The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1457 Golden Bones (Second)

Du Yuesheng stood on a towering tree, looking at the endless mountains in front of him.

He followed the location pointed by the treasure hunting rabbit, and he had been flying for three days and three nights.

I don't know how much distance he covered, anyway, there are three cities he passed by.

"Treasure hunting rabbit, are you sure you didn't make a mistake? Is there really a treasure here?"

"Soon, master, I found that the treasure is getting closer and closer to us, it should be in the depths of this mountain range."

"All right!!"

Du Yuesheng took the next step across the sky, turning into a stream of light and flying towards the depths of the mountains.



Not long after Du Yuesheng left, a roar suddenly resounded through the mountains, and then a huge beast slowly appeared on the ground.

If someone with knowledge sees this beast, he will be shocked.

Because this is a divine beast with a trace of dragon blood.


This is an extremely powerful race in the God Realm, and it is at the overlord level among the monster races in the God Realm.

Although this divine beast only has a trace of dragon blood, its status is much more noble than that of ordinary divine beasts.

And on the back of this divine beast sat a young man in a white robe.

Being able to own a beast of the dragon bloodline as a mount, this young man's status must not be low.

A petite divine man stood on the ground, pointed to a place ahead, and said to the young man riding on the back of the divine beast:

"Master, if you climb over this mountain ahead, you should be able to get close to the treasure."

"very good!"

"Xiao Wu, if you successfully get the treasure this time, I will definitely take you to the Supreme Academy with me."

When Xiao Wu heard the answer from the young man riding on the back of the divine beast, he looked excited.

Supreme Academy.

That is the most influential existence in the fire domain, and I don't know how many people want to be a member.

Entering the Supreme Academy, not only can you walk sideways in the God Realm, but you can walk sideways in the Fire Realm.

But it is too difficult to enter the Supreme Academy, and it is even impossible for ordinary people to enter it.

"As long as you sincerely do things for me, the benefits will be indispensable to you." The young man said lightly.

Then, the two quickly left

"Damn, how can there be so many powerful existences in this mountain range, each one is more shocking than the other, this is a scam!"

"If the Treasure Hunting Rabbit has no treasures, you can see how I will deal with you."

Next to the corpse of a divine beast, Du Yuesheng drew out the Zhuxian sword, and sternly cursed at the treasure hunting rabbit on his shoulder.

At the beginning, under the guidance of the treasure hunting rabbit, Du Yuesheng had nothing to doubt, but after entering another mountain range.

He ran into big trouble. During the period, there were constantly beasts coming out. He thought it was normal just now, but as one of them became stronger than the other, in the back

Du Yuesheng didn't dare to make a move anymore, the beasts were too powerful, even the god-level beasts appeared.

Divine beasts are much stronger than human beings, if they don't run fast, they don't know what will happen.

But Du Yuesheng didn't gain much, he came in by beheading the beasts along the way.

His level has also been raised to 'Tianjin Yae'.

The treasure hunting rabbit stood beside Du Yuesheng's shoulder and said softly: "Master, don't worry, if there are no treasures here, I will not eat treasures for a month."

"Swipe, swish"

In less than a few minutes, Du Yuesheng came to the entrance of a valley according to the guidance of the treasure hunting rabbit.

"Depend on!"

"It's not good to be caught first!!"

Du Yuesheng looked at that there was a flying beast staying at the entrance of the valley.

And there were some footprints on the valley floor, obviously someone entered it one step faster than him.

"Damn it, whoever you are, if you dare to steal my treasures, I will kill you all." Du Yuesheng's eyes flashed coldly.

"Wait a minute, is someone here again?"

When Du Yuesheng was about to go in to see what happened.

From the distant sky, there were several continuous cracking sounds, interrupting his thoughts of going in.

"This emperor is here today to see who are looking for death..." Du Yuesheng took out a black cloak and hid it aside.



Before the people arrive, the momentum arrives first! !

"What a strong momentum!" Du Yuesheng hid aside, feeling the breath descending from the sky at this time.

In an instant, two figures descended from the sky, and the aura emanating from them caused the surrounding trees and rocks to dance like snowflakes, which was extremely dazzling.

It was only at this moment that Du Yuesheng clearly saw the two of them. They didn't look very old.

But the aura exuded by the two of them is too strong, these are the strongest two Du Yuesheng met when he came to God Realm.

"These two people don't know what their background is, they have such a strong foundation, and their aura is so powerful that they can kill gods!"

"Could it be that the two are in the God King Realm?"

Du Yuesheng thought in his heart that only a monk in the God King Realm could make Du Yuesheng feel threatened.

"Hey, senior brother Chen Mo, this treasure is really good, we have never had any divine beasts come out along the way."

One of the men in a yellow robe had a golden bone in his hand.

The man in a black robe beside him said proudly:

"Hmph, Junior Brother Yangliu, it's up to you to say, this thing is a bone left by a god-level powerhouse when he emerged."

"There is a strong aura on this golden bone, any powerful existence will be subconsciously suppressed by divine power!"

"Good stuff!!" Du Yuesheng looked at the golden bone in the hand of the man in the yellow robe, his eyes sparkled.

I have worked so hard all the way here, and others can easily come here with a golden bone, it is really more popular than others.

And if there is such a thing, Du Yuesheng must upgrade countless times faster.

Think about how cool it would be if a monster took out this piece of golden bone when it met a group of divine beasts.

"Senior brother is mighty!!" Yang Liu said flatteringly.

"What is this thing?" Chen Mo glanced at Yang Liu, and asked again, "Do you want anything in our Supreme Academy?"

"However, we have only just upgraded to inner disciples, and the resources we get are still too few.

If we upgrade to 'Elite Disciple', 'King Disciple', 'Emperor Disciple' or even the Supreme 'Holy Son', then getting resources will be extremely powerful. "

"Senior Brother Chen, Junior Brother has been taught!" Hearing Chen Mo's words, Yang Liu was filled with fighting spirit as if he had been on steroids.

"Okay, let's enter quickly, there is a treasure here!" Chen Mo said proudly.

"Brother, no one will come to this place except us."

"Probably not." Chen Mo replied lightly, but after he glanced around.

However, when he saw a flying beast under a big tree next to him, he immediately yelled.

"No, hurry up, Junior Brother, someone has already entered it."


Yang Liu also yelled.

"Let's go!" Chen Mo didn't say anything, and quickly flew towards the valley.

After Yang Liu glanced at the disappeared Chen Mo, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then disappeared at the entrance of the valley.

PS: The second update!

Thank you for the big reward from the lord of ""use my three thousand white hairs to allow you to be your home all over the world"! !

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