The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1555 Bai Yuan Descends!

The sign of the coming of the main god caused the laws of the Wentian Mountain Range to collapse slightly.

And Du Yuesheng's originally playful expression also became more serious than ever.

A strong enemy is approaching, there must be no mistakes!

Almost immediately, Du Yuesheng took advantage of the fact that the crack in front of him hadn't expanded to the limit, and said coldly without looking back: "Yuqiu, let's go! Fly in the direction of travel, if I don't take the initiative to find you, then don't!" return!"

Although he was very worried about Du Yuesheng's safety, facing an opponent of this level, Yu Qiu also knew that staying was just a burden.

Immediately, Yu Qiu nodded heavily, leaving only a pretty shadow.

Before leaving, he didn't forget to give Du Yuesheng a soft and caring look back.

Without any worries, Du Yuesheng... naturally no longer hides his strength!

The unparalleled value completely exploded, and the terrifying majesty destroyed the surrounding air again.

"Lord God, right? Just let me see what kind of skills you have cultivated for thousands of years?"

Du Yuesheng didn't intend to escape.

Facing the majestic Lord God with unpredictable strength, the more you shrink back, the faster you will die.

It's better to confront each other, not to mention that Du Yuesheng really doesn't believe that Bai Yuan can break through the barrier of Wentian Mountain Range with a complete state!

Suddenly, a cold snort burst out from the crack.

"Hmph! Mere bastards, if you dare to kill this deity's beloved disciple, die to me!"

Such a strong coercion!

As soon as the cold snort came out, Du Yuesheng, who had experienced a lot of fighting, felt something was wrong, and hurriedly used his divine power to protect his whole body.

But even so, he still underestimated the power of the Lord God!

It's just a cold snort, in addition to the coercion of being a superior, there is actually substantial anger!

Just this cold snort can instantly kill an ordinary God Emperor master!

The majestic Lord God is really terrifying!

Especially among the main gods, the main god of Baiyuan, who ranks firmly in the top three, whose status is revered by thousands of people, can be said to have been obtained through countless killings!

With killing as his practice, how can the fighting instinct of this kind of monster be beyond the imagination of ordinary people?

Even Du Yuesheng was unexpected!

That cold snort that could instantly kill the Emperor, although it didn't hurt Du Yuesheng, but the coercion of the Lord God really pierced through his spiritual consciousness!

The Jade Mansion was destroyed, although with Du Yuesheng's reaction speed, it only took a moment to recover, but at this moment, he was really stunned in place.

As for the duel between the strong, this moment of lightning and flint is enough to cause many things to happen!

"Miscellaneous, you are able to forcibly resist a mantra of the master god without any damage, you do have the strength to kill the god.

But... no matter how strong the ants are, they will still be just ants! "

Before the words were finished, Du Yuesheng felt a gust of cold wind blowing in front of him, and at the same time, a stabbing pain came from his abdomen!

"Hiss... This old immortal is the main god, and he is fighting with me without using any magic skills!"

Although the sharp edge mixed with boundless killing resentment only scratched Du Yuesheng's clothes, but with his full defense, even the white and shallow starlight couldn't hurt him at all!

But... Du Yuesheng clearly felt that the slashing that just broke through his defense was just the most common saber technique!

You can have such strength with only sword skills...

As expected of Bai Xiuluo, one of the main gods——Bai Yuan!

"Spiritual art? Why use divine art to kill a waste like you? The projection of this deity's soul-killing knife is enough to make you a piece of shit!"

While speaking, there was another flash of swords, lights and swords that were brilliant but hard to hide.

Except that Du Yuesheng was slightly defeated by the sneak attack first, at this time with the Zhuxian Sword in his hand, he slowly stabilized his figure.

But the faster the confrontation of swords, lights and swords was like thunder, Du Yuesheng's expression became more complicated.

Bai Yuan is worthy of being an antique that has lived for thousands of years. Leaving aside his strength, even the city government is terribly scheming!

Just now, when Du Yuesheng's consciousness was pierced by the mantra, his subconscious reaction was—Bai Yuan wanted to use a terrifying magic technique!

Because only those great magical arts that can move mountains and fill seas can kill him in seconds as much as possible, and from Bai Yuan's point of view, it is perfectly normal to take advantage of this level of realm!

But Du Yuesheng didn't expect that it was because of his own preconceived ideas that he fell into Bai Yuan's schemes!

What's more, Bai Yuan made too many disguises for a sneak attack!

You must know that just before Du Yuesheng gathered his divine power, he didn't see Bai Yuan's figure at all.

Although the speed of the main god is as fast as running thunder, and he is also very good at the magic technique of concealing breath, but at that time, Du Yuesheng, who had a burst of consciousness, did not feel the slightest sign of it!

Du Yuesheng can guarantee that even Bai Yuan would not be able to sneak attack without warning under his own perception!

But... the knife mark on the clothes is extremely eye-catching.

"First I used divine power to break through the space-time rift, but it didn't come down immediately. Instead, I expected that my spiritual consciousness would be full, so I chose to use the mantra of the main god to target it. It's really cunning!"

Bai Yuan's cunning is not limited to this, after the mantra destroyed Du Yuesheng's jade mansion, he also took full advantage of the moment of lightning and flint.

But there is a little detail that Du Yuesheng kept in mind!

What Bai Yuan held in his hand was not the Soul-Breaking Knife itself! But just projection!

This is too abnormal...

According to common sense, even if Bai Yuan forcibly breaks through the space-time barrier and his realm is unstable, he should always carry the natal artifact with him, right?

Coupled with the majestic Lord God, no matter how arrogant he is, his opponent is Bai Yuan who practices killing. For him, killing has almost been integrated into his instinct.

And since it's instinct, he should urge Bai Yuan to kill himself instantly in the most direct way. It's also possible to make fun of a cat and a mouse, but he should put himself firmly under his feet before humiliating him!

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind quickly, making Du Yuesheng's star-like eyes awe-inspiring!


A supreme sword arc cut out, twisting and neighing the air in front of Du Yuesheng, and made Bai Yuan, who didn't dare to shake his sharpness, back a few steps.

Although it was a few steps, there was a hundred meters between the two of them!

Bearded sideburns, flowing robes, silver hair, simple face, soul-killing knife... The tall and thin old man, more than nine feet tall, was staring at Du Yuesheng with sinister eyes.

Lord God Bai Yuan!

"Miscellaneous! You are the first ant who has struggled for so long in front of the Lord God, and I will give you a chance to say your last words!"

Tell me your last words?

With the sword on his back, Du Yuesheng smiled coldly, the white shirt around him could not be moved by the strong wind.

"Old man, you are the one who should say the last words, right?"


Another mantra of the main god was offered, but Du Yuesheng had already prepared it, the majesty enough to kill the emperor in an instant was just a passing breeze to him.

"Bai Qian's corpse has been refined into divine power by you, and you can't even perform the supreme magic controlled by the main god. Even the divine weapon in your hand is just a counterfeit projection. With so many flaws exposed, where do you have the courage to call yourself this?" Lord God?"

After sneering, Du Yuesheng suddenly became violent.

"It's just a doppelgänger, and you still want to avenge that little boy? Get out of the stage obediently!"

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