The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1534 Ranking

After a lot of effort, Du Yuesheng finally got rid of Du Sheng on his legs, of course...not forgetting to leave a blow on the latter's head.

"I said, you are a god king after all, it is a disgrace to the god world to worship me so brazenly!"

Patting the dust on his trouser legs, Du Yuesheng looked disgusted, as if he was afraid that Du Sheng would rub some snot and tears on it.

It's ridiculous to think about it. In a place like the Wentian Mountain Range, where strength is respected, to be able to stage a scene of being hugged by the thigh and begging to accept his younger brother, he is really strong to a certain level.

"You can't blame me for that. Who told you, Brother Du, you casually took the magic weapon as a gift."

Scratching his head with an aggrieved face, Du Yuesheng's attitude caused Du Yuesheng to shake his head and laugh: "Okay, whether it's a sacred weapon or a magic weapon, it's all outside the body.

The most important thing for us now is how to pass the assessment of the Supreme Academy! There is not much time left. "

After being reminded by Du Yuesheng, the three of Yuqiu suddenly noticed that it seemed that there were only two days left until the assessment time.

And their ranking is still pitiful!

Needless to say, Du Sheng, with a ranking of several thousand, he himself did not believe that he could pass the college examination, even with the help of Du Yuesheng's thigh against the heavens...

In fact, being able to survive until now without any danger is enough for Du Sheng to thank God for his mercy.

Yuqiu's ranking is much better. After all, the Divine Emperor's cultivation base in the Wentian Mountain Range is by no means a soft persimmon to be slaughtered.

What was a little astonishing was that among the three of Yuqiu, Zhou Zheng was the one with the highest ranking!

Although it is not as good as Du Yuesheng's more than 700, it is still close to 2,000, obviously surpassing most of the god kings!

After reporting each other's rankings, Yu Qiu and the two of them were not surprised by Du Yuesheng. Instead, they looked at Zhou Zheng, who was somewhat complacent while laughing, in astonishment.

"Damn it! You don't know how to cheat, do you? Obviously the cultivation base is the same as mine, why is it ranked so high?"

"It's just... I offended a high-rank sect along the way, and only got five tokens from them. Why is my ranking only four hundred or less higher than yours?"

The astonishment of the two is of course justifiable. In fact, not only Yu Qiu, but even Du Yuesheng felt that Zhou Zheng's ranking had been underestimated before.

However, being looked directly at by the three people's puzzled eyes, the simple and honest face of Zhou Zheng, who was originally smiling and scratching his head, was more and more replaced by pride.

"Hey... This is probably the advantage of being a support, after all, I was also the one who fought with Brother Du in the main god's ruins."

Depend on! You don't even seem to have any experience in cheering labor and capital apart from being behind the scenes, right?

Du Yuesheng raised a middle finger heavily in his heart!

But contempt is contempt, Zhou Zheng's ranking exceeded expectations, which is a good thing for Du Yuesheng.

After all, I promised to let them all enter the Supreme Academy!

Especially Yuqiu... If there is a chance, Du Yuesheng will try his best to win her a qualification to enter the inner court.

However, the straightforward Du Sheng didn't think too much about it, and said to Zhou Zheng, who was also the king of God, a little depressed: "Assist? What support...You don't need to say that you are so fresh and refined when you hug your thigh?"

"Damn! No matter how fresh and refined I am, I'm not as shameless as you. When you begged Brother Du just now, I already used a photo stone to record!"

"... Shit, Black History forgot to keep it secret, Brother Zhou, are you reminding me to kill people and silence them?"

"No, I'm just telling you that when you call me again in the future, remove the word brother..."

Looking at Zhou Zheng and Zhou Zheng who were not happy with each other, Du Yuesheng interrupted appropriately: "I said that you two are almost talkative.

Our top priority now is how to keep our qualifications to enter the academy, not to compete with each other here. "

Yu Qiu nodded beside her, and Wanyin agreed with a slightly dignified voice: "That's right, there are only two days left until the end of the assessment, but our ranking is obviously still far behind.

If we look at the normal situation, it would be difficult for the three of us to enter the academy no matter what.

Even... If you are unlucky on the last day, you may encounter a master who kills indiscriminately in order to compete for a place and lose his life. "

After the Wanyin finished, Yu Qiu looked at Du Yuesheng expectantly with her beautiful eyes, and a smile appeared on her pretty face.

"However... the situation is different now, with Yuesheng here, at least we won't become someone else's stepping stone."

Of course, in Yuqiu's heart, it would be best if Du Yuesheng could help him enter the academy, if he is not willing...

Even Futian Shenjian was given to himself as a small gift, so would he be ashamed to force Yuesheng?

But Yuqiu's words just hit what Zhou Zheng and the others thought.

Originally, they were willing to be friends with Du Yuesheng, and even lowered their stance and joked about hugging their thighs. Apart from sincerely admiring the latter's strength and character, it is impossible to say that they have no care at all...

Human beings are not sages, let alone Zhou Zheng and Du Sheng, who could not even guarantee life and death in the Wentian Mountain Range where the strong are like clouds.

Although it was approved by Du Yuesheng, Du Sheng and Du Sheng were too embarrassed to ask for it.

One must know how precious the places in the Supreme Academy are, and even many elite disciples of the Transcendence sect yearn for it infinitely, and it is impossible for them to be so shameless as to ask Du Yuesheng to guarantee their entry into the academy.

And what Du Yuesheng valued was the self-knowledge of Zhou Zheng and Zhou Zheng. If the latter really made progress, they might have parted ways by now.

However, Zhou Zheng and Zhou Zheng couldn't agree on this kind of request, but Yuqiu was different!

The exquisite Yuqiu is not stupid either, so why can't she see the unspeakable secrets of Zhou Zheng and the two, and she took the initiative to speak at this time, which can be regarded as resolving the embarrassment and embarrassment between the few people.

But what Yuqiu didn't expect was that Du Yuesheng nodded and agreed much more simply than he imagined!

"Don't worry, since I, Du Yuesheng, have promised you, I will never break my promise.

After two days, I guarantee that you are eligible to enter the Supreme Academy! "

Although it was not the first time that Du Yuesheng made such a promise, coupled with his calm self-confidence at this time, Zhou Zheng and his wife immediately admired and worshiped him.

"Brother Du, although it sounds like you're a good-looking guy who got cheap, but I still have to say, I, Zhou Zheng, really admire you!"

"That's right! I, Du Sheng, am willing to be your younger brother! It doesn't matter if I can't get into the Supreme Academy!"

When Du Yuesheng heard this, he chuckled even worse: "Hehe, I won't make any noise if it's unnecessary.

It is a great fate that we can meet colleagues in a place like Wentian Mountain Range.

And I, Du Yuesheng... never treat my friends badly! "

In just a few words, the relationship between several people has been stabilized to an unprecedented unity. This is where Du Yuesheng's unique temperament lies!

What both Zhou Zheng and Zhou Zheng admired the most was that even though their strengths were vastly different from Du Yuesheng's, the latter was always regarded as a friend from the beginning to the end.

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