The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1401 Five Levels of Immortal Lord (Second Change)

In the case of pointing to invincibility, neither offensive spells nor defensive spells have any effect on Du Yuesheng.

Even if Long Zhantian used 10,000 defensive spells on himself, it would have no effect at all!

In the blink of an eye, Du Yuesheng, who descended from the sky with the Jade Immortal Sword in hand, slammed into the first layer of protective light curtain.

"Haha, die!" Long Zhantian couldn't help shouting excitedly when he saw that Du Yuesheng bumped into him without even casting the spell to break the defensive light curtain.

But just as he yelled, Du Yuesheng already pierced through seven or eight layers of defensive light curtains like a broken bamboo.

At this moment, Du Yuesheng was like a knife cutting through layers of fragile paper, completely unstoppable!


Long Zhantian turned pale with shock, at this moment he realized that his Sleepy God Ascension had no effect at all.

He hurriedly raised his hands, put them together, and shouted in a low voice: "Dragon God's Claw!"

Dragon God Claw is a spell that has been handed down by the Dragon Clan since ancient times. As long as the cultivation level reaches the eighth level of the Immortal Master, this spell will automatically appear in the inherited memory.

And the tyranny of this spell is unimaginable for ordinary people, and it can only be regarded as overkill with the dragon claws.

If Long Zhantian wanted to grab Du Yuesheng's sword like this, it would be an anti-aircraft gun to hit mosquitoes.

But even so, Long Zhantian was still a little flustered. For some reason, he always felt that this battle was still very dangerous!

Du Yuesheng's sword broke through all the protective light curtains in an instant, and stabbed straight at Long Zhantian.

As soon as Long Zhantian gritted his teeth, without thinking too much, he immediately raised the Dragon God Claw, raised his hand to the sky, and wanted to grab the Zhuxian Sword.


Du Yuesheng couldn't help sneering, if Long Zhantian turned around and ran away, it might take him a while to catch up to Long Zhantian, who is not low in cultivation.

But if Long Zhantian dared to take this sword forcefully, he was courting death!

In the blink of an eye, Du Yuesheng's sword fell, and under the inconceivable eyes of everyone, it pierced straight through Long Zhantian's palm that had cast the Dragon God Claw. out.

"This is impossible!"

Demon Dragon, Feng Buqi and Li Qiyan originally thought that Long Zhantian would be able to grab Du Yuesheng's sword and control Du Yuesheng. They were all ready to kill Du Yuesheng in an instant.

Unexpectedly, things did not develop as they imagined!


Long Zhantian also froze instantly, and after a long time, he opened his mouth with difficulty and uttered a syllable.

And when he opened his mouth, he could even see the Zhuxian Sword emitting light from his mouth!

"Beat you with a sword, you still don't accept it!"

Du Yuesheng sneered, but Long Zhantian felt chills in his heart. Although he was not dead yet, with his head pierced through, he was just meat on the cutting board, ready to be slaughtered.

"Forgive... spare my life..."

"Begging for mercy is useful, what's the use of my sword?" Du Yuesheng couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, Long Zhantian cursed Long Wushuang, and still wanted to beg for mercy, there is no way!

With a low shout, suddenly, the sword light exploded, directly cutting Long Zhantian into pieces, while his soul jumped out of his body in an instant and wanted to escape.

But Du Yuesheng's consciousness was faster, and the attack of his consciousness was directly condensed, like a sharp arrow, directly piercing through the entire soul of Long Zhantian.

In an instant, the system prompt sounded:

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for successfully killing Long Zhantian and gaining 5.72 million immortal points!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng, who has improved his level. The current level is the fifth level of the fairy master!"

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng couldn't help but raised his brows, and a trace of surprise flashed on his face. He didn't expect to get millions of experience points for killing Long Zhantian, and even his level was raised by one level.

It seems that killing the master of the eighth and ninth levels of the fairy master will bring back a lot of money!

But soon, he withdrew his mind and jumped to Long Wushuang's side.

Although Long Zhantian is dead at this moment, I don't know if the other fairy masters of the dragon clan in the Chaos Immortal Realm can control this spell, so it is best to lift the spell as soon as possible.

Long Wushuang was still worried that the spell would happen, so he didn't dare to speak.

And Du Yuesheng stretched out his finger, and lightly tapped on Long Wushuang's forehead.

Immediately afterwards, his spiritual consciousness followed his fingers, directly entered Long Wushuang's mind, found the magic spell that affected Long Wushuang's primordial spirit, and crushed it into nothingness like a millstone!

"The spell has been lifted!" Feeling the release of the spell in his body, Long Wushuang slowly opened his eyes and looked at Du Yuesheng with joy.

But Du Yuesheng smiled slightly, and said: "This Heavenly Emperor makes a move, is there any magic spell that can't be taken away?"

After finishing speaking, Du Yuesheng turned his eyes, and fell on Demon Dragon, Feng Buqi and Li Qiyan, and said lightly: "Next, it will be you!"

Molong trembled all over, originally he thought that he would win today, but seeing Du Yuesheng's killing of Long Zhantian who was about the same strength as him, it turned out that it was only a sword.

Immediately, all his self-confidence dissipated instantly like the morning fog seeing the sun!

"Okay, okay! Du Yuesheng, you are amazing. I won't argue with you about the inheritance of this ancient land today!"

Seeing that even the magic dragon flinched, Feng Buqi and Li Qiyan felt chills in their hearts, and gritted their teeth: "In this case, I, the Huntian League, will not fight for the inheritance of this ancient land!"

After Du Yuesheng heard the words, he narrowed his eyes and said word by word: "Don't fight anymore? Could it be that you think that as long as you don't fight, the Emperor of Heaven will let you go?"

"What do you mean, is it possible that you still want to kill us all?"

The expression of the magic dragon changed when he heard the words, and there was a slight trill in his voice:

"The rabbit bites even in a hurry, do you really think I can do nothing to you?"

Du Yuesheng grinned, and said lightly: "No matter how much a rabbit bites someone, it's still just a rabbit, just kill it with one sword!"

"You!" The dragon was speechless for a moment.

And Feng Buqi said word by word: "Du Yuesheng, what I did before was indeed a little too much, but don't you think about it, I am Feng Ye's father, you killed me, Feng Ye What should I think?"

When Du Yuesheng heard the words, his eyes turned, and he fell on Feng Ye, and said calmly: "You can stop me, I don't blame you."

Feng Ye's complexion changed slightly when she heard the words, she didn't expect Du Yuesheng to allow her to help her parents, as far as she knew Du Yuesheng, this was already a great favor!

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but gritted her teeth and said word by word:

"My parents are indeed too much to the Emperor of Heaven. I can't stop the Emperor of Heaven if he wants to kill you, but I also ask the Emperor of Heaven for my sake. Don't break up their souls, but send them into reincarnation!"

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