The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1517 Competition

At the same time, those who have reached the Lord God have practiced an indestructible body all over their bodies, and all the laws they have learned and comprehended throughout their lives have already existed in every part of the body.

Obtaining this kind of skeleton is equivalent to obtaining a direct descendant of a main god. As long as one realizes that youth is better than blue, it is possible to happen one after another.

Du Yuesheng took the lead, and when he reached the open place, he immediately looked around at the people around him.

In the field, two forces have already formed, one of them is a handsome man, dressed in white, standing in a corner, surrounded by divine power, even if he just stands, the coercion he exudes is terrifying.

In addition, there are four people in a team, and everyone has reached the late stage of the God King Realm, and they all look like seven or eight people, with nervous expressions written on their faces.

"Go on, go on!" After Du Yuesheng came over, he immediately waved his hand and was about to back off.

But at this time, he was stopped by the man standing alone: ​​"Brother, can you join hands with me, I can compensate you!"

"Don't believe his nonsense. Under the Lord Bai Hao, there is no one who can trust the words of his heirs. These guys, in order to get the treasure, often break their promises. If you stay with him, then you will not even save your life! Come with us! , After killing this person, whoever has the ability to control the skeleton of the Lord God will take it away!" The leader of another group of people said hastily.

Du Yuesheng hadn't spoken yet, but two people moved. They were the two cannon fodder that Du Yuesheng had called before.

I saw their figures flashed, and they immediately arrived behind the master god, and said: "We are willing to work with you, as long as you can help us regain the token!"

As they said that, the two of them immediately pointed to Du Yuesheng, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

When they were just moving forward, they had already checked themselves, and there was no godhead detonating talisman on them at all, which was completely deceived.

After realizing this, they began to plan, and now finally let them find a chance.

Moreover, it is not a bad thing to take refuge in the Lord God's successor. When one's own tokens are contributed, one cannot take back the tokens with one's own strength, but one can get others to help.

Du Yuesheng looked at the two people in the jump, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth: "Don't you think that if you are a fool, you will die very quickly?".

Originally, he thought that these two people would jump, at least until the overall situation was established before jumping, but he didn't expect that they would already jump at the very beginning.

The four people beside them also froze in an instant, they had never thought of this situation at all.

Zhou Zheng was so angry that he was speechless.

"With Young Master Bai here, is it possible that you have the ability to kill us? As for what you said about detonating the divine talisman, you are completely fooling us!"

The successor of the main god known as Young Master Bai also looked at Du Yuesheng with a sneer, and said, "That's right! With me here, they will definitely not be able to kill you, and I can guarantee that as long as you help me contain these people, I will If you successfully capture the bones, you will definitely not be treated badly!"

In the arena, there were originally two teams, but now there is an extra team, and these two teams are obviously stronger than Du Yuesheng and Zhou Zheng.

"Brother, it seems that you are not lucky!" The team of four, the tall and thin leader, looked at Du Yuesheng with pity.

"It's all right! It's just two show dances, it's not worth mentioning!"

"Work with us to deal with this young master Bai, how about it?"

"Let's see!"

At this moment, Bai Shao, the successor of the main god, spoke, and said to the two people behind him: "Pick two people to restrain them, and I can destroy them all!"


After the words fell, the two cannon fodders who originally followed Du Yuesheng quickly shot.

Concentrating their divine power, the people they chose were naturally Du Yuesheng and Zhou Zheng.

I saw that the two directly attacked with the magic weapon, and under the gathering of divine power, a terrifying breath erupted.


A big sword and a flag swept towards them with incomparable power, and dust flew everywhere they passed, and they were suddenly covered in gray.

"Do it!" Du Yuesheng watched the attack from the two of them coldly, and said to Zhou Zheng on the side.

Immediately, the Immortal Execution Sword appeared in his hand, injected with divine power, and quickly transformed into a large sword, shining all over. In this small space, it directly went up and down.

Zhou Zheng was not slow either, a seven-foot-long stick suddenly appeared, and after being infused with divine power, the stick released an aura of justice, and the whole field was completely filled with the aura of justice.

"Be careful!" One of the cannon fodder growled, and suddenly dodged to the side, and summoned his magic weapon for protection.

When Du Yuesheng and Zhou Zheng fought two cannon fodder, Bai Hong also made a move, and his target was the four people on the side.

"The appetite is so great that you want to deal with the four of us alone. Although you have half a foot in the God Emperor Realm, you are still the God King!"

"Shoot, don't give him a chance to breathe!"

While several people were discussing, they also shot quickly.

The narrow space was divided into two battlefields.

The violent divine power overflowed in all directions, constantly impacting on the surrounding stone walls.

However, if you look carefully, these stone walls are not scratched at all, and even the dust in them cannot be shaken off completely.

It can be seen how strong this ruin is.

When Du Yuesheng and Zhou Zheng faced each other, they didn't try their best, not even 30% of their strength.

As for Zhou Zheng, he was resisting with all his strength, exerting his strength to the extreme.

"Take it easy, we are going to be orioles!" Seeing Zhou Zheng working so hard, Du Yuesheng couldn't help reminding him via voice transmission.

In the field, it is obvious that a triangular force is formed. If one side uses all its strength, it will directly face the other two forces later, and it will be them who will suffer at that time.

When Zhou Zheng heard this, he immediately withdrew his divine power, and kept dodging during the confrontation.

However, Baihong's side is different.

Bai Hong's strength was fully utilized, and she firmly suppressed the four people he was facing.

Whether it is from the magic weapon or the strength of the divine power condensed by itself, Bai Hong is much stronger than the four of them.

If it wasn't for the four of them together, they wouldn't be able to resist Bai Hong's attack at all.

"Bai Hong, are you trying to force us?" One of them, struggling to hold on, stepped aside and said coldly.

"Forcing you? Do you have that strength?" Bai Hong looked at the four with disdain, and the next round of attacks appeared again.

"In that case, don't blame us for being cruel!"

After the words fell, the leader of the four roared directly, blood vessels burst out of his body, and his whole body became extremely red.

The other three, after seeing this scene, also roared, and a violent breath erupted from each of them.

This breath is like a cheetah in the wilderness, and like a lion running wild in the wild.

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