The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1551 King's Landing

However, Bai Qian still sneered ignorantly: "For the sake of you being able to catch the sword light all over the sky, I will give you a few words.

Originally, the reason why God wanted to go to the Supreme City was that he had already entered the inner gate and had nothing to do to see if he could meet some unlucky miscellaneous fish. "

Steady into the inner door?

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng's starry eyes brightened. Judging from the tone of this little boy, it seems that his ranking is already in the top ten!

And it is very likely that it is not the nine or ten who accompany the last seat!

But after thinking about it, Du Yuesheng felt relieved. He is a majestic god and has a divine weapon in his hand. In the Wentian Mountain Range, there are really few people who are his opponents.


"Then since you have already entered the inner gate, why use your divine power to fly back to the Supreme City and just use the token to teleport it!"

As soon as the Wanyin came out, Du Yuesheng remembered that Yuqiu was still by his side. When he confronted Bai Qian just now, the girl hurriedly hid in the distance. Seeing that there was no movement, she rushed back.

But just right, I said the question I wanted to ask but didn't bother to ask.

However, for Yu Qiu, Bai Qian couldn't talk about demeanor at all, she glanced at her contemptuously, and then said with a gloomy face: "For the sake of your companion, I will make an exception to answer the idiot question of you, a good-for-nothing god emperor.

First, the reason why God didn't use the token was because he wanted to take the same waste sacrificial sword as the one who fell under the cliff. By the way, search for some magic weapons and holy artifacts for refining.

Second, you idiot woman should know the rules of the academy, right? If you are sent back to the Supreme City, you can't compete with your fellow disciples. If you encounter someone who is not pleasing to the gods, wouldn't you even be restrained from killing people? "

These two reasons sound unbelievable, but they are perfectly reasonable when applied to a supercilious guy like Bai Qian!

On the other hand, Yu Qiu, being ridiculed like this, made her pretty face angry, but she dared not do anything because of the opponent's strength, so she could only look at Du Yuesheng for help.

Not to mention because of Yuqiu, even Du Yuesheng himself said in a pale tone of extreme displeasure, "Oh? From the way you look, you are very satisfied with your plan to fly back to Supreme City?"

Bai Qian nodded triumphantly: "Of course! The God of God does not seek to act swiftly and swiftly, but only to have a clear mind."

"very good!"

Nodding his head, Du Yuesheng gritted his teeth and sneered: "For the reason that the broken sword box on your back can forcibly shake the Zhuxian sword, I have a few words, and I will return them to you as well.

One, your wishful thinking of picking up the fish that slipped through the net may be in vain. In the southwest direction, there may be no one alive.

Two, for a pretender like you, after flying back to the Supreme City, let alone murder, it is possible to be trampled to death! "

Before he finished speaking, Du Yuesheng didn't wait for Bai Qian to get angry, and said word by word: "Finally, since you are already in the top ten, it really saves time and kills you, so that I can finish it once and for all!

As for whether he will be retaliated by that old bastard Bai Yuan in the future, it is a matter for the future, now... either obediently hand over the token, or..."


Just a short word of death, but it is like a flood breaking a dike, and the fighting spirit is overwhelming!

Unparalleled burst out, standing in mid-air, Du Yuesheng's whole body shone with holy golden divine power, holding the sword in both hands, as if he was already in the state of a fierce battle!

With such an aura, even Bai Qian, who had always regarded himself as a superior, had his eyes slightly glazed over, not to mention that Yu Qiu beside him could no longer bear the coercion radiated by Du Yuesheng, and hurriedly hid in the distance.

Even the ever-clear sky in the Wentian Mountain Range seemed to be covered with a chilling sword intent.

But after a short period of sluggishness, Bai Qian suddenly raised her head and laughed wildly: "Hahaha... Interesting, you are the first bastard who dared to make me hand over the token obediently.

Based on this, God originally gave you a chance to survive!

As long as you obediently crawl over under my feet, God will not blame you for the death penalty of blocking the way, how about it? "


Du Yuesheng remained silent, and the supreme avenue faintly emanating from the sword's edge was the best answer!

"Idiot, do you really think that you can become invincible by calling yourself a god? It's your luck to survive from Sword God Mountain.

But your luck of pretending to be X everywhere and not being beaten to death ends here! "

After the words were finished, there seemed to be silence between heaven and earth.

Only Bai Qian's insane laugh remained.

"Okay! Since you want to seek death, God will help you! It's just a pity that the fairy sword in your hand is about to fall!"

Fall here?

Faced with such provocations, the Zhuxian Sword seemed to be bursting with anger, the power of the Supreme Dao condensed on the blade was even stronger, and the surrounding air was smashed to pieces by the remaining power!

This is a fight between sword repairers.

The star sword box on Bai Qian's back was also completely poured out, pouring out the sky full of stars.

The starlight is dazzling, but even more murderous intent emerges, before getting close, the majesty of the artifact is tyrannical and violent!

Facing the starry sky, Du Yuesheng remained motionless.

It's just that the hands holding the hilt of the sword tightly swung it down!

"Break it!"

A broken word, but it inherits the horror of the Supreme Dao.

The Dao held by the Zhuxian Sword is the piercing way of the sword in the Three Thousand Ways.

How cold is it?

When the sword comes out, blood will be seen; when the sword is dropped, people will be killed!

But Bai Qian's trump card is not only Qianxue Yingshang supporting the defense, but also the stars all over the sky holding him up to block the sword.

That being the case...

"That will break your starry sky!"

While slashing, the sharp arc of sword energy slashed out, unexpectedly cutting out countless space-time rifts around the two of them!

Once sucked into the rift, unless one reaches the realm of a god emperor who comprehends the laws of time and space, one will end up dead without a whole body!

Although the sky full of stars is strong, it is not as strong as a god emperor!

The monstrous power of the artifact was fully displayed by the two of them.

However, the starlight in the sky is rapidly bursting and dissipating at a speed of thousands of breaths per breath!

This gap, which can be called the difference between clouds and mud, was obviously beyond Bai Qian's previous expectations!

It is also an artifact, and it is also a strength that cannot be measured by realm. Why... did I rise to defeat so quickly?

Bai Qian never thought about it from the beginning to the end, the starry sky is just the evolution of the ten fairy swords in the star sword box.

As for the same divine sword, most of the ten handles in the sword box can only be called divine weapons! It is still far away from the World Exterminating Sword that can truly cut the sky and open the earth!

But Zhuxian Sword, as the name suggests, Zhuxian destroys the gods, among the fairy swords, you can become the king!

The gap between Ten Immortals Sword and Zhu Xian Sword is like the gap between King and Koumin, it's like a cloud!

Not to mention, the master of the Sword of Immortal Execution is Du Yuesheng, a heaven-defying existence who has stepped into the supreme avenue!

So, why is Bai Qian undefeated?


In just ten breaths, the starlight in the sky dissipated without a trace.

As the Zhu Xian sword hummed and the sword edge swept across, on the sword box behind Bai Qian, the surface that could be said to be condensed into stars was cracked with cracks visible to the naked eye!

"This, how is this possible? A mere piece of trash can have such a divine sword?"

At some point, the positions of the two had already been reversed. Facing Bai Qian who was standing at his feet, Du Yuesheng exuded a contemptuous look all over his body.

"Oh? That's right, you bastard who isn't even worth trash, don't you still have a divine weapon in your hand?

Unfortunately, they chose the wrong master! "

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