The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1530 Dare to touch my friend? !

However, Yu Qiuliu's frowning anger was not threatening at all in the eyes of everyone in the Ye Shen Temple.

On the contrary, it aroused Ye Yu's joking thoughts, and raised his hands, the already piercing chill all around became even worse:

"Why, in this situation, are you still unwilling to admit defeat?"

After a pause, Ye Yu still shook his head and mocked: "No wonder your Ancient God Mountain is not as good as the previous generation. You are all trash of strength but insist on being brave!"

"No... You are not allowed to insult our Ancient God Mountain!?"

Seeing that Yuqiu's consciousness is fully sealed at this time but still so stubborn, Ye Yu immediately laughed even more wildly: "Oh? I want to insult the Ancient God Mountain, what can you do to me?

Not only do I want to insult your sect, I also want to insult you today/

In the Wentian Mountain Range, even if your Supreme Elder descends, he would not dare to offend the Night Temple for you! "

The last four words are extremely arrogant, but Ye Yu can speak with full confidence, as if in his opinion, the only problem before him is how to humiliate Yu Qiu...

These words sound harsh and vulgar to Yuqiu, but the truth is that they are so cruel and indifferent.

On the Wentian Mountains where the weak prey on the strong, Yuqiu really can't think of anyone who is willing to offend the Night Temple for himself.

Except... Du Yuesheng!

But now, looking at the boundless and frosty surroundings, Yuqiu wished so much that the figure of the young stalwart would suddenly appear in front of him!

"Senior brother, let's have a good time tonight with this little girl from the God King Realm, so what should I do with this waste from the God King Realm?"

The trash mentioned by the Temple of the Night, of course, refers to Du Sheng who was frozen into an ice sculpture.

However, Ye Yu didn't even bother to take a second look when he heard the words, and snorted coldly, "Is there even a need to ask? Are there not many god-king-level trash we killed along the way?

One more is not much, and one less is not much, keeping it is a disaster! Why not kill him now! "

Thinking of this, Ye Yu's Yinji's eyes flashed a bit more sinister, originally he was just planning to snatch the token today.

But now that things have developed to this point... when it's time to kill and silence, he is more decisive than anyone else!

Anyway... the trash of the God King Realm is not worth mentioning in his eyes!

"Tsk tsk, she's frozen into an ice sculpture and still looks like a frightened coward, that trash god king, when he arrives in the underworld, if you want to blame this chick for annoying our Night Temple!"

While speaking, Ye Yu raised his right hand slightly, and the palm of his hand condensed with azure blue frosty light. At the same time, the ice sculptures frozen around Du Sheng's body gradually showed signs of cracking!

Yu Qiu saw it, her beautiful eyes were about to burst, and she was extremely angry!

As a master of the God Emperor, how could she fail to see that Du Sheng's physical body and consciousness have been frozen in it now, Ye Yu just needs to wave his hand... then the latter will really lose his soul!

She didn't expect that Du Sheng, who was always annoying and chatty but sincerely trusting with her sister-in-law and sister-in-law all the way... would die so badly for a moment!

Moreover, is it true that as Ye Yu said, Du Sheng...was killed because he had no strength but chose to bend rather than bend?


Du Yuesheng, where are you? !

The heart-piercing Jiaoyue seems to be able to pierce the bottom of my heart through the frost all over the sky.

I don't know if it's a hallucination caused by grief or what, Yuqiu seems to really see that the sky is full of frost... turning into snowflakes and withering?

The cold wind couldn't blow away the indifference on the young man's face.

Standing in the middle of the snowflakes all over the sky, there is also that stalwart figure that he has been looking forward to for a long time?

Is it an illusion...

Just when Yuqiu's beautiful eyes were filled with confusion, she gave a cold shout, which made her pale, pretty face suddenly brighten with joy!

"I heard, you dare to touch my friend?"

In a word, full of domineering!

Du Yuesheng, who came in time while slightly angry, broke out completely, and his powerful aura made everyone in the Temple of the Night silent for a while.

Who is this guy? !

Could it be this woman's old friend?

Came here specially to be a hero to save the beauty?

Similarly, when Ye Yu, who was facing away from Du Yuesheng, realized that his domain supernatural power had been broken, he was only startled, and his face turned cold.

This guy can actually break the blocking barrier that a dozen of us have jointly arranged?

You must know that although the Night God Temple is not famous for Qimen Dunjia, even an ordinary enchantment is arranged by condensing the divine power of more than a dozen people!

If you want to break it with external force, you need at least a burst of divine power that is no less than the instantaneous burst of power of more than ten people in the Night Temple. It is precisely because of this that Ye Yu dared to be so arrogant.

The reason is very simple. On the Wentian Mountain Range, there are indeed masters of chivalry, such as the high-sounding hypocrites in the temple... However, the barrier set up by the night temple is to warn them to retreat in spite of difficulties!

More than a dozen people teamed up, with Ye Yu sitting in command, even the peak god emperor who wants to be a hero to save the beauty has to weigh the pros and cons...

But because of this, Ye Yu's face was very ugly.

How could the uninvited guest behind him be aware that he was just a god king who was no different from a waste!

But the mere god king can break the barrier he set up?

And even when he didn't respond, he almost broke the barrier in one move!

This kind of tyrannical strength and realm itself is the most incredible contradiction!

There must be a demon in everything, the cunning and fierce Ye Yu didn't answer Du Yuesheng's question, but...

Preemptive strike!

Since things can't be good, we can only trample to death this uninvited guest who wants to be a hero to save the beauty with the smallest price!


The pitch-black robe flickered in the air, and it landed beside Du Sheng in just an instant...

And until now, the frost all over Du Sheng's body has not melted yet! There was no time to react!

Not only that, after the people in the Temple of the Night came back to their senses from their astonishment, they, who knew the character of the chief senior brother, immediately resorted to a killer move!

As long as you can catch that good-for-nothing god king and chick, it doesn't matter whether you are pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger or a hero saving the beauty, don't you have to obediently wait for death? !

"Hmph, it's just a god king? How dare you hide your realm in front of us, you don't know how to live or die!"

"You can break the barrier of my Night God Temple, you are a bit of a waste, but unfortunately... you will die here in the end!"

"What's wrong with learning to be a hero and save the beauty? Labor and capital will kill you, a useless god king who is overconfident!"

In an instant, countless sarcasm and rays of divine power pointed directly at Du Yuesheng's vital points!

However, even though several mighty and frightening divine powers were coming at him, Du Yuesheng's face still didn't show any panic, what was there was just a playful arc that did not know when it was raised.


Waste God King?

Killing you, why do you need a higher realm! ?

"Execution Immortal Sword, break!"

There was a bang, accompanied by a dazzling cold sword edge flashing out.

And Du Yuesheng's figure had already disappeared in place!


He was also dressed in a Chinese robe, and had the same countless afterimages, but compared to Ye Yu who took the lead in attacking, Du Yuesheng was even more fierce!


Fast to the extreme fast!

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