The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1536 Hit the rankings, let's go!

"In short, now that we have decided on a countermeasure, let's now... start to hit the rankings."

After severely giving Du Sheng two chestnuts on the top of his head, Du Yuesheng changed his previous indifferent decision.

Beside them, Yuqiu and the others also nodded in agreement.

"Well, although the risk of doing so is a bit high, it is the only way now..."

"I support Brother Du, but I still suggest that we should save our lives first. Those who can't enter the Supreme Academy must find a way to survive first, right?"

"Damn! Zhou Zheng, you coward, do you know what it means to beg for wealth and wealth? If you are a real man, you should kill him all the way!"

Looking at the ambitious Du Sheng, Du Yuesheng couldn't help laughing and said: "Oh? You are very confident to hear what you mean...

Then when you meet the enemy later, let you take the lead. It shouldn’t be difficult to abuse a god emperor or god emperor casually, right? "

"It's difficult! It's too difficult, Brother Du... Can't you give me some face after I finally made a fool of myself?"

Hearing Du Yuesheng run on him, even if Du Shengdang succumbed, everyone knew that the four of them were the real main force of the former, followed by Yuqiu, who was cultivated by the emperor.

Even Zhou Zheng, who can provide divine power, is more useful than him.

So, I still responded to what Du Yuesheng said just now...

If you have experience, just lie down obediently, don't be idle and have nothing to do.

However, Yuqiu was more serious than Du Sheng, and Dang even raised a key question: "Yuesheng, although I decided to grab tokens and kill the top-ranked people to earn points, but...

Where are we going to find the enemy? You can't wait for the other party to take the initiative to find you..."

To this, Du Yuesheng responded calmly with a light smile: "You don't have to worry about this, Shanren has his own tricks.

Isn't it just looking for someone? Where can they hide in this acre of cultivated land in the Tianshan Mountains? "

Du Yuesheng's self-confidence once again deeply shocked the three of Yuqiu. You must know that the Wentian Mountain Range is vast and boundless, but he actually has a way to lock the location of others?

But having said that... If you don't know Du Yuesheng's true strength, I'm afraid the general masters will definitely take the initiative to kill them when they know the location of the few people. How can there be any reason to hide?

Of course Du Yuesheng has his way.

Since we can find the location of Yuqiu and the others, then find someone else...

"Hmph, system, such a trivial matter as finding someone, shouldn't bother you, right?"

As soon as the primordial spirit gave the order, Du Yuesheng felt that there were countless targets in his consciousness. Although they were far away, they really existed.

In an instant, Du Yuesheng closed his eyes and felt the sharp fluctuations of his consciousness, like invisible ripples, sweeping across the vast Wentian Mountains...

"Yes! I didn't expect there to be points delivered to your door near here!"

After a while, Du Yuesheng suddenly opened his eyes, and the brilliant light that shot out was as dazzling as stars.

Thousands of miles away to the southwest, there is a team of top-rank sects!

Two god emperors lead the team, and five god king peaks accompany them. Although it is vulnerable to Du Yuesheng, but...

If they really cooperated with each other and trusted each other, they would have a place in the Wentian Mountain Range.

But it's a pity that they have become Du Yuesheng's first target for scoring points without knowing it...

"Let's go, keep up with my speed, the slower you go, the more variable you may be."

After making up his mind, Du Yuesheng's whole temperament became as sharp as a drawn sword.

Even if they are not close to the enemy, Yuqiu and the others can't help but regard Du Yuesheng as the backbone because of such resolute and tyrannical behavior.

Since he sincerely decided to follow Du Yuesheng, then Zhou Zheng would not make any mistakes against his command, and immediately exploded with divine power, much faster than before.

"Brother Du, are you trying your luck? Why can't I feel anyone in this direction..."

"Based on your perception range, it is estimated that it is not much farther than my limited vision."

As for the mystery of the system's search for targets, Du Yuesheng didn't want to and didn't bother to explain to Du Sheng and the two of them. He just focused on running fast and did not forget to use his spiritual sense to confirm the direction during the process.

However, the distance of thousands of miles is nothing to Du Yuesheng, but it is impossible for him to run with all his strength and disregard his teammates. Just taking advantage of this opportunity, he can also prevent possible variables in wartime in advance.

After all, what Du Sheng said half-jokingly and half-seriously, Du Yuesheng, who stepped on countless corpses all the way, has a deep understanding...

There is only one life.

Therefore, Du Yuesheng will not let the people around him make any mistakes.

"Right now, my ranking is fairly high. Since the two God Emperor's teams can survive for eight days in the Wentian Mountain Range, it can be seen that they still have some strength...

Therefore, if you can not expose your strength, find a way to deter them from handing over the token, in case the malicious guy takes the opportunity to steal it. "

Du Yuesheng's thinking was not inconceivable, considering that he was already standing in the hundreds of people in the realm of God King, it was a bit unbelievable.

If he kills others again and his points skyrocket, it will definitely attract the attention of those detached sects.

In fact, some supernatural sects, such as the Holy Temple and several main gods overlooking the Wentian Mountain Range, had paid special attention to Du Yuesheng as early as a few days ago...

However, although Du Yuesheng's consideration is appropriate, the key is that the opponents are willing to hand over the token obediently, otherwise everything is empty talk.

Of course, the chances of those guys being willing to succumb to being subdued by a mere god king like myself is roughly zero...

At the top of the mountain, near a spiritual pool full of divine power to nourish and restore.

A young man with a prominent scar on his face stared sternly into the distance, wondering what he was thinking.

Beside him, the young man's companion followed his gaze and couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

"Senior Brother Wang, what are you looking at?"

Hearing this, the young man frowned, and the eye-catching scar became even more pervasive, before he said, "I always feel that someone is rushing towards us."

"Rush us over?"

After hearing this, the companion became even more puzzled: "Impossible, the enchantment I set up didn't move at all, and there is nothing but our own people in the range of spiritual consciousness."

However, the young man in the lead shook his head indifferently: "This has nothing to do with spiritual consciousness, it's just a sense of crisis arising from my subconscious mind."

Mentioning the mysterious existence of a sense of crisis, even the young man shook his head with some self-deprecation: "Maybe it's because I've been fighting for days and my nerves are a little nervous, maybe I'm worrying too much.

But... the performance of our Shadow Demon Palace this time has far exceeded my expectations. "

Mentioning the achievements of the past few days, the companions beside the young man also beamed with joy: "Yes, among other things, Senior Brother Wang, you are now among the top 1000.

And if we're lucky these two days, even Senior Brother Chen will have a chance to enter the outer gate of the academy! "

At some point, the scar on the face of the young man surnamed Wang was blown by the strong wind, and his collar trembled coldly.

"Yeah, better luck... The premise is that we can live until then."

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