The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1464 God King Realm (3rd update)


Du Yuesheng's divine power was circulating in his body, and the golden light shrouded him was more vigorous than before.

At this moment, the strongest battle body is fully opened!

Du Yuesheng had only activated one-third of the combat body before, and it was already extremely terrifying.

I don't know what the scene will be when the battle body is fully opened?


For a moment, Du Yuesheng clenched the Zhuxian Sword and stabbed forward suddenly, the light of the sword shone in the sky and the earth.

Blossoming white and flawless sword flowers floated across the sky and the earth.

"Qinglian Sword Song!"

This move came from the ultimate move of Li Bai, the poet of the glory of the king, and was used by Du Yuesheng again.

In the past, Du Yuesheng could not exert the power of this move because he was not strong enough.

There is no way to match this move.

Now Du Yuesheng fully interprets the power of this move

As soon as Qinglian's sword song came out, a world-brightening sword intent enveloped the sky, that terrifying aura of destruction.

It made everyone present feel breathless again.

"Oh my God!"

"Holy Divine Art!!"

"I was able to see holy magic in my lifetime"

"Who the hell is he?"


All of a sudden, at the moment when Du Yuesheng used Qinglian Sword Song, the crowd standing around were all shocked.


There are also levels in the God Realm, from the lowest level, elementary, intermediate, advanced, king, emperor, holy, and god.

Ordinary gods and men can get a high-level magic spell and can completely leapfrog battles.

As for the king class, only the big sects and big families can possess magic skills like the Huang class.

As for the holy level, I am afraid that only those super powers will have the god level in the entire God Realm.



Blossoming white and flawless lotus bombarded the tiger behind Shen Xu, and the lotus burst out with a super strong sword intent, forming an invincible strangulation force.

On the spot, he strangled the god-king Faxiang behind Shen Xu completely.


Shen Xu also looked confused, he never thought that Du Yuesheng would have holy magic.

Even he has never been exposed to such divine arts.

"Cut!" Du Yuesheng waved his hand again, not giving Shen Xu any chance at all.

The whole figure passed by quickly, and the Zhuxian Sword in his hand exploded with super sword intent to cut through the ground.

"Not good!" Young Master Wuqing yelled, and then the whole person flew across the ground quickly.

"White Crane. Now!" Wuqing shouted, and a huge white crane appeared behind him.

"Hmph, it's too late to save him!" Du Yuesheng looked at the ruthless young master who came here in the form of a white crane.

"Ruqing, save me!!" Shen Xu looked at the attacking young master Wuqing, and he also yelled loudly.

Now all his strength is blocked by the sword intent emanating from Qinglian Sword Song, making it impossible for him to escape.

"Die to me!"

"Qinglian Sword Song, Slash the Sun"

Du Yuesheng wouldn't give Young Master Wuqing any chance, so he slashed at Shen Xu with the Zhuxian sword in his hand.

Shen Xu looked at the terrifying sword light falling towards him, and he shouted in horror: "Don't. Don't kill me. Don't kill me. I am Shen."

It's a pity that he hasn't finished saying the word "home" at the end.

Du Yuesheng's Zhu Xian sword fell directly on him, and Shen Xu's whole body was split into two.

The dead can't be dead!


"Congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for killing the monster in the God King Realm and gaining 10,000,000 divine points."

"Congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for killing the monster in the God King Realm and getting a weapon upgrade card."

"Congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for killing the monster in the God King Realm and getting a purple designated summoning card."

"Congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng for the first time to kill a monster in the God King Realm and get a level increase."

"Player's current level: God King Yizhong."

"Distance to next level: 210000000/300000000"


"Sure enough, killing the boss is the kingly way!"

Du Yuesheng listened to the system prompts constantly resounding in his mind.

The corners of his mouth were crooked.

This is the first big explosion since he ascended to the God Realm! !


"Road of Fury, open again."


Du Yuesheng turned around and looked at the sky, and Baihe came towards him, "There is still a BOSS." '

"I'm getting out!!"


Du Yuesheng stepped across the sky with one step, raised the Immortal Execution Sword in his hand, and slashed at the white crane.


Under the sword, the ruthless son of Baihe who turned into a sword didn't even have a chance to react.

The huge white crane was instantly beheaded.

As for Mr. Ruthless himself, he fell from the sky to the ground, in a posture of eating shit.

Du Yuesheng stepped on the head of the ruthless young master with one foot, and said fiercely:

"Aren't you crazy? Don't you want the emperor's key?"


"I see why now who wants whose life?"


Du Yuesheng also didn't want to hear the voice of Mr. Wuqing, he gently slashed down the Zhuxian sword in his hand.

With a "click", a bloody human head rolled to the side.


"Congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for killing the monster in the God King Realm and gaining 10,000,000 divine points."

"Congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for killing the monster in the God King Realm and getting a chance to draw a lottery."

"Congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for killing the monster in the God King Realm and getting a Chaos Stone."

"Congratulations to the player's full experience level increase"

"Player's current level: God King Second Level."

"Distance to next level: 10000000/500000000"


"Upgraded again!"

Du Yuesheng listened to the prompt given by the system, and he was promoted to another level, but when he heard the next one.

"Chaos Stone!"

Du Yuesheng heard that the 'chaos stone' burst out unexpectedly, but he didn't expect that killing monsters could also burst out.

It seems that I found myself in a new direction.

At the same time.

Among the people watching the battlefield from a distance, some couldn't believe what they saw.

"You slap me? Am I dreaming?" A god-man in the heavenly realm said to the god-man beside him.


"It hurts, it's real!"

The man found that his face hurt, which meant that what he saw was true.

Not only him but everyone standing around

In just a minute or two, Du Yuesheng was the prey among them just now.

But they beheaded Master Wuqing and Shen Xu one after another.

You must know that both of them are "bloodline people", stronger than ordinary god kings.

But it is such an existence that he was beheaded by a sword

May I ask what kind of strength does this need?

And they also discovered that Du Yuesheng had broken through realms one after another within a few minutes.

Breakthrough from the ninth level of the gods to the second level of the king of gods.

Such a breakthrough speed is truly unmatched.

"The eighth Tianyuan key, I don't want it at Haoranmen!" The people from Haoranmen laughed loudly, turned around and led them away.

"We don't want Sunset Dynasty either."

"The Rising Sun Academy is no longer there!"

All of a sudden, everyone around who still had a glimmer of hope said loudly.

Then one by one quickly backed away.

None of them were fools. They saw the extremely powerful Lord Ruthless and Shen Xu die one after another.

What else do they have to rob?

And with the appearance of the eighth key, the Tianyuan Treasure House will soon be opened.

That's the most important thing right now.

In less than a moment, all the people who were there just now left.

Only Yu Shan from the Supreme Academy remained.

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