The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1395 Against the Sword Spirit (Part 1)

After finishing speaking, Du Yuesheng let out a long sigh.

He didn't want to kill Bai Susu at first, even if he had seen through her long ago, he still let her do it.

But now, Bai Susu dared to come to snatch the inheritance of the ancient land because he got the Eight Desolation Soul-Suppressing Bell by himself, that would be self-inflicted.

Bai Susu's figure also slowly appeared from the crowd.

When she saw Du Yuesheng, a sneer appeared on her incomparably beautiful face:

"Now you are only at the fourth level of the Immortal Lord, how can you compete with me for this ancient inheritance?"

As she spoke, she glanced around and landed on Ling Xiaojun, and then she said word by word:

"It turns out that this ancient inheritance is also an artifact of the Eight Desolation, so give her to me!"

Du Yuesheng couldn't help shaking his head for a while, and slowly stepped forward and said, "Let's do it!"

"Does this mean that you are breaking with me?"

Bai Susu gritted her teeth, and a cold look flashed in her eyes:

"I saved you, woman, and you were wary of me. I am an enemy of the entire fairy world with you, and you are still wary of me. I entered the demon clan for you, but you are still wary of me. Now I only want this ancient inheritance. You want to break with me?"

Du Yuesheng shook his head for a while, and said lightly: "If you have no other thoughts about me, no matter how much I guard against you, what's the use?"

Speaking of this, Du Yuesheng's tone gradually became lower: "Besides, I am willing to give you the Eight Desolation Soul Suppressing Bell. Isn't it to persuade you to stop, but unfortunately, you don't understand!"

Hearing this, Bai Susu immediately screamed:

"Nonsense, you are willing to give me the Eight Desolation Soul Suppressing Bell, it's just that you missed it for a while, haha, just right, I can use your miss this time to make you pay the price!"

Du Yuesheng raised his head slowly, looked at the furious Bai Susu, and said calmly: "Don't try to use the Eight Desolation Soul Suppressing Bell to attack me, you will regret it."

"Don't you think that with the peak cultivation of my eighth-level Immortal Lord, and the Eight-Desolation Soul Suppressing Bell, one of the Eight Desolation artifacts, I can't kill you, a fourth-level Immortal Lord?" Bai Susu sneered:

"Then I will let you know today that I, Bai Susu, are amazing!"

Before she finished speaking, Bai Susu stretched out her hand, and spread her palm upwards, a ball of brilliance immediately rose from the palm as smooth as jade.

Immediately afterwards, the Eight Desolation Soul Suppressing Bell slowly emerged from the radiance.

After being recognized as the owner, the current Bahuang Town Soul Bell has lost its original appearance and turned into a translucent appearance, as if it were made of jade.

"I'm afraid you don't know yet, among all the Eight Desolation Sacred Artifacts, the Eight Desolation Soul Bell is ranked third in strength!"

As Bai Susu said, with a slight movement of her palm, the Eight Desolation Soul Rescue Bell rose into the sky, hung in the sky, and swayed gently.

Immediately, jingling bells sounded like wind chimes in the world.

As the sound resounded, circles of sound waves visible to the naked eye also spread from the Bahuang Soul Suppressing Bell, flying towards Du Yuesheng in unison.

Seeing that Bai Susu had made a move, Du Yuesheng knew that there was no room for retaliation, so he put away the last sympathy in his heart, and his complexion suddenly turned cold.

No matter how much Bai Susu had paid before, at this moment, it was wiped out.

"In that case, I will kill you with my own hands today!"

With a thought in Du Yuesheng's mind, Zhu Xianjian flew out of the scabbard behind his back.

Facing the rippling sound waves, the Zhuxian Sword immediately slashed down in the air.

A sword qi slashed down in the air, slashing on the sound wave, how fragile the sound wave was, and how strong the sword qi was, the sound wave was immediately slashed away by the sword!

Seeing this, Bai Susu didn't panic at all, instead a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth:

"Hmph, you really have the strength of the fourth level of the fairy master, but this is just me testing you. If you only have this strength, then next year today, I will definitely sacrifice you with good wine!"

After finishing speaking, Bai Susu pinched out a very strange decision with both hands.

The Soul Requiem Bell in the sky immediately began to vibrate at a very strange frequency. Although no sound came out, everyone could still see sound waves rippling from the Soul Requiem Bell.

Seeing this scene, the cultivator of Tianyuan Pavilion couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling, and murmured:

"Bai Susu used this trick to instantly kill one of our fifth-layer immortal masters. Can Du Yuesheng stop it?"

Du Yuesheng shook his head when he saw the sound wave coming, he didn't even need to hold the Zhuxian sword, he just thought: "Sword Spirit, just go up!"

"Cut, I'm too lazy to do it, so you want me to do it, villain!" Jian Ling rarely complained.

Immediately after that, the Immortal Execution Sword's radiance flickered, and it suddenly let out a scream, turned into a stream of light, and went straight to kill the soul-resisting bell.

But when those silent sound waves touched the Zhuxian sword, they were all like tofu, and were directly cut by the Zhuxian sword, without any effect at all.

"Huh?" Bai Susu narrowed her eyes, she had seen Du Yuesheng fight before, and knew that Zhu Xianjian was very powerful.

But she still didn't expect that the Zhuxian Sword would have such a miraculous effect in the face of Zhenhunling's attack.

But soon, she calmed down, and said with a sneer: "Don't you think I have no way to deal with your Immortal Execution Sword!"

As she spoke, she flicked her fingers, and the Soul Requiem Bell in the air emitted a strange wave again. This time, these sound waves were not directed at Du Yuesheng, but at Zhu Xianjian.

What's more, the sound waves this time turned out to be dotted with fluorescence, which looked extremely weird.

"Oh? The soul-suppressing bell can still ring for sword spirits?"

After Du Yuesheng saw this scene, he let out a little gasp, but it was only a light gasp.

But Bai Susu sneered: "So what if you see it, I see if your sword can be so powerful without the sword spirit!"

At this time, the sword spirit began to shout: "Master, this ringtone is harmful to me. I will hide in the depths of the Zhuxian Sword first. You can control the Zhuxian Sword yourself!"

Du Yuesheng shook his head and said: "You are wrong, my Immortal Jade Sword is powerful, never because of the sword spirit, but because he is called Immortal Jade Sword!"

Speaking of this, the light on the Zhuxian Sword dimmed, and it was obvious that the sword spirit had hidden in the depths of the Zhuxian Sword, and could not control the Zhuxian Sword for the time being.

Seeing this, Bai Susu was overjoyed, but at this moment, Du Yuesheng raised his finger, raised a little bit in the air, and said, "Xianxian Sword, kill!"

Immediately, the Zhuxian Sword, whose light had just dimmed, suddenly burst into light again, and even at this moment, the light it emits is a bit stronger than before!


Seeing this scene, Bai Susu couldn't help but lose her mind for a while. She didn't understand why a sword with a sword spirit didn't weaken after losing the sword spirit, but strengthened instead!

"The reason why I regained the sword spirit and entered the Jade Sword is just because I am too lazy to do it myself all the time, not to strengthen the Jade Sword!"

Only then did Du Yuesheng's voice sound faintly.

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