The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1526 Sweeping Everything

Not only the people from the Purple Star Palace were surprised, but even the people from the Sunset Dynasty also expressed surprise one by one.

Everyone found that the teleportation power contained in their own tokens seemed to be sealed at this moment.

Suddenly someone shifted his gaze to Du Yuesheng, and saw the vast bell floating above his head.

"Oh my God!"

"Peak Holy Treasure."

"I'm not mistaken."

When everyone saw the vast bell above Du Yuesheng's head, they were all surprised.

They also instantly understood what sealed the time and space, preventing them from teleporting away.

But there is more greed in their eyes.

The peak holy treasure, it can be compared with the existence of ordinary supreme artifacts, such treasures are extremely precious.

Even the main god will be tempted when he meets him!

They didn't expect that a little god emperor could actually produce such a treasure, it was really unbelievable for him.

Zhou Zheng also looked at the quaint big clock that appeared on Du Yuesheng's head with a bewildered expression.

"Kill! Kill him! The leader of the Purple Star Palace roared at the surrounding disciples, his eyes full of greed.

He seems to have forgotten the lesson just now!

However, in the face of 100% interests, anyone would do this, let alone two holy treasures now.

"court death!"

"Eastern Emperor Bell, shaking the world!"


Du Yuesheng didn't even see the crowd who came here, he spat out softly, and the Donghuang Bell on top of his head instantly slammed down against the wind.


"don't want.."

Under the power of the Eastern Emperor Bell, everyone in the Purple Star Palace had no chance to let go, and each one was smashed by the Eastern Emperor Bell, even the godhead.

"Ding, congratulations to the player for killing the God Emperor monster and gaining one billion Shinto points."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for killing the God Emperor monster and gaining one billion Shinto points."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for killing the God Emperor monster and gaining one billion Shinto points."

Du Yuesheng ignored the system prompts and waved lightly at the people who died, tokens appeared beside him.

"That's right...a few hundred!" Du Yuesheng took out his tokens and let him devour them.

And those people in the Sunset Dynasty who were still making a move, all woke up with a start.

At a time like this, how dare you grab anything?

Du Yuesheng's strength is far above all of them. If he wants to survive, he can only make the former happy and satisfied if he begs for mercy.

Immediately, the dull sound of several god-emperor masters kneeling on the ground made Zhou Zheng, who was watching from the sidelines, stunned again.

"Brother... No, uncle, you, let us live."

"That's right, ancestor, you... you spared my dog's life, and the rare treasures and tokens on me are all yours."

"That's long as you let us go like farts, the villain promises that we will never make our ancestors unhappy afterwards!"

Lowering his head slightly, Du Yuesheng couldn't help but sneered as he looked at the master kneeling at his feet begging for mercy and trembling.

Just now, this group of ants, relying on the reputation of the Purple Star Palace, seemed to threaten to destroy themselves first, right?

The death-like silence in the space was broken by Du Yuesheng's unquestionable domineering words, making everyone kneeling down begging for mercy mixed with joy and fear.

"Congratulations to you for recognizing the situation before the people in the Purple Star Palace, so... you are qualified to let me spare your life."

"Thank you, ancestor!!"

When everyone heard that Du Yuesheng wanted to spare their lives, they were all overjoyed and kowtowed.

However, they were more angry, but they were hidden by the crowd, and the grandson would be allowed first, and they would kill Du Yuesheng when they got out.

"But." Just when everyone thought they had escaped everything, Du Yuesheng's voice sounded again.

In an instant, everyone's hearts were in their throats, and they all looked at Du Yuesheng with the big bell on his head.

"But... I am a man who will not spare my enemies, all... you all go to hell."

Du Yuesheng laughed, and lightly stroked the heads of the people kneeling on the ground with the Zhuxian sword in his hand.

Immediately, heads of people who hadn't reacted fell to the ground one after another, and everyone's faces were full of horror.

"Ding, congratulations to the player for killing the God Emperor monster and gaining one billion Shinto points."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for killing the God Emperor monster and gaining 500 million Shinto points."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for killing the God Emperor monster and gaining three billion Shinto points."

With the "obstacles" of competing for the treasure removed, the owner of Futian Shenjian knows who it is without guessing.

Zhou Zheng was very clear about the choice he should make: "Brother Du, this Futian Excalibur belongs to you and has nothing to do with me."

It's interesting, Du Yuesheng smiled slightly, the cooperation between him and Zhou Zheng was just a coincidence, it didn't have to be so.

Even without Zhou Zheng, he can still kill these dregs with evil intentions but insufficient strength.

Of course, Zhou Zheng rushed out suddenly when he was in danger, and this move also made Du Yuesheng's heart move slightly.

Under the circumstances at that time, people who came to help him regardless of life and death were as rare and hard to find in this vast world as a needle in the sea.

Now, Zhou Zheng took the initiative to "give up" the Futian Sword, which shows that this person is not only brave, but also shrewd, and he is a good talent.

"Don't worry, I promise you something, I will let you easily enter the Supreme Academy, and I will not break my promise."

Although Du Yuesheng's words seemed a little blunt, in Zhou Zheng's heart, it was really a big reassurance.

In the whole world, the strong are respected.

Just now, Du Yuesheng's ability to kill the core disciples of several major forces in a row is enough to make a small faction like Zhou Zheng look up and fear.

There are only Zhou Zhen and Du Yuesheng here, if Du Yuesheng has murderous thoughts in his heart and wants to kill him to silence him, then Zhou Zheng will be powerless to resist.

Are there still few incidents of murder among cultivators?

No matter what Zhou Zhen thought, Du Yuesheng stood in front of Futian Sword.

"Futian Divine Sword is a treasure left by the ancient Lord God 'Futian'. The sharpness of the sword body can cut through nine heavens and cut off the water of the Styx River...

According to legend, there is still a sword spirit in Futian Divine Sword. Who subdued this sword spirit?

Whoever can get the inheritance of Sword God Futian. "

Zhou Zheng chanted the legend about Futian Divine Sword softly. Before entering the secret realm, he had already heard a few words from some practitioners.

It's just that what he didn't expect was that such a good thing would happen to him.

Du Yuesheng stretched out his hand slowly, held the Futian Divine Sword, felt its touch, the Futian Divine Sword trembled suddenly, emitting ten thousand rays of light.

Immediately afterwards, Du Yuesheng's body shook, and a cool and bone-chilling feeling appeared in his body. This feeling seemed to be completely wrapped in thousand-year-old ice.

His blood seemed to be frozen, and a mysterious force seemed to rush into his blood at any moment, completely subduing his spirit!

A cold light flashed in Du Yuesheng's eyes: "If you still want to control me, I will let you know how powerful I am."

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