The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1399 The power of this emperor, but you can imagine it (fifth change)

The silence lasted only a moment.

After a while, a burst of wild laughter rang out: "Haha, Du Yuesheng, did you hear that, all your women have betrayed you!"

"Du Yuesheng, now that you have seen the coffin, let's see if your Dao heart can still be stable!"

"Du Yuesheng, don't say that we are ruthless. Today we are showing great kindness. As long as you hand over the ancient land inheritance immediately, we will spare your life since you abolish your cultivation!"

Molong and others said they were showing kindness, but in fact they were more vicious than killing Du Yuesheng.

In this core of inheritance in the ancient land, can one live without cultivation?

I'm afraid I can only live a life that is worse than death!

But Du Yuesheng didn't seem to hear the words of Molong and others at all, and his eyes kept scanning Zuimo Fengye and Long Wushuang, as if he didn't believe that such a situation would happen.

Seeing this, Demon Dragon raised his brows, his eyes lit up and said: "This son's Dao heart is extremely unstable now, it is the weakest time, our time has come!"

Long Zhantian and Feng Buqi also nodded.

Immediately, the three of them were ready to attack.

But who would have thought that at this moment, Du Yuesheng smiled slightly, and said to Zui Mo:

"It turns out that in my eyes, he is just a chicken and a dog. You don't have to worry about him killing me. Besides, if you did what he wanted, he still wants to kill me now." ?"


Molong's face changed suddenly after hearing this, he immediately turned his head to Zui Mo and said, "When did you tell Du Yuesheng the truth!"

While speaking, Molong also looked down at Zui Mo's wrist with a bracelet engraved with intricate patterns. This bracelet can not only seal Zui Mo's cultivation, but also isolate spiritual power from sound transmission.

The bracelet is still intact, but... from what Du Yuesheng said just now, Du Yuesheng has clearly communicated with Zui Mo, and has already learned the truth about him threatening Zui Mo!

Du Yuesheng smiled lightly, and said: "Do you think that in the whole world, there is only the sound transmission method of spiritual power?"

"The sound transmission jade slip can't transmit sound to her anymore!" Molong vowed.

Apart from these two methods, Molong really couldn't think of any other way to make Du Yuesheng talk to Zui Mo.

Du Yuesheng smiled slightly, and said: "You ignorant people, the power of this Heavenly Emperor is beyond your imagination, do you know divine consciousness?"

"Spiritual consciousness?" Demon Dragon was taken aback, searching his mind, when he recalled what he saw in an ancient book, his face suddenly changed.

But Du Yuesheng turned his gaze, landed on Feng Ye, and said lightly:

"Although you want to save your parents' lives, have you ever thought about what they thought when your parents left you in the fairy world? I'm afraid it's just that they didn't have a daughter like you. Now they treat you well. I just want to use you to kill me!"


Feng Buqi's expression changed drastically: "Feng Ye, you... don't listen to his nonsense."

Du Yuesheng curled his lips and said, "Li Qiyan, the dagger on your back looks like a tyrannical magic weapon, but it's actually just an ordinary magic weapon. Don't say you stab yourself once, even if you stab yourself a hundred times, it's too much for a fairy master like you. It's just a minor injury, but..."

"However... since you want to die, I will naturally send you back to the West!"

Li Qiyan had already stayed where she was, because she was stunned by Du Yuesheng's words, and only heard her muttering:

"Spiritual consciousness...that is the ability that can only be produced by a complete primordial spirit according to the legend, and divine consciousness can replace the eyes, and is even stronger than the eyes. Divine consciousness can also attack the primordial spirit of the fairy lord, and it can replace spiritual power to transmit sound. Sound transmission..."

As soon as Li Qiyan finished speaking, Feng Buqi was also stunned, what, Du Yuesheng actually has the legendary divine sense?

No wonder Du Yuesheng kept his face unchanged and remained unmoved.

I'm afraid that from the first moment they met, Du Yuesheng started talking with Fengye Zuimo right under everyone's noses. What's ridiculous is that they thought they could deceive Du Yuesheng and confuse his Daoist heart!

"Oh, it seems that Immortal Realm still has a certain understanding of divine consciousness." Du Yuesheng smiled slightly, and did not hide anything: "But it's a pity, there is no prize for the correct answer!"

In the end, Du Yuesheng's eyes fell on Long Wushuang.

He said indifferently: "I didn't use my spiritual sense to transmit sound to you, but because when I probed you with my spiritual sense, I had already seen the spell in your body. After I killed Long Zhantian, it would be Break the spell for you!"

When Long Wushuang heard the words, his eyes finally turned red and blurred with tears.

Du Yuesheng smiled and said: "It's okay, I believe that you will not betray me, and I also know that you will never betray me!"

For a split second, Zui Mo and Feng Ye's hearts trembled, as if their hearts were being tightly squeezed, and they felt an unspeakable emotion.

Long Zhantian was dumbfounded.

He thought his method of controlling Long Wushuang was the safest, but who would have thought that Du Yuesheng would see through it at a glance.

It's good now, not only did not disturb Du Yuesheng's Taoism, but it angered Du Yuesheng.

Not good!

But at this moment, the gnashing dragon slowly opened his mouth and said:

"Well, Du Yuesheng, you have so many means beyond our imagination, but even if you don't mess with your Taoism, so what, if I want to kill you by force, I'll just pay a little more!"

Feng Buqi also said bitterly: "Yes, it's definitely not difficult to kill you!"

Li Qiyan was even more straightforward: "Killing you is like slaughtering chickens and dogs!"

Hearing the words of several people, Du Yuesheng couldn't help laughing up to the sky, and then said with disdain:

"Just a few of you want to kill the Emperor of Heaven? You are not worthy!"

While speaking, Du Yuesheng pointed at Long Zhantian and said, "But don't worry, the Emperor of Heaven said that he will be the first to kill!"

Long Wushuang is still under the control of the spell at this moment, he can't get rid of the spell unless he kills Long Zhantian!

In an instant, the killing intent soared into the sky, and the fighting intent soared to the sky!

Seeing this, Long Zhantian couldn't help but tremble violently in his heart, subconsciously took two steps back.

But when he thought that he still had so many allies on his side, and that his own strength should crush Du Yuesheng, he stabilized his mind and said with a straight neck:

"Kill me? Arrogant, if you have the guts to..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Du Yuesheng's figure flashed, turning into a stream of light and flying straight towards him.

Between the lightning and the flint, a sword energy came from the sky.

Long Zhantian turned pale with shock, he never expected that Du Yuesheng would really dare to kill him first under such a situation of being surrounded by so many!

"court death!"

But soon, Long Zhantian came back to his senses, his body flashed, and he turned into a stream of light and killed Du Yuesheng. At the same time, a stern shout came from his throat:

"Demon Dragon, the wind is not strange, Li Qiyan, I will hold this kid, you guys hurry up, you must kill this kid here!"

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