After Du Yuesheng and the righteous boy entered the dark passage, they suddenly felt that there seemed to be a mysterious energy surrounding them, which made people feel uncomfortable.

"Brother, my name is Zhou Zheng, a descendant of the fallen Zhou family, what do you call me?"

"Du Yuesheng, a generation of scattered people." Du Yuesheng smiled and responded concisely.

The two were running one after the other, and soon they came to an open place.

Under the dim light, you can see all kinds of unknown debris scattered on the ground, the stone wall is covered with dust, and with a slight air flow, that layer of dust will fall off directly.

Du Yuesheng bent down slightly and picked up what looked like a piece of fine iron on the ground and looked at it. After seeing his hand, it instantly turned into a pile of powder.

"This relic has existed for a long time! If my guess is correct, these debris are some magic weapons that have been weathered after tens of millions of years! Another point, guess the year and month from the debris in the field, but the prohibition power outside is still so strong , there must be many institutions or restrictions inside..." Du Yuesheng frowned slightly, sensing the surroundings with his spiritual sense.

When Zhou Zheng heard this, his face became serious.

In this open place, there are three passages, each of which is extremely dark, and the winding passage can only see the front part, and it is impossible to look into the depths at all.

The moment the two stayed there, there was a surge of divine power immediately behind them, and then only three late stage god kings flew in quickly.

When these three people came to the venue, they saw Du Yuesheng and Zhou Zheng, and when they sensed their aura, they immediately showed a cold smile on their faces.

"I didn't expect to meet two people of such a low level here. Not bad, we got two more tokens!" The leader stretched out his tongue and licked his dry lips, his greedy expression was fully revealed.

When Zhou Zheng heard this, he immediately became alert, and the divine power in his body suddenly began to circulate, and he said coldly, "What do you want to do?"

"I didn't think about what to do, just hand over the token obediently, I can spare your death, or you will sleep forever in this ruin!"

"Brother, in my opinion, wouldn't it be better to let them guide us instead of killing them?" Another man squinted at Du Yuesheng and Du Yuesheng, as if he had decided on them.

Du Yuesheng didn't say anything, after hearing the conversation between these three people, he already had an idea in his mind.

These few people are average in strength, but among the masses, they can be regarded as upper-middle gods. If there are a few guides in this place full of crises, they may be able to avoid many dangers in the past.

"Go! Grab the token, and they won't be able to return to Wentian City!" The leader gave an order, and immediately attacked Du Yuesheng and the two.

At the same time, his two partners immediately sacrificed their own magic weapon.

A flag quickly appeared in the leader's hand in a flash. Under his violent shaking, the sound of howling ghosts and wolves resounded. In this ruin, it was extremely terrifying.

The other person took out a mirror, and with the infusion of his divine power, the surrounding scenes seemed to be moving, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

"Combat technique: Overlord Fist!"

The last person, after a low growl, suddenly burst out a terrifying power from his body, and a terrifying aura rolled over him.

At the same time, under the impetus of divine power, a huge fist quickly fell towards Du Yuesheng and the two of them.

On one side is a terrifying fist, on the other side is a screaming, scalp-numbing thing, and finally a scene that makes people feel dizzy.

Du Yuesheng was slightly shocked.

At this time, Zhou Zheng's complexion had turned pale, and he turned around in the field, as if lost in this illusion.

As the man's Batian Fist landed, Du Yuesheng snorted coldly and struck out instantly.

"Xianxian Sword, get up!" With a loud shout, the divine power in Du Yuesheng's body circulated to the extreme, and under the fluctuation of his divine power, the Zhuxian Sword appeared in the field instantly.

"Slaying gods and demons with the sword of killing immortals!" As Du Yuesheng's words fell, there was a sudden explosion in the small place.


The person holding the magic weapon of the mirror, the mirror shattered with a bang, the lens fell to the ground, and the person spat out blood, his face full of shock.

For the person holding the flag, the flag also exploded with bang bang sound, and immediately became a discarded magic weapon.

The last person, who used the combat skill Batian Fist, slammed into the stone wall directly, spitting blood, and his face was pale.

The three of them looked at Du Yuesheng in shock, with horror and disbelief on their faces.

Du Yuesheng is only at the fourth level of God King, and they are already at the seventh level of God King.

It is said that if there is a difference of one stage between the gods, that is an insurmountable gap, and if there is a difference of one big realm, it can be instantly killed at will.

But they never thought that with their absolutely superior realm, the cooperation of the three of them would be unfavorable, but a person whose realm was lower than theirs would break everything with one move.

Not only that, each of them was seriously injured in this process.

"You, what do you want to do?"

The three of them looked at Du Yuesheng, who had sharp edges and corners, without any expression on his face, and were completely terrified in their hearts.

"Hand over the token, or die! Maybe you can also choose to activate the token secretly and go back to Tiancheng, but you will have nothing to do with everything in the Wentian Mountain Range!" Du Yuesheng's voice did not fluctuate in the slightest, as if Say something very ordinary.

He believes that as long as he is not a fool, he will obediently hand over the token.

After handing over the token, although he loses the qualification to enter the Supreme Academy, he can continue to hunt for treasures in the Wentian Mountain Range. If he can get one or two treasures that have caused a sensation in the land of the gods, it will be enough to make up for everything.

Zhou Zheng, who had recovered his expression, looked at Du Yuesheng in shock.

He had just encountered a joint attack from the three of them, and he was ready to use the secret method to crack it, and then fled away with Du Yuesheng. However, he did not expect that Du Yuesheng had already resolved it before he activated the secret method.

Although he didn't see the situation just resolved, but from the scene, he could imagine the previous scene.

"Give you three breaths of time to think about it, I believe you will know how to choose!"



Before counting to three, the three of them immediately said in panic: "We will give the token, please spare us the life of a dog."

After the words fell, everyone sacrificed their own tokens, not only that, but also handed over the tokens they snatched along the way.

Because after handing over one's own token, snatching someone else's token will also have a chain reaction and directly turn into nothingness.

In this case, it is better to hand it over directly to show your loyalty.

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