The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1507 Selection begins (first update)

Du Yuesheng looked at kneeling on the ground and kept slapping himself on the face of the emperor, so he knew himself.

Otherwise, he would be a corpse now.


The god emperor who knelt on the ground and kept slapping himself, heard Du Yuesheng's words, as if he had heard an imperial decree.

He quickly stood up and ran towards the door, even ignoring the loss of one of his shoes.

For a moment, everyone in the lobby of the restaurant felt unbelievable looking at the God Emperor who was running away in a panic.

What is going on here?

Why was the god emperor so frightened after he just exchanged glances with the little god king?

Du Yuesheng didn't care about other people's eyes, and took out the check for the divine stone and handed it to the waiter, "I want three rooms, and I'll give you one million top-grade divine stones, and lead the way."

The waiter put away the check in his hand, and said respectfully to Du Yuesheng: "Guests, here are the keys to your respective rooms, please go to the second floor."

He doesn't dare to underestimate Du Yuesheng now, one look is enough to scare away a god emperor master.

And he also casually took out millions of top-quality divine stones

This is definitely not something ordinary people can do.

"Brother. You." Du Sheng looked at Du Yuesheng who casually took out a million top-grade sacred stones, and he was also very surprised.

He followed Du Yuesheng all the way, and found that Du Yuesheng was very low-key, not like a rich man at all.

But now, without blinking his eyelids, he took out one million top-quality divine stones, which greatly refreshed his understanding of Du Yuesheng.

"Could it be that my elder brother is a rich man?" Du Sheng couldn't help guessing in his heart.

Du Yuesheng didn't answer Du Sheng's words, took the key from the second-hand shopkeeper, and took Yuqiu upstairs to their respective rooms.

Two days passed in a flash.

In Wentian City, all the people who participated in the assessment of the Supreme Academy were also present.

Those who didn't come were either killed by the monsters or quit here.

Those who can enter Wentian City to take the exam are all geniuses and sect disciples from major families.

It can be said that the contestants who are asking about Tiancheng at this time are all coming in for some competition, and their strength is not bad. An unprecedented and rare competition is about to begin.

Du Yuesheng stood by the window and looked at the surging crowd on the street.

"Is the exam about to start?"

"Boom!!" Suddenly the door of the room was knocked from the outside.

"Come in." When Du Yuesheng heard someone knocking on the door, he didn't even think about answering. He was very familiar with the sound of this knocking on the door.

The door was pushed open forcefully, and Yuqiu walked in slowly.

She looked at Du Yuesheng standing by the window, and said softly, "Brother Du, the exam is about to start, let's go."

Du Yuesheng looked at Yu Qiu who walked in. This girl likes to run here these two days when she has nothing to do.

Du Yuesheng didn't know about her feelings for him.

It's a pity that I don't have much feeling for her yet.

Du Sheng didn't know when he also appeared at the door. He looked at the two people who were looking at each other, and couldn't help but shouted: "Morning brother... sister-in-law!"

"Du Sheng, are you looking for a fight?" Du Yuesheng couldn't help roaring when he heard Du Sheng shout out.

When Yuqiu heard these words, her little face was blushing.

"Okay, Brother Du, let's go." Yu Qiu said with a blushing face, and ran out of the gate.

"You kid!" Du Yuesheng looked at Du Sheng standing in front of him, and he wished he could slap him.

Du Sheng looked at the figures of the two people who left the room one after another, "Eh? Did I call it wrong?"

But Du Sheng felt that he was right?

Every time he came to look for Du Yuesheng in the past two days, he found Yuqiu was already in his room.

What if there is nothing in it?

That is really unreasonable.

"Did I really make a mistake?" Du Sheng shook his head thinking, and then quickly followed the two people who disappeared.

On the street, it can be said to be crowded with people, people everywhere, this time there are about tens of thousands of students who appeared in Wentiancheng.

This is just one city in Tiancheng, but there are twelve cities in total.

Then there will be a total of 120,000 people participating in this entrance selection contest.

It is enough to show the status of the Supreme Academy in the God Realm, at least it is a top existence in the area of ​​​​Fire Region.

Three figures appeared in the sky above Wentian City, and one of them was the God Venerable who defended Du Yuesheng against the python monster at the gate of the city.

This person is Wentian City's defense general named 'Hong Tian', and he is also the mastermind responsible for the selection this time.

The other two are a man and a woman, and they are also in charge of this selection.

"There are quite a lot of people assessed this year, several times more than the previous one."

"I think we can produce a few geniuses. If there are some invincible geniuses, we will be proud of ourselves, and it will be a good time to go back to the academy."

"This should appear, you must know that many talents can participate in this selection contest.

And there are also some descendants of the main god, and even the descendants of the main god also came to participate. "

"Yeah? Brother Hongtian, why did even those descendants of the main god participate this time? I don't understand?"

"I don't quite understand this either?" Hong Tian frowned when he heard this question.

It stands to reason that to be able to become a disciple of the main god, the resources enjoyed are no worse than those of the Supreme Academy.

But this time, many heirs, disciples, and even masters from other sects came to participate.

"I wonder if the young man who disappeared at the gate of the city has come?" Hong Tian couldn't help but think back to the young man he met at the gate of the city.

Later, he sent people to search the entire Wentian City, but they couldn't find any trace of this person, which made him very regretful.

You must know that being able to withstand the attack of a demon god with the realm of a god king, this talent, this strength is completely needless to say.

Hong Tian looked at the crowd that had already gathered in the square, and he said to the two people around him: "Let's go. Those students should also be impatient."


In an instant, the three descended into the void and headed towards the square.

on the square.

Du Yuesheng looked at the surrounding crowd, he still underestimated the number of people selected this time.

It's too much.


Suddenly, when everyone was discussing in the square, three rays of light rose from the sky and descended.

The sound of piercing the sky rolled down, and before the figure arrived, the aura swept the world and descended, oppressing the entire square.

Immediately, the originally noisy square fell silent, and everyone raised their heads to look at the center of the square.

Only two men and one woman were seen slowly falling in the center of the square.

After Du Yuesheng saw one of the three figures coming down from the sky, he was surprised and said: "It's him!"

He found that one of them was the one who had sent himself into the enchantment at the gate of the city.


First update.

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