The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1381 Entering the Core of the Ancient Land (Second Change)

A sect of five immortal masters, no wonder this Lingtian sect is the top power in the Chaos Immortal Territory, no wonder Chen Bei just dared to be so arrogant!

Looking at the entire Chaos Immortal Territory, there are very few people who dare to kill the masters of the Lingtianmen Xianzun for no reason.

And the exclamation of these fairy masters also attracted the attention of many experts around:

"What, Du Yuesheng is here?"

"This kid killed 18 fairy masters, and killed all the fairy masters left behind by the major forces. How dare he come here? Could it be that he thought he was invincible?"

"Hehe, I'm afraid this kid is wrong. The fairy masters who stay behind in the major forces are either old and weak, or they have just entered the realm of fairy masters and have not yet stabilized. If they change to other fairy masters, they will use some means. , can kill the same!"

While everyone was discussing, the masters at the level of immortal masters of Lingtianmen had already fallen down, and the five of them stood together out of thin air with their hands behind their hands, looking down at Du Yuesheng:

"I didn't expect you to dare to come here, but it's fine if you come, hand over the ancient land key in your hand, and I will spare you!"

The Immortal Master of Lingtianmen had just finished speaking, but another stream of light flew from a distance and hovered in the air:

"Hehe, Lingtianmen wants to monopolize the six ancient land keys, so you are not afraid to make it to the end? I advise you to restrain yourself and share the six ancient land keys equally with our Liuxu faction!"

Seeing the masters of the immortal masters of the Liuxu Sect flying over, the immortal master level monks of Lingtianmen had a bad face. Now that they heard this, their faces became even more gloomy. Among the major forces in the Chaos Immortal Realm, they are not monolithic.

But just after Liu Xupai finished speaking, a voice sounded in the distance:

"The Liuxu Sect Lingtian Sect wants to monopolize six keys among our many sects? I don't think so! I, Lingtian Pavilion, haven't spoken yet!"

As soon as they heard the word Lingtian Pavilion, the expressions of Liuxu Sect and the immortal masters of Lingtianmen all changed drastically.

Lingtian Pavilion is definitely the strongest in Chaos Immortal Realm. They said one thing, but no one dared to say another thing. After Lingtian Pavilion spoke, there were still several sects in the distance who wanted to rush over, and they all suppressed this thought.

But thinking of the importance of the ancient land key, Liuxu faction and the immortal monks of Lingtianmen looked at each other, then gritted their teeth and said:

"Ling Tian Pavilion can't bully people too much! Since I'm not qualified to take these ancient keys, why not let Du Yuesheng hold them by himself!"

The person who spoke in Lingtian Pavilion was obviously taken aback, he didn't expect Liuxu Sect and Lingtian Sect to be so bold this time.

For a while, there was also a debate among several fairy masters in Lingtian Pavilion:

"The Liuxu faction and Lingtianmen are too courageous, they dare not even listen to my Lingtian Pavilion, they might as well be destroyed!"

As soon as this proposal came out, many monks in Lingtian Pavilion nodded, but at this moment, a white-haired old man sitting on the highest position shook his head slightly and said:

"No, I'm about to enter the core of the ancient land inheritance. If we provoke a war at this time, maybe other sects will unite against us!"

"Then... old ancestor, what do you mean?" Hearing the old man's words, several fairy masters of Lingtian Pavilion actually bowed their waists and asked like juniors.

Then the old man slowly opened his mouth and said: "Then Du Yuesheng is nothing to be afraid of, why not let him hold the key, and after he enters the core of the ancient land inheritance, he is not letting us fish, the key in his hand is naturally ours !"

After the decision was made, the voice from Lingtian Pavilion rang again:

"Okay, I don't want these six keys from Lingtian Pavilion, but no one else can take them, let Du Yuesheng hold them!"

Liuxu faction and Lingtianmen heaved a long sigh of relief when they heard this, and after taking a deep look at Du Yuesheng, they said:

"Okay, now that the eight ancient land keys have arrived, let's open the ancient land inheritance core!"

After finishing speaking, all the immortal masters of Lingtianmen and Liuxu faction retreated back.

The Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit couldn't help curling its lips and said: "Boss, these people probably want to wait for you to enter the core of the ancient land, and then grab the ancient land key in your hand!"

"If you want to snatch the keys from me, just come here, and I just want to snatch the keys from their hands!"

Du Yuesheng grinned, and if Xiaojun Ling wanted to get the inheritance of the ancient land, he had to have all eight keys of the ancient land in his hands.

When the Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit thought about Du Yuesheng's strength, he nodded calmly.

As for Du Yuesheng, he leaped forward, dressed in colorful rays of light, like a god, walked up to the sky, raised his hand, and six ancient keys appeared in front of him.

In the distance, in the direction of Lingtian Pavilion, there is also a figure wearing multicolored rays of light, walking up to the sky, and the shadows of two ancient keys appear in front of him.

All eight ancient keys appeared.

In an instant, the core of the ancient land inheritance in front of him trembled violently, and a wave of light spread out. With the spread of the light wave, the ground under his feet began to tremble violently as if an earthquake had occurred.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw the ground suddenly bulge, and a huge mountain began to soar like mushrooms after a spring rain.

In just a few blinks of an eye, the mountain has grown to tens of thousands of feet high, and the top of the mountain has entered the clouds, as if it is about to pierce the sky.

Although Du Yuesheng has said a lot about the words of vicissitudes of life, when Du Yuesheng saw a towering mountain forming in front of his eyes for the first time, he was still a little shocked.

Not only Du Yuesheng, but the rest of the people were also shocked when they saw this scene.

After the formation of this mountain that seemed to pierce the sky, paths up the mountain were formed rapidly.

Some paths are bluestone roads, which look extremely ordinary, while others are muddy paths, and some are simply overgrown with weeds, as if someone just opened them up.

There are hundreds of trails with different shapes and different routes, which are countless.

"These roads can all lead to the land of inheritance!"

Seeing this scene, Ling Xiaojun was also shocked, but she still quickly came to her senses and said.

Du Yuesheng frowned, all of them could lead to the land of inheritance, then the competition for this land of inheritance would be great.

Sure enough, at this moment, many monks also came to their senses. The monks who can come here are all smart people. on the way up the mountain.

Seeing this scene, those big sects couldn't bear it anymore. Immediately, countless masters of the big sect appeared, and all of them flew onto the path, even the masters of the fairy lord level were no exception.

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng knew that he couldn't stay any longer. He immediately waved his hand and took back all six ancient land keys. Then, with a flash of sword light beside him, he rolled up Ling Xiaojun and Jiutian Xuanling Rabbit, and rushed directly to the path.

As for the female cultivator in black robe, after taking a deep look at Du Yuesheng's back, she didn't go forward, but sat cross-legged on the same spot, as if she was waiting for someone!

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