The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1471 Give you a 20% discount

"I don't know if I can resist my sword!" The sword in the white-robed youth's hand fell to the sky and the earth again.

Slash out with one knife, and the ghosts and gods will be wiped out!

"So strong!"

"I'm afraid the Emperor of God will hate him on the spot with this sword."


The gods around looked at the power of the white-robed youth's saber, which made their hearts tremble violently.

"not good."

The middle-aged man also seemed to know the horror of the white-robed young man's knife, and a dharma image burst out from his body.

"Xuanwu method!"


A huge basalt beast slowly rose from behind the middle-aged man, roaring upwards, exuding monstrous might and oppressing the sky.


In an instant, the terrifying sword light oppressed the surrounding space-time, and slashed fiercely on the mysterious mythical beast.

"Hundred Zhan Saber Technique. Nirvana!" The white-robed young man spun the saber in his hand and slashed down the sky and the earth.



A scream came from the middle-aged man's mouth, and the whole figure was cut into two halves by the sword light, and the Xuanwu method was also cut off with a single blow.

In an instant, his Tianyuan key fell to the ground.

"Receive" a ray of light cut through the barrier of time and space, and grabbed the Tianyuan key that fell on the ground.

"Qingtian, do you want to court death?" The white-robed youth looked at the figure of the Tianyuan key that fell on the ground.

Out of the six descendants came out a young man holding a spear.

He looked at the young man in white robe and said, "Zhan Meng, one for each, do you still want to monopolize two?"

"Humph" Zhan Meng snorted coldly, then looked at the owners of the few remaining Tianyuan keys.

"Now you have only one choice, which is to take the initiative to hand over the Tianyuan key, otherwise you will be killed without mercy.

In our opinion, killing you is just a matter of raising hands. "

"His words are our words. Either hand over the Tianyuan key or be killed by us. Don't question our strength."

Qing Tian said lightly, the spear in his hand exuded a shocking murderous aura that permeated the world.

No doubt!

Anyone who dares to say a word of no must die

To pay or not to pay?

All of a sudden, several masters who possessed the Tianyuan key thought about it in their hearts.

If you don't hand over, you will definitely die!

They still know how strong they are

So the few remaining people chose to hand over the Tianyuan key.

No matter how powerful the people around them are, they are not at the same level when facing the unknown six people.

I'm afraid it would be difficult for the guards around them to resist.

The Baihua saint walked out slowly, with the Tianyuan key on her head, looked at Qingtian and said, "I can hand in the Tianyuan key in Baihua Valley, but I need a place."

"It turns out that you are from Baihuagu, I can give you this face." Qingtian nodded.

"You Baihua Valley deserves this position." Zhan Meng also nodded.

These people are actually not from the fire domain, but from other regions across borders.

Spirit world.

Divided into several major regions, each region is quite an independent world.

They may not need to be afraid of other forces, but they still know a thing or two about this Hundred Flowers Valley.

Although Baihua Valley is not very strong, they have a lot of powerful women.

Each of them has the beauty of the country and the city, and is the choice of the marriage of the major forces.

Moreover, the owner of Baihua Valley is also a super strong man.

Soon the few remaining Tianyuan keys all fell into their hands.

Du Yuesheng also became the owner of the last Tianyuan key.

"Boy, you don't want to hand over the Tianyuan key? Are you looking for death?" Qingtian looked at Du Yuesheng who showed no sign, and shouted sharply.

Everyone around also looked at Du Yuesheng.

"I don't know if Killing God will hand it over?" Some people couldn't help but start to guess in their hearts.

They actually didn't want Du Yuesheng to hand over the Tianyuan key.

Instead, he thought that Du Yuesheng would kill all directions just like the previous fight for the Tianyuan key!

Teach such self-righteous people a lesson!

"Oh, do you want the Tianyuan key in my hand? If you want it, I can give it to you."

"Hey!" When everyone around heard Du Yuesheng's words, they all sighed.

Originally, he wanted Du Yuesheng to stand up and resist, but now it seems that even the God of Death is afraid.

"But." Just as everyone was sighing, Du Yuesheng's voice sounded again.

"However, the few Tianyuan keys just now were auctioned for a position of 100 million top-grade divine stones.

I see that those of you with extraordinary bearing and skills must be masters from superpowers.

So I don't want too much, I'll give you a 20% discount, only 80 million top-grade divine stones. "

Du Yuesheng said loudly with a smile on his face.

Hand over the Tianyuan key?

This Du Yuesheng never thought of handing over.

Even if they are powerful.

Du Yuesheng didn't have any fear in his heart.

When a man is alive, he will never compromise and sing all the way, this is Du Yuesheng's idea.

And who is he?

He is the supreme god of heaven.

Only he has ever threatened others, and no one dared to threaten him.

He has one or two super cards in his hand, the Kingdom of God and the existence of Qin Shihuang Yingzheng.

Although Du Yuesheng still doesn't know what realm Qin Shihuang Yingzheng is in?

But he believes that killing these in seconds is enough.

"Ha ha.."

"Very good. Boy, you are very brave!"

When Qingtian heard Du Yuesheng's request, he laughed, and even the five people behind him also laughed.

"Qingtian, your luck is not very good." Zhan Meng laughed.


Qing Tian gave Zhan Meng a cold look, then he clenched the spear in his hand and took a step forward.

he is very angry.

who is he?

He is an emperor-level disciple of the Xuantian Sect in the Golden Realm, and his status is extremely noble.

Now that someone dares to ask him to pay.

"What a brat who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, if you don't want to give you a chance to live, then you can die."

Qingtian roared furiously, stabbed leisurely with the spear in his hand, and a golden light suddenly appeared in the void.

The power of the golden light flourished, and a terrifying aura instantly enveloped the surroundings.

"The strongest body!"


Du Yuesheng directly activated the strongest body, and his defensive power soared several times, allowing the golden light to attack his body.

Qingtian saw the golden light radiating from Du Yuesheng's body, and exclaimed, "Hey, you are a bloodline man."

"So this is your grasp?" Qing Tian sneered.

The people behind Qingtian were also slightly taken aback.

Du Yuesheng's performance only made them startled, and the bloodlines hadn't reached the level of their attention.

"It turned out to be nothing more than that, I thought how strong it was!" Du Yuesheng laughed loudly.

"Because of your attack, I decided to increase the price, if you don't hand over 100 million top-grade divine stones.

Then your life is mine. "

"You, you." Qingtian was also lifted into heaven by a Buddha in anger at Du Yuesheng's words.

Du Yuesheng looked at the angry expression on his face, and said with a smile: "Oh, why do you say that people from your sect don't even have the strength to bear it?"

"I'm ashamed of your parents for you."

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