The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1384 Mandarin Duck Excalibur (Second Change)

Although Li Gui's junior sister is only at the first level of the Immortal Lord's cultivation, he has always brought his junior sister with him, and this is the reason.

The two have been practicing a tyrannical swordsmanship since they were young, called Yuanyang Excalibur.

Once the Mandarin Duck Excalibur is unleashed, the strength of the two is not as simple as one plus one equals two, but one plus one is definitely greater than two!

The two have tried it before, once the two swords are combined, even the super master of the sixth level of the fairy master is not impossible to fight!

Hearing Li Gui's yell, the female cultivator immediately grasped it in the air, and also jumped into her hand, and then she flashed and came to Li Gui's side.

There were bursts of strange fluctuations from the two of them immediately, and when they looked closely, they stood together, as if they were a pair made in heaven, and the brilliance flowed, like a couple of gods and gods!

"Boy, my junior sister and I used the Mandarin Duck Excalibur. We fought against an immortal lord at the sixth level. Can you still hold it back?"

Du Yuesheng narrowed his eyes and looked at the two of them. The disdain at the corner of his mouth was still obvious: "Oh? Is the Mandarin Duck Excalibur very powerful? Unfortunately, in the eyes of the Emperor of Heaven, it is still rubbish!"

"Arrogance!" Li Gui and the female cultivator shouted in unison: "Die to me, Yuanyang Divine Sword, two swords combined!"

In an instant, the lightsabers in the hands of the two emitted bursts of sword light, and the sword lights entangled and tore each other, giving people the feeling that they had condensed into a sword in a trance.

But at this moment, Du Yuesheng sneered, and with a thought, his consciousness directly bombarded out.

In this case, it would be foolish not to attack with divine sense.

Sure enough, as the spiritual consciousness swept past and bombarded the weakest female cultivator, the female cultivator who was about to attack suddenly trembled all over and stayed in place.

The most important thing about the Mandarin Duck Excalibur is the cooperation of the two of them. Li Gui and his junior sister have practiced together for thousands of years, and there should have been no problems, but under the attack of divine consciousness, their movements instantly became uncoordinated!

In an instant, the Yuanyang Excalibur, which was about to show its sharpness just now, was stillborn in the womb!

At this moment, Du Yuesheng's figure flashed, and he went against the trend, with the Immortal Execution Sword in his hand like a shark cutting through the wind and waves, attacking and killing the two of them:


Although this sword did not have any swordsmanship, it was issued by Du Yuesheng using ten percent of his cultivation, and its power was unparalleled.

The power of the divine weapon of the Zhuxian Sword was also fully aroused at this moment.

There were two crisp sounds, and the lightsabers in the hands of Li Gui and his junior sister were slashed by the Zhuxian Sword, and they shattered instantly with a click.


Li Gui's eyes were about to burst, he never thought that his sword would be cut off.

You must know that even facing the master of the sixth level of the fairy lord, he still has absolute confidence in keeping his sword indestructible.

For a sword cultivator, the destruction of the sword basically means the death of a person!

"Run away!"

In the blink of an eye, Li Gui screamed and shouted to run away, but he grabbed his junior sister and pushed Du Yuesheng fiercely.

Caught off guard, the female cultivator bumped directly into Du Yuesheng's Immortal Jade Sword, and was pierced through the chest by the Immortal Jade Sword.

For an expert at the level of a fairy master, the injury that passed through the chest is nothing, but Du Yuesheng thought about it, and shouted: "Excalibur Yulei Jue!"


A blue lightning bolt fell from the sky, and the sky was filled with blue grids of thunder and lightning, the light was extremely dazzling.

I haven't used Divine Sword Yulei Jue for a long time, but the power of Divine Sword Yulei Jue has not weakened, but with the improvement of cultivation level, it has become more and more tyrannical. In a blink of an eye, the female cultivator was chopped into a pile of fly ash.

And the soul of the female cultivator had nowhere to hide, and was destroyed accordingly.

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng for killing a master of the first level of the Immortal Master and gaining 236,000 Immortal Dao Points!"

The system prompt sounded, but in a blink of an eye, Li Gui had already fled for several miles, and it seemed that he could not catch up.

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng couldn't help but sneered, stretched out his hand and tore it apart, the void was shattered and chaos appeared.

Then he flashed his figure and entered the chaos directly.

But Li Gui, who was fleeing in the distance, subconsciously turned his head to see if Du Yuesheng was chasing him, but Du Yuesheng's voice sounded behind him: "Are you looking for the Emperor of Heaven?"

"What, why are you so fast!" Li Gui was shocked, even if he traveled through the void, he shouldn't be so fast.

"This Heavenly Emperor can travel through the chaos." Du Yuesheng sneered, and gently pushed the Immortal Execution Sword in his hand.

At such a distance of several feet, no matter how powerful Li Gui was, he still wouldn't be able to escape.

He only heard a muffled chirping sound, and Li Gui saw a bloody sword tip protruding from his chest.

In an instant, his aura became sluggish: "You... you are a super genius who has mastered the Dao of Chaos, hehe..."

At this moment, Li Gui regretted it immensely. People who awakened the Dao of Chaos are all super geniuses, and they will only appear in legends. How could he provoke such people without knowing Taishan?

"It's a pity, there is no regret medicine for you in the world!" Du Yuesheng smiled lightly, and swung the Heaven Swallowing Sword, the sword was radiant, and directly crushed Li Gui's body.

Because Li Gui no longer wanted to resist, Yuanshen was wiped out in an instant.

In an instant, the system prompt sounded: "Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for killing Li Gui and gaining 576,323 immortal points!"

After killing Li Gui, the Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit came forward and said to Du Yuesheng with staring eyes:

"Boss, you interrupted Li Gui's spell casting twice. What kind of method did you use? I can't see through it?"

The Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit can be regarded as a well-informed person, but he still seems ignorant of things that only come into contact with on a large scale in the God Realm, such as the Primordial Spirit.

Du Yuesheng smiled slightly, and then said: "That's my spiritual attack!"

"Spiritual consciousness attack?" Hearing this, Jiutian Xuanling Rabbit stared, unable to say a word for a long time:

"Isn't that something that only people with a complete soul can have in the legend? Could it be that you, boss..."

Before he finished speaking, the Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit swallowed it back, and said with a face of relief:

"I see, no wonder you are so strong, Boss!"

Du Yuesheng smiled, and then led the Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit and Ling Xiaojun to move forward, not far away, they encountered another gathering point.

Only this time, it was not one or two people who came from a distance, but a group of people.

And from far away, those people discovered the existence of Du Yuesheng and the others, and even accelerated towards this side.

Du Yuesheng couldn't help frowning, and when he was about to make a move, he heard a female voice:

"I didn't expect that there are other immortal monks and immortal emperors here. Three fellow Taoists, can you walk with us?"

Du Yuesheng was stunned for a moment, then he understood in an instant that these people probably couldn't see through his own cultivation, and they also saw through the cultivation of Jiutian Xuanling Rabbit and Ling Xiaojun, so they regarded him as an immortal or emperor.

But before he could speak, an annoying voice sounded: "Qin'er, it's fine for the Immortal Venerable to join us, but why do we need two Immortal Emperors?"

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