The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1497 Holy See

"Hmph Chen Yang, I'm going to settle accounts with you after entering the Supreme Academy!" The woman in white looked at Chen Yang coldly, and snorted coldly.

Chen Yang also had a helpless smile on his face, and his eyes shot at Du Yuesheng from time to time.

Of course Du Yuesheng knew what he wanted to do, but he ignored Chen Yang.

Because Chen Yue seemed to be afraid that he would run away with Chen Yang by his side.

Chen Yue kept staring at Du Yuesheng, fearing that he would run away.

"Sister, didn't you see my sister's eyes fixed on me."

"It's as if I ran away from marriage."


Suddenly, when everyone was waiting for the guide from the Supreme Academy to come out, an explosion sounded from the sky.

"What's the situation?" Du Yuesheng also raised his head to look at the sky, but he knew that the barrier of Supreme City was powerful.

Even the gods can't easily tear open the void of the enchantment in the supreme city.

In an instant, all the people waiting in the Supreme Plaza all looked at the void with the same surprised expression.

A vast chariot rushed out from the place where the space was broken, and as soon as the chariot appeared in the void, a wild and ancient aura rushed all around.

Everyone present couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"The Vast Chariot, the symbol of the Holy See!" Someone who knew the goods in the field shouted after seeing the chariot.

The chariot has a supreme ancient charm, golden light, and ancient runes engraved on it, which is majestic and majestic.

Pulling the chariot were six horses, each of which gave off the aura of a god emperor.

Pulling a cart with six horses of the Demon Emperor Realm, such a generous gesture is earth-shattering.

On the chariot sat a young man in white, who was one of the top ten saints of the Holy See.

He is transparent. Release infinite light, holy without a trace of blemish, the whole person is like light.

"No, all the saints of the Holy See came to participate in the entrance ceremony of the Supreme Academy, this is also." Someone in the square recognized the man sitting in the chariot.

"Lots of nonsense." The man on the chariot looked down, and the man who spoke turned into nothingness and disappeared.

"Hiss!!" Everyone looked at the disappearing gods, gasped for a moment, and then quickly retreated a few meters away, not daring to stand around the chariot.

It's too cruel to kill a god emperor with just one look.

"Holy See."

Du Yuesheng looked at the man who appeared in the sky, and there was a trace of anger in his eyes.

He remembered that his pet 'Xiao Jin' was beaten to death by the Holy See.

Chen Yang looked at the man who appeared in the sky, and said with disdain in his eyes: "What's the big deal, isn't it just a saint, I beat him every minute."

"Just you?" Du Yuesheng turned to look at Chen Yang, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"Brother Du, don't you believe me? You have to know this young master, but you don't even know him."

"In the future you will know how powerful I am."

Chen Yang said so and took out his fan, pretending to be a strong laborer.


The moment the boundless chariot landed on the ground, a black vortex appeared beside the chariot.

Mandala flowers burning with black flames appeared from the vortex, and a woman in black appeared in the sea of ​​flowers.

What condensed on her body was completely black light. The black is pure, the black is transparent, the black has no other colors, and her face is covered with a layer of black veil.

Gives a feeling as if she is the god of death from the region

"Yaoyue, one of the dark saints."

The woman in white who had been standing beside Chen Yang looked at the woman in black and said in a low voice.

"Why do you know Sister Xue?" Chen Yue blinked at the woman in white.

Du Yuesheng couldn't help but look at the woman, "The God Emperor is perfect, and there is a terrifying power hidden in his body, even the terrifying God Emperor can be easily killed in seconds."

"Yeah." The woman in white nodded, "I have dealt with her before, but I didn't expect her to come too. It seems that the Supreme Academy is very attractive."

"That's right. Although I can't see her face clearly, she has a good figure." Chen Yang stared at the woman's chest.

"Ah, it hurts, Xue'er, take it easy." Chen Yang yelled after finishing speaking.

"Next time you look at me, you will never see the sun." The woman in white whispered in Chen Yang's ear, pinching his waist with a small hand.

on the ground.

One black and one white, representing two kinds of extreme rays of light, which divided the area within ten meters of them into two, facing each other tit for tat, and opposing each other.

"Yaoyue, I didn't expect you to come too." The man inside the chariot suddenly said. His voice is sonorous, metallic, heavy and distant.

"Aren't you the same, the sky is like the wind." Yaoyue's wind is light and cloudless, just like the cool moonlight, untainted by the mundane atmosphere.


Suddenly, the void shattered again, and a figure descended from the sky to the earth, smashing out a huge deep hole.

You must know that the ground of the Supreme Plaza is extremely tight, and this person is powerful enough to smash a deep hole.


A ray of saber light pierced the sky and tore apart the sky. The speed and power of the saber light terrified everyone in Supreme Square.

"Haha." A burst of laughter resounded through the void, and a bald man with a sword at his side descended.

Immediately afterwards, another ray of light tore through the void and landed on the earth, each of them exuding a powerful aura.

Representing their extraordinary status.

"This is?" Du Yuesheng looked at a small man among the crowd who tore the void and descended.

Although this person looks very weak and sissy on the outside, but this person gives Du Yuesheng an extremely strange feeling.

And when Du Yuesheng looked at that man, that weak man also looked at Du Yuesheng.

There was also a trace of doubt on his face, because he found a strong desire to devour in his heart.

Wanting him to devour Du Yuesheng made the man feel extremely strange.


Suddenly, another ray of golden light appeared in the sky, and the sound of piercing the sky rolled in. Before the figure appeared, the aura was oppressing the world.

For a moment, the originally noisy Supreme Square was noisy, and then it quieted down, and a needle could be heard.

No matter what, the people in the square did not expect that there would be a half-step main god powerhouse in an entrance ceremony.

Even those supreme students who were maintaining order in the square were surprised, this was the first time a half-step master of the main god presided over it.

"Welcome Elder!!"

"Congratulations, Elder."

The next moment, those supreme students all stood up and knelt down on the ground, lowered their heads, and shouted.

Then everyone saw an old man walking in the sky, stepping on the sky and descending step by step.

"How's the preparation going?" The old man casually glanced around the square and asked casually.

Every word and deed is to make everyone feel great pressure.

"Back to the elder, everything is ready." A god emperor walked to the old man with his head down and said.


The first update!

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