crushed a jade slip in her hand.

Afterwards, she sneered and said, "Hmph, you are so powerful by yourself, how can you be more powerful than many of my sisters?"

She did not say that she is the saint of the Red Dust Sect in the Chaos Immortal Realm, and in the Chaos Immortal Realm, the Hong Chen Sect is the sect that many female nuns dream of. , do not know how many!

The jade slip she just crushed was the distress signal that the sisters had agreed upon. All her sisters might come here now.

If you're lucky, maybe even her sisters' best friends will come over.

At that time, Du Yuesheng will fight against the heroes with his own strength, it will be strange if he doesn't die!

When the saint of the world of mortals was speaking, there was no trace of warmth in Du Yuesheng's eyes, as if she was looking at a dead person.

Du Yuesheng smiled slightly, he had already offended the top 20 in the World Genius War, and it doesn't matter if he offends some more women!

Thinking of this, he immediately waved his hand, and his speed suddenly increased. He wanted to send Ling Xiaojun, the black-robed female cultivator and others to the other side, and then free his hands to fight these women!

But his accelerated movement fell into the eyes of the saint of mortals, as if he wanted to leave with a guilty conscience.

Immediately, the sarcasm of the saint of mortals rushed towards Du Yuesheng like a tide: "Huh? You were so stubborn just now, why are you leaving now?"

Du Yuesheng sneered again and again, so naturally he didn't bother to pay attention to him.

However, the Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit couldn't bear this tone, and immediately tilted its neck and turned around and said:

"Fortunately, you are still a saint, are you out of your mind? Of course, the boss wants to find a spacious place to fight with your people!"

"You... you are a demon rabbit, how dare you talk to me like that?"

Being scolded by the Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit like this, how could she, a dignified saint in the world of mortals, bear this tone?

The Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit became even more disdainful when he heard the words:

"Demon Rabbit? Sure enough, I have long hair but short knowledge. I am the Nine Heavens Profound Spirit Rabbit, not the Demon Rabbit you mentioned. Who are your parents and seniors? Show me how stupid you are to teach you Such a junior!"


In terms of bickering, the ten mortal saints are no match for the Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit. For a moment, the seven orifices of the mortal saints are full of anger, but they don't know how to respond.

But at this moment, Du Yuesheng suddenly felt a spatial fluctuation coming from the front, and only saw a hand appearing out of thin air, directly opening a dark hole in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a muscular figure with explosive muscles all over his body appeared in front of everyone.

"This... the Holy Son of Yueshan Gate?"

Seeing this scene, the Red Dust Saintess couldn't help raising her brows, and a hint of joy appeared in her eyes:

"Son of Yueshan, I'm here, help me stop those little bastards!"

"The saint of the world of mortals has an order, and I, the son of Yueshan, naturally dare not refuse!"

The Saint Son of Yueshan looked at the Saintess of the Red Dust with admiration in his eyes, and after he finished speaking, he blocked Du Yuesheng's path carelessly, and said with a sneer:

"Haven't you heard the words of the saint of mortals? Leave me alone!"

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng couldn't help but raise his brows. This Yueshan Shengzi is only at the second level of the Immortal Lord.

So he immediately opened his mouth and said lightly: "You want me to stay? You are not worthy!"

While speaking, Du Yuesheng waved his big hand, and a wave of extremely tyrannical spiritual power flew out directly, and flew straight towards Shengzi Yueshan.

Seeing this scene, the disdainful smile on Yueshan Shengzi's face became more and more intense: "How dare you use such a small skill in front of this Shengzi?"

Of course Du Yuesheng knew that it was impossible to defeat Shengzi Yueshan with a single spiritual strength.

So at the moment when the spiritual power training was about to bombard Yueshan Shengzi, Du Yuesheng had a thought: "Spiritual consciousness attack!"

In an instant, the spiritual consciousness in Du Yuesheng's mind shot out like a sharp arrow, and in the blink of an eye, it pierced into the body of Shengzi Yueshan, hitting that pitiful wisp of Shengzi Yueshan. soul!


Shengzi Yueshan only felt as if he had been hit on the head by a huge mountain, and there was a roar in his ears, which plunged him into chaos instantly, and he couldn't move at all!

Immediately afterwards, he felt a huge force coming, hitting himself hard.

The Holy Son of Yueshan in the chaos didn't have any strength to resist at all, and his body sank directly after being hit by the huge force, like a meteorite, falling straight down.

In the distance, the Son of the Red Dust only saw the Son of Yueshan being hit by a burst of spiritual power from Du Yuesheng.

It stands to reason that it is impossible for Yueshan Shengzi to suffer any harm from that ordinary spiritual power training. After all, Yueshan Shengzi practiced spells horizontally and physically.

But when Ling Lian flew over, he directly smashed the whole body of Shengzi Yueshan.

Immediately afterwards, Shengzi Yueshan fell headlong towards the lake.

There was a loud splash of water.

Shengzi Yueshan fell directly into the lake.

And in the lake, those huge figures who had been waiting for a long time opened their mouths and bit towards the Holy Son of Yueshan.

Before Yueshan Shengzi recovered from the attack of divine consciousness, Yueshan Shengzi was directly torn apart by those huge figures, and even the primordial spirit was swallowed in one gulp!


Du Yuesheng looked at the scene under his feet, and couldn't help but twitch his lips. Originally, he thought of fighting on the shore.

But now, it seems that it is easier to fight on the surface of the lake!

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