The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1462 Breaking ground on Tai Sui's head (first update)

All of a sudden.

Accompanied by the arrival of masters from various sects, empires, and academies.

The scene suddenly became quiet.

All eyes were on these people, especially the figure holding the seven Tianyuan keys.

Everyone wants to be themselves.

However, no one dared to snatch it, because this person is not simple.

Especially those few people with Tianyuan keys on their heads.

They are even more amazing, to be able to show it so blatantly.

They all tell everyone who they are.

Among the seven people was a man in a black robe holding a folding fan in his hand, "Boy, I don't care who you are, hand over the Tianyuan key quickly, or else"

After finishing speaking, the man took a step forward, and a powerful divine power erupted around the world.

"Master Ruthless!!"

As soon as this person opened his mouth, some people in the crowd around one side began to discuss in a low voice.

This person is an elite disciple of Jietianmen.

Jietianmen is a top-ranked force in the fire domain, and there are countless strong people in it.

And this ruthless young master is quite well-known in Jietianmen, and his cultivation base has stepped into the "first level of god king".

"Master Ruthless, are you a little bit over Jietianmen? You should have a Tianyuan key."

"Do you still want this second one??"

As soon as Mr. Ruthless opened his mouth, someone stood up and said after the other descending forces left.

"Looking for death!" Young Master Wuqing raised his head to look at the speaking figure, and shot out a force in his hand.


With one palm, the figure who stood up to speak just now turned into a cloud of blood and disappeared into the world.

"Wuqing, aren't you a bit too much, even dare to kill Shen Xu's people." A young man with a pale face said slowly:

The young man looked dying, as if he would die with the next breath.

"Haha..." Master Wuqing looked at Shen Xu who was speaking, and he looked up to the sky and laughed.

"I don't think you should be called Shen Xu, you might as well call it Kidney Deficiency."

"Pfft!" As soon as Young Master Wuqing said this, there was laughter from the crowd standing around.

But no one dared to laugh out loud because they were afraid.

Shen Xu!

The direct bloodline of the Shen family, one of the eight major families in the fire domain.

"Wuqing, do you want to die?" Shen Xu trembled when he heard the word 'kidney deficiency'.

He hates people making fun of his name the most.

Just when Wuqing and Shen Xu were at war, a naked man with a huge ax on his shoulder appeared between them.

The man walked out slowly, and said to Wuqing and Shen Xu: "If you two want to fight, fight with me. Labor and management are not interested in watching you fight."

Young Master Wuqing and Shen Xu looked at the naked man with a huge ax on his shoulder.

A trace of fear flashed in the eyes of both of them.

Obviously very afraid of this person.

It wasn't just the two of them, the people around who had been watching saw this person appear.

In an instant, everyone took a step back, and some even got ready to run away.

The name of this shirtless man with a huge ax on his shoulder is 'Yu Shan'.

He is a king-level student in the Supreme Academy.

To be able to become a "king-level disciple" of the Supreme Academy requires at least half a step to the realm of a god king.

It stands to reason that both Wuqing and Shen Xu are in the realm of God Kings.

They shouldn't be afraid of this person, should they?

But in fact, the two of them were very afraid of this person.

Because this person leapfrogged and killed a god-king fifth-layer master in Tianyuan City.

You know, he is only half a step into the realm of a god king!

It is a hundred and eight thousand miles away from the fifth level of the god king.

But that's true!

This person was able to kill monks who were at the peak of the god king beyond the fourth and fifth ranks.

You can see the horror of Yu Shan!

Everyone is afraid of this man.

But Du Yuesheng liked this person very much.

Because Du Yuesheng saw a red and purple light coming out of this person's whole body.

This is completely the standard of a super boss! !

"Get rich" Du Yuesheng drooled from the corner of his mouth.

"Yu Shan, what do you want to do? This is not the Supreme Academy, don't go too far."

Master Ruthless clenched his folding fan tightly, ready to explode with strength to deal with unknown attacks at any time.

"Yes, Yu Shan is not the Supreme Academy, don't go too far!!" Shen Xu also echoed.

At the same time, he held a long spear tightly in his hand, as if in a fighting state.

Yu Shan didn't even look at Young Master Wuqing and Shen Xu, he came directly opposite Du Yuesheng.

"Young man, no matter where you are from, if you don't hand over the Celestial Key today.

Then this is where you die. "


No resistance! !

Yu Shan's voice reverberated across the sky and earth, and a burst of imperial aura erupted leisurely, suppressing the vastness in all directions.

"Haha!!" Du Yuesheng laughed, he didn't know how many times he heard someone say something.

However, he knew that anyone who said this had basically turned into his experience points.

Everyone looked at Du Yuesheng who was laughing, and they couldn't understand that he was surrounded by so many masters.

Still dare to laugh?

Is there something wrong with your brain?

However, some people looked at Du Yuesheng with complicated expressions.

If ordinary people encounter this situation, they must be under pressure and extremely nervous.

But Du Yuesheng's calmness is frightening!

This person either does not have special means.

Then be an idiot.

"Saint, let's not do anything yet." Not far away, stood a man and a woman.

A key is suspended above the woman's head, and an old man stands beside her.

There was no one standing within one meter of the two of them.

The woman with the key on her head asked the old man beside her, "What's the matter with Elder Mo?"

"Saint, that young man is not simple!"

"not simple?"

When the saint heard the old man's answer, she immediately looked at Du Yuesheng, but for a while.

She still didn't find anything.

"Isn't Elder Mo a god-man in the realm of gods? Why isn't it simple?"

"Saint, you don't understand!!" Elder Mo didn't say much.

But he looked at Du Yuesheng with a vigilant expression.

Because he felt a more dangerous aura from Du Yuesheng than Yu Shan.

He trusted his instincts very much.

He had narrowly escaped death several times by relying on his perception.

The saintess couldn't help frowning, she knew Elder Mo would never lie to herself.

He must have his own reasons for saying so.

"Then Elder Mo, we won't participate this time!!" The saint chose not to make a move.

"Yeah!" Elder Mo also nodded.

"Haha, if I say that I don't want either of the two paths you give me, I'll choose the third one!!"

"you wanna die!!"

When Yu Shan heard Du Yuesheng's words, he became angry!

Originally, he would spare Du Yuesheng's life as long as he put down the Tianyuan key, but he refused to eat the toast and fined him.

It's just that an ant in the realm of the gods dares to talk to himself like this.

It's completely breaking ground on Tai Sui's head.

court death! !

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