The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1466 Boss Evolution (First Update)


"Who is this person?"

Yu Shan looked at Du Yuesheng who was approaching step by step behind him, his eyes were full of disbelief.

In terms of divine arts, I can't compare to him!

In terms of treasures, I can't compare with myself!

In terms of running away, I can't compare to his sister

Yu Shan was really angry, it was the first time he was pressed so hard by someone, it was a great shame and humiliation.

If the students of the Supreme Academy saw it, they wouldn't laugh out loud.

He was the only one who dealt with others like this before.

"Run. You run." Du Yuesheng looked at the figure of Yu Shan who kept running away, and said in a playful tone.

"The cat and the mouse are quite fun!" Du Yuesheng didn't intend to kill Yu Shan easily.

Instead, he wanted to push him into desperation step by step.

"Boy, you and I don't cross the river, why are you pressing so hard?"

Yu Shan was also puzzled.

He didn't know Du Yuesheng at all.


He will push himself hard.

If it's just because I want to grab his Tianyuan key, it's not justified at all.

I just said a few words just now, and I haven't had time to do it yet.

"Haha!" Du Yuesheng laughed, and he didn't know how to answer Yu Shan's words.

Did you tell him because you are a super boss?

ten minutes later.

Yu Shan stood under a big tree panting, he turned his head and glanced behind him.

"Damn it, shouldn't you catch up?"

Yu Shan didn't believe that Du Yuesheng could still catch up with him, since he used several flying talismans in a row just now.

He is now thirty thousand miles away from Tianyuan City.

Ordinary people can fly up to ten thousand miles without sleeping or resting day after day, but I think he has flown a long way.

Unless you become a god emperor and master the development of time, you can tear the void and travel into large regions.

But when Yu Shan took a deep breath, a voice rang in his ear.

"Hey, are you looking for me?"

At the same time, the moment the sound sounded, a figure with a sword on his back appeared on the opposite side.

"You, you." Seeing the figure that appeared, Yu Shan retreated back and forth as if he had seen a ghost.

Even the battle ax in his hand fell to the ground.

"Impossible, how could you still catch up." Yu Shan looked at Du Yuesheng who appeared in front of him.

"Keep running!"


Du Yuesheng looked at Yu Shan, and said in a playful tone, without planning to do anything at all.

"Ding, the monster's anger has risen to 50, it is mutating, please pay attention to the player."

"I am CAO!"

"Already fifty?"

Du Yuesheng was overjoyed when he heard the system prompt in his mind.

He had a chance to stop Yu Shan, but Du Yuesheng didn't do anything.

Because Du Yuesheng chased and played all the way, Yu Shan's anger rose gradually.

This is the rhythm to change!

Which boss is the best in the game, it doesn't have to be a super mutant boss monster.

That's why Du Yuesheng kept playing with Yu Shan along the way, but didn't stop him.

"You, you deceive people too much." Yu Shan looked at Du Yuesheng who was full of playful expressions, and his anger burned again.

Along the way, he was scolded by Du Yuesheng.

Even his eighteen generations of ancestors were greeted once by Du Yuesheng.


"The monster's anger has risen to fifty-five, it is mutating, please pay attention to the player"

"The monster's anger has risen to 60, it is mutating, please pay attention to the player."

"The monster's anger has risen to sixty-five, it is mutating, please pay attention to the player"

"The monster's anger has risen to 90, it is mutating, please pay attention to the player."

"The monster's anger has risen to ninety-five, it is mutating, please pay attention to the player"

"It's almost time, we're still close." Du Yuesheng listened to the system prompts that kept ringing in his mind.

And he looked at the already red and purple halo at the foot of Yu Shan.

"Continue." Du Yuesheng saw that Yu Shan's anger value remained at '90'.

"Boy, I will fight with you today."


Yu Shan no longer chooses to run away, and he can't discuss Du Yuesheng no matter how he runs away, so let's fight.


With a flash of Yu Shan's figure, he picked up the giant ax that had fallen on the ground, jumped with his feet, and flew into the air.

"Battle Skill, Broken Mountain Axe" Yu Shan shouted loudly, a dazzling light erupted from the giant ax in his hand.

An ax slammed down on Du Yuesheng, as if this ax could really split mountains and seas.

Du Yuesheng raised his head and looked at Yu Shan who was cutting towards him, "Hmph, I'm not angry, labor and management beat you to anger."

In an instant, a golden light erupted leisurely from Du Yuesheng's body and emerged into the world.

The strongest body is fully opened.

"Die to me" Yu Shan looked at Du Yuesheng who was in front of him, and increased the output power of the giant ax in his hand.

Then he gripped the huge ax tightly and slashed down on Du Yuesheng's head, the light of the ax cut through the sky and the earth.

Even the ground where Du Yuesheng was standing was formed into a deep ravine by the power of this axe.

It can be seen how terrifying Yu Shan's ax is.



Immediately, there was only a harsh sound of metal collisions echoing between the sky and the earth, and thick smoke billowed out.


Yu Shan looked at the thick smoke that appeared in the sky, and the ear-piercing sound just now.

He believed that Du Yuesheng would definitely die under his axe.

"Haha, little bastard, you're finally dead." Yu Shan couldn't help laughing loudly.

"Laugh at your sister. Laugh!!"

But just before Yu Shan's laughter disappeared, a voice really came out from the thick smoke.

Afterwards, a figure wrapped in golden light gradually walked out from the billowing smoke.

"Pfft you." When Yu Shan saw the figure walking out of the thick smoke.

He spat out a mouthful of blood.

He didn't die!

Yu Shan didn't know how to describe it anymore. You must know that his ax just now could suppress a cultivator at the peak of a god king.

But it was such an ax that didn't even break Du Yuesheng's fur.

How could this not have shocked Yu Shan.

'Is he still human? Could it be that the monster has turned into a human being?" Yu Shan thought of a possibility.

There are some powerful beasts that can be transformed into human beings after cultivation to a certain level.

They have a super defense that humans can't match.

"Damn it, labor and capital almost capsized in the gutter!"

Du Yuesheng looked at Yu Shan with a murderous look in his eyes.

Yu Shan's ax just now almost killed Du Yuesheng.

Since his ax broke through the strongest physical defense, fortunately the Donghuang Bell resisted it at the last moment.

Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Why can't it work? Why don't I let you take a break and play? Hahaha."


"You are too deceitful"

"Today I will let you see my ultimate move."

Regardless of the blood spitting out of his mouth, Yu Shan took out a very delicate little red bottle from his bosom.

at the same time!

The moment Yu Shan took out the little red bottle.

The sound of system upgrade resounded in Du Yuesheng again.

PS: the first update

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As for the updated question.

The tortoise explained, because the tortoise is writing two books at the same time, and has to go to work during the day, so the update will no longer burst out like before.

Say sorry here.

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