The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1521 The Holy Treasure Appears


"Exchange it for me."

Du Yuesheng heard the prompt from the system, what the hell do you do if you don't exchange it, he is upgrading very slowly now.


"Congratulations to the player for successfully exchanging and gaining 50 billion experience points."

"Upgrade still needs: 40 billion."

"Depend on!"

Du Yuesheng smiled helplessly when he heard the experience points needed later, then turned around and said to Zhou Zheng behind him: "Let's go! Go deep, and you should reach your destination soon."

Du Yuesheng immediately walked towards the passage, Zhou Zheng followed behind.

When Du Yuesheng and the others were fighting for the Holy Treasure.

The Wentian Mountain Range outside was full of blood and blood, and scenes of killing were being staged everywhere.

It's either monsters chasing and killing humans, or humans chasing and killing each other.

The trial has entered a fierce stage, and the original team of tens of thousands of people has been greatly reduced.

The number of people who are still participating is about 3,000, and the rest are either dead or sent out.

Inside a mountain range.

Du Sheng and Yu Qiu hid under a boulder with injuries all over their bodies, but a few figures appeared not far behind them.

"Strange, where did those two go?" A man in a black robe stopped in the void and looked down at the ground below.

"Senior brother, do you want to continue chasing?" Among the two men standing, one of them couldn't help asking.

"never mind!"

"We'd better go find someone else, we don't have to waste time for these two people."

As soon as the words fell, the three of them turned into a ray of light and disappeared instantly, chasing towards a place not far away.


"Finally ran away!"

After Du Sheng looked at the three people who disappeared, he fell directly to the ground, let out a big breath, and relaxed his mood.

Yu Qiu, who was beside him, looked at Du Sheng who had fallen to the ground, and she asked nervously, "Du Sheng, is your injury okay?"

"It's okay, what a manly injury is this." Du Sheng replied with a smile, but the injury on his body was still quite annoying.

Since entering the Wentian Mountain Range, he found Yuqiu in less than a day, but troubles followed one after another.

Either meeting a monster or meeting other gods.

"Brother, why haven't you appeared yet?" Du Sheng couldn't help feeling depressed, and according to his estimation, he would be able to meet Du Yuesheng soon.

But Du Sheng took Yu Qiu to search for five days in the Wentian Mountain Range, but they didn't come across Du Yuesheng.

This made Du Sheng very helpless!

"Yuqiu, let's rest for a while and go out to see if we can find brother." Du Sheng said softly to Yuqiu.

"Yeah!" Yuqiu nodded.

In the ruins of the main god.

Due to the lack of cannon fodder, Du Yuesheng and Zhou Zheng walked very slowly. It could be said that they were step by step and would not allow any danger to befall them.

When the two of them walked deep, other people also walked deep in other places in unison.

Some powerful people encountered danger on the way, but they were resolved.

But some people are not so lucky. When encountering danger, even the token cannot be activated, and the godhead is already shattered, and they die directly!

The passage is very deep, with no end in sight at a glance, and it is dark and gloomy.

Suddenly a beam of white light appeared in front of them, making the eyes of the two people brighten up, and they quickly ran towards the place of light.

"Nimma, what the hell kind of place is this?"

"What is this place? Ask Tiancheng?"

After the two walked out of the dark passage, they couldn't help being shocked.

What unfolded in front of the two of them was like a primeval forest, with green grass, singing birds and fragrant flowers, and long willows.

Not only that, but from time to time, some hares can be seen drilling around on the grass, and the endless virgin forest appears in front of you.


"The ruins of the Holy Treasure actually gave such a paradise behind it?" Zhou Zheng was beyond shocked by the scene in front of him.

Du Yuesheng pondered for a while, and murmured: "I don't think it's that simple! Maybe it's just a sign!"

Since it is a relic left by an old man, naturally there will be no place like this. And this place was still an ancient battlefield before.

In a place full of battles, it is simply impossible for such an environment to appear.

"Go, look deep!" After Du Yuesheng said something, he immediately walked towards this seemingly peaceful land.

When they were walking, there were also people who came out to this paradise from a place far away from them.

The reactions of these people were almost the same as Du Yuesheng's, everyone's faces were filled with shock.

After the shock, these people, like Du Yuesheng, wanted to explore this paradise.

Suddenly, the entire Xanadu was vibrated, and at the same time, a powerful coercion appeared in the field.


An unprecedented coercion permeated the entire field. Accompanied by vibrations and rumbling sounds, the entire Xanadu gradually collapsed. In less than three breaths, it had already turned into ruins and dust was flying all over the sky.

All the gods who came here immediately flew into the air, looking at the place emitting a powerful pressure with terrified expressions.

The same is true for Du Yuesheng, suspended in mid-air, looking at the central place.

"Is this the coercion of the Holy Treasure?" Zhou Zheng was shocked.

This kind of coercion, even if he was so far away, he still felt irresistible, as if he was going to sleep.

After the entire piece of your Xanadu land collapsed, every god was suspended in mid-air, and they could see each other, and everyone had a look of shock on their faces.

"Retreat one after another, this holy treasure seems to be floating!" Du Yuesheng frowned slightly, and said to Zhou Zheng.

When they all retreated, the ground collapsed again, and the next moment, a long sword with a crystal clear body rose slowly and was suspended in mid-air.

"That is!!"

"Futian Divine Sword!"

"It's actually Futian Divine Sword, my God!"

"Haha, I'm going to get rich! The Futian Excalibur belongs to my Sunset Dynasty, no one can take it away!"

Everyone was completely shocked after seeing the Futian Excalibur suspended in mid-air, and at the same time, there was a deep greedy look on their faces.

Futian Divine Sword is said to be a sacred treasure used by the supreme gods in ancient times. This holy treasure is extremely powerful. If it can be driven, if you want to fight at a higher level, it can be done in minutes.

Not only that, but the Futian Divine Sword was also rumored to create a void in ancient times, the so-called holding a sword and controlling a world!

"Don't move for now, let's wait and see! If my estimate is right, these people may fight!"

The corners of Du Yuesheng's mouth raised slightly, and he withdrew instantly.

Zhou Zheng nodded, and followed Du Yuesheng back.

The Holy Treasure appeared and the blood flowed like rivers, this is absolute!

Often only those with tyrannical strength can survive until the last second. Those who wanted to occupy the Holy Treasure for themselves would be killed first.

"You Sunset Dynasty, are you wishful thinking?" Just as the people of the Sunset Dynasty wanted to rush up to get the Futian Divine Sword, a cold voice came over.

Immediately afterwards, only a group of four people appeared in the field, looking coldly at the people of the Sunset Dynasty.

These people are the people from the Zixing Palace who confronted the Sunset Dynasty before, and everyone's strength is already at the peak of the God Emperor, and they can step into the half-step God Emperor realm by one step.

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