The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1559 Qin Shihuang Appears


A wave of sword piercing the sky swept across, cutting through the darkness covering the sky abruptly!

The clear sky appeared, and the power of Zhuxian Sword became even more powerful!

In an instant, it was cloudless again.

In just a few breaths, everything returned to its original state, as if nothing had happened...

However, it was only when he tightly held the humming soul-killing knife that Bai Yuan realized more clearly that Du Yuesheng had wiped out countless resentful souls with one sword!

Those people are the defeats of his life!

Even if they were imprisoned as resentful spirits after death, they were all very strong in life, and even a few talented high gods were refined by Bai Yuan into resentful spirit generals.

But Du Yuesheng cleared the field with a sword!

After being stunned for a while, Bai Yuan calmed down the shock in his heart, and a bloodthirsty grin appeared on his old face.

For a long time, I haven't met such an interesting opponent.

Although you are an ant, but you can make this master god fight in person, you... are still the first!

The joy of being in the slaughter welled up in his heart, and Bai Yuan felt that the divine power in his body became more violent!

Despite forcibly breaking through the space-time barrier, Bai Yuan's strength has been weakened by nearly half! Coupled with the backlash from the destruction of his avatar, as well as the disturbed anger of his consciousness, his realm was far below the peak period.

However, the main god is the main god after all, and he is the existence above ten thousand people in this world except for the supreme god!

"Even if the realm has plummeted, it is enough to trample a lowly ant to death!"

Before he finished speaking, Bai Yuan's figure disappeared in place. It turned into a shock and pointed directly at Du Yuesheng in mid-air!

On the other hand, Du Yuesheng was still looking up at the sky at this time, with a chuckle on his face that seemed to never restrain himself.

"Tsk, I'm really in a hurry... It is said that the cities of the Lord God are extremely deep, and it seems that this old thing is an exception.

The realm has plummeted, you are suffering from hidden injuries, and you are still acting like this. If you don't die, I'm sorry for wasting so long time. "

After finishing speaking, Du Yuesheng's eyes widened, and he roared in his heart: "Qin Emperor, the Emperor of Heaven has a call!"


Qin Huang, who was dressed in a military uniform and exuded an imperial aura all over his body, suddenly appeared in front of Du Yuesheng.

In front of Du Yuesheng, Qin Shihuang, who was the strongest in the Kingdom of God, who was born as an emperor, lowered his head slightly in an extremely humble manner, and said in a respectful tone, "Heavenly Emperor, why do you call me?"

"What's the matter? Huh, of course it's an eyesore."

After sneering, Du Yuesheng looked at Jinghong, who was rushing towards Jiutian, with a playful killing intent burst out from his teeth.

"I originally wanted to test the strength of the God Realm, but I didn't expect this old thing to think that the Emperor of Heaven was afraid of him.

Emperor Qin, don't I need to teach you what to do? "

Looking at the cold light in Du Yuesheng's eyes, Emperor Qin bowed his body, and said in a thunderous voice, "Don't worry, Heavenly Emperor, I will let him die without a whole body if he dares to challenge your majesty!"

While speaking, Qin Shihuang suddenly raised his head, his cold eyes ignited with monstrous anger.

At the same time, the domineering imperial air squeezed the air in a radius of a hundred miles to howling and bitter.

"Bastard! If you offend the Emperor, you will be punished with death!"

As soon as the death word came out, Qin Shihuang was also moved to kill!

But Bai Yuan, who was galloping down in mid-air, felt as if he felt some terrible existence, and his gloomy eagle eyes were filled with fear in an instant!

Where is this powerful aura? !

Why... my consciousness was instantly locked!

It's a pity that Bai Yuan couldn't guess the answer until his death.


When the blood mist bloomed in the sky, Qin Shihuang had already stood beside Du Yuesheng respectfully.

And Bai Yuan, the main god of a generation, has already been reduced to a dead body, and he is still dead without a whole body.

"Reporting to the Heavenly Emperor, the bastard who provoked you is already dead without a whole body."

"Is there no dead body?"

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, looking at the blood droplets scattered above his head, Du Yuesheng raised his hand, as if he disliked the blood staining his white shirt.

"Tsk, the blood of the Lord God really stinks."

One of the top main gods in the God Realm disappeared forever, but Du Yuesheng's face did not show the slightest fluctuation.

If it weren't for the fear that Yu Qiu would discover his hidden strength, how could Du Yuesheng give Bai Yuan a chance to provoke him?

As early as when Bai Qian said that she and Bai Hong were both disciples of Bai Yuan, Du Yuesheng had a plan that was unbelievable in the eyes of outsiders.

Whether it is the main god or anyone, sooner or later, he will stand in front of him.

That being the case, why not remove these stumbling blocks in advance?

"Phew... I have wasted so much time in order to find out the strength of the God Realm. Next, I have to make up for it twice."

After the blood mist dissipated, Du Yuesheng took a breath of fresh air, and then turned to Qin Shihuang and said coldly: "Entering the Supreme Academy this time is an important move for the Emperor of Heaven to dominate the God Realm, so..."

Before he finished speaking, Qin Shihuang, who knew Du Yuesheng's character well, nodded his head and said: "The Emperor of Heaven is wise! I want to be the best at any time, and I... will do it now."

"Go, remember... I don't want to see anyone return to Supreme City alive."

"As ordered."

With his hands on his back, the white robe was blown by the breeze, and the young man's figure looked arrogant at this moment.

In just one sentence, the rest were directly sentenced to death!

Looking at the place where Qin Shihuang disappeared, the corners of Du Yuesheng's mouth became more and more wild.

"It's a pity, it's you who were destined to be assigned to the Wentian Mountain Range with the Emperor of Heaven. If you want to blame it, blame your meager strength!"

At the same time, thousands of miles away, bloody killings dyed the spine of Jianhuang Mountain red...

The people who fought for the inner sect quota just a second ago died tragically in a pool of blood with infinite fear in their eyes.

As the instigator, Du Yuesheng is now enjoying the harvest of the winner.

At the moment of Bai Yuan's death, a series of system prompts sounded continuously.


"Congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng, who killed the monster in the main god realm and gained one trillion god points."

"Congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng, who killed the monster in the main god realm, and the system upgrade has been improved, and there are still ten days left."

"Congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng, who killed the monster in the main god realm for the first time, and gained a level increase."

"Congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for upgrading his level, current level: God Emperor Eightfold"

"Congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for upgrading his level, current level: Divine Emperor Jiuzhong"

"Congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for upgrading his level, current level: Divine Emperor First Level"

"Congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for upgrading his level, current level: God Emperor 2nd Level"

"Congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for upgrading his level, current level: Divine Emperor Triple Level"

"Congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for upgrading his level, current level: fifth level of God Emperor"

"The experience points required for the next level of upgrade: 500 billion."


Du Yuesheng listened to the system's constant prompts, this was the most enjoyable time since he entered the Wentian Mountain Range.

The level has been soaring all the way and has entered the fifth level of the god emperor.

It's a pity that the system upgrade can't release things, otherwise a main god will definitely be able to release a lot of things.


Du Yuesheng suddenly thought of one thing.

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