The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1561 Ninth Floor

"So that's the case, no wonder the two of you are able to occupy a place in the attic, co-authoring the Supreme Restaurant, today you don't care about the money, you only care about the ranking..."

Sitting in the attic, the tables of the few people were already filled with fragrant and authentic immortal wine. After drinking for three rounds, Zhou Zheng and the three couldn't help showing a bit of drunkenness on their faces, but they still couldn't hide the admiration in their eyes.

"Brother Du, can't you tell me in detail how you and Sister Yuqiu won the first place?"

Although he had already thought of perfunctory words, Du Yuesheng still couldn't stand Du Sheng's repeated questioning, so he could only drink with the fierce battle between himself and Bai Qian as a story.

Of course, Du Yuesheng was only evasive and perfunctory about the process of winning the first place. Fortunately, his talent for making up stories was astonishing, which attracted Zhou Zheng and the three of them.

After all the food was over, Du Yuesheng's story was coming to an end, but he didn't mention anything about killing Bai Yuan in seconds.

It's not that he doesn't trust Zhou Zheng and the others, it's just that... the more he knows about himself, it's never a good thing.

Fortunately, before Bai Yuan came, Du Yuesheng sent Yuqiu away. What happened at this time was all up to him to make up, which saved unnecessary trouble.

"Hey, Zhou Zheng, you said that today's expenses in the Supreme Restaurant are all free, and the location is completely divided according to the ranking. What's going on, please tell me in detail?"

Du Yuesheng didn't show any drunkenness after another cup of immortal wine poured into his belly, and cleverly shifted the topic to Zhou Zheng.

"Uh... so, when we came back, we heard rumors from passers-by that all those who have the qualifications to enter the academy can come to the supreme restaurant to drink and talk.

When I entered the door, the handyman just looked at my token, then took us up to the fourth floor, and then waited for you here. "

Du Sheng beside him was devouring the rare monster delicacies that he had rarely seen in his life, and excitedly said: "This time I can be regarded as a glorious ancestor! Meow, go to other restaurants, those guys see us In the realm of the god king, he was almost driven away with a broom.

Hmph, let alone eating such a precious dish, this is the first time I have seen it in my life. "

While speaking, Du Sheng took advantage of Du Yuesheng's holding up his chopsticks, and quickly brought a plate of thin meat slices in front of him with lightning speed, causing Yu Qiu who was beside him to look at it with embarrassment.

Even Du Yuesheng couldn't help being dumbfounded by this mountain cannon's appearance like entering the city, thinking that you are also a god king after all, at least some face is needed, right?

But looking down at the dishes, Du Yuesheng was relieved.

Jade Pulp Starlight Thunder Leopard, Buddha Jumping Over the Wall, Spiritual Carp Steamed with Immortal Wine... these precious dishes, not to mention Zhou Zheng and his wife have eaten them, it is estimated that the revival of any dish on this table is enough to kill them in seconds.

Because of this, Du Yuesheng was even more curious about the deep relationship between the owner of Supreme Restaurant and Supreme Academy.

Free banquets for all those who have passed the examination, the grades and specifications are so grand, and the cost is so expensive, it is estimated that this day will be able to crush the wealth of those detached sects.

Moreover, the practice of entering seats according to rankings is obviously arranged by the Supreme Academy.

Du Yuesheng estimated that after the assessment is officially over, all the newcomers will gather at Supreme Restaurant.

"Well, I don't know which character from the academy will come this time, the minimum should be the main god level?"

While eating, Du Yuesheng learned from the discussions at the other tables that almost all the top-ranked masters in the twelve main cities have returned.

"Hey, did you see it just now? The head of the Spirit Sword Sect, Condensing Sword, was lucky enough to be invited to the eighth floor attic!"

"The eighth floor?! Isn't that a stable inner disciple! This time, the Spirit Sword Sect is about to rise!"

"I heard that the eight-story attic has an unlimited supply of delicacies, but I don't know what the legendary nine-story building is like."

"Ninth floor? You'd better stop thinking about it, the eighth floor is all inner sect disciples, and the ninth floor must be the first talent in the twelve main cities to be eligible to enter!"

Hearing the first, Yu Qiu, who bowed her cherry lips and nibbled on the dishes, visibly trembled, but under the signal of Du Yuesheng's eyes, she didn't make a sound.

"A nine-story building? It sounds interesting... I just don't know how that guy's record is, and I hope to have a chance to meet again."

Thinking of the embarrassment that night between himself and a young master of a suspected hermit family, Du Yuesheng couldn't help laughing, and sipped his wine.

However, Du Yuesheng and the others were enjoying their drinks when they were disturbed by a burst of shouting and cursing.

"Damn it! What do you mean the fourth floor is full of people, let the labor and management go to the third floor to drink? The labor and management are also the top 500 in the Blade's Edge Mountains! You want me to be on an equal footing with those trash?"

Next to the attic, three teenagers in refined uniforms and holding long swords were not polite to the handyman who accompanied him with a smile, and scolded them all over the face.

Originally, Du Yuesheng mostly chose to ignore this kind of low-level taste of sensationalism, but this time the reaction of the handyman attracted his attention.

I remember the last time when the young master of Jietianmen wanted to show off his power in the restaurant, the handyman directly threw off the order to chase away guests, but this time he became more polite...

"You have also seen the young heroes, the little ones are not lying, the fourth floor is really full of people, please condescend to go downstairs to rest.

The little ones also know that a few of them are of extraordinary strength, but today the entire restaurant is your future colleagues, how about communicating with each other in advance? "

However, it's good that the handyman didn't persuade them, but this respect only fueled the arrogance of the uninvited guests.

Especially the young man in the lead, with a domineering face, and his sharp and hostile gaze unceremoniously scanned the guests all over the building.

"Hmph! I'm sorry that you, a lowly handyman, don't dare to deceive the labor and management. But the labor and management still say the same thing. Today, our brothers have to drink booze on the fourth floor, and we don't go anywhere else!"

The companions beside him also echoed when they heard the words.

"That's right! It doesn't matter if it's full, I see that many of you here are stealing their names and deceiving the world! They don't deserve to sit here!"

Although the arrogant words of a few people made all the guests dissatisfied, after returning to the Supreme City for so long, they also heard from other places that the Blade's Edge Mountains are the place with the most masters among the twelve main cities!

In terms of its comprehensive strength, the Blade's Edge Mountains rank first! Those who can come back alive from inside are all strong, let alone these few people are still ranked among the top 500!

No one is willing to touch this bad luck.

It was also because of this that the young man in the head looked maddened, pointing to the well-positioned window sill and said: "This location is good, it is firmly in the east, so it is worthy of me.

It's a pity that the crowd is full, why don't we "please" some people to make room for us? "

The word "please" really doesn't mean the slightest bit of politeness.

As for the positions near the window, the sword-wielding boy landed on Du Yuesheng at first sight!

To be precise, it was next to Du Yuesheng, who was on top of the wolf-eating Du Sheng...

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