The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1569 Hidden Temple

Looking at the densely written secret scroll on the table, the corners of Du Yuesheng's mouth twitched, not knowing what to say for a while.

Du Sheng is more than just a fan of collecting gossip information!

They are simply the most elite intelligence collectors of Yinmu Temple!

The handwriting on the secret scroll was obviously condensed by Du Sheng with his own divine power. Without his permission, others would see it as just a blank sheet of paper.

If you want to use violence to crack it, the only way is to completely control Du Sheng's consciousness, but that kind of soul-stirring attainment, even the gods can barely do it!

What's more, not only the handwriting is kept secret, but even the secret scroll on the paper has been enchanted by Du Sheng with a secret technique. If it is not touched by his divine power, once someone else touches it, this secret scroll will be burned to ashes in an instant.

"Hmph, Du Sheng, your little hobby is really beyond our expectations..."

Seeing Du Yuesheng playful with a half-smile, Du Sheng only felt trembling all over, as if all the secrets he had hidden for so long had been seen through by the former.

"Hey...Brother Du, a little secret, just a little secret, don't make such a fuss?"

After waving his hand, Du Yuesheng stopped smiling, and didn't ask any more questions: "I don't care about your identity, nor how many secrets you hide, as long as you still treat Big Brother Du as a friend, these little things don't matter at all.

I believe you all know that I also have my own hole cards. Everyone must have some secrets that are not known. "

Seeing that Du Yuesheng no longer pursued the matter, Du Sheng, who was sweating a little, quickly smiled and said, "Don't worry, Brother Du, if you need any information in the future, just look for me, even if it breaks the rules of our business, I will give it to you, brother." Find out."

After nodding his head, Du Yuesheng shifted his eyes to the secret volume on the stone table, but he still couldn't help feeling a little emotional in his heart.

Du Sheng... seems to be a member of Yinmu Holy Church.

Yinmu Holy Church, as the name suggests, has power all over the God Realm, and is an organization that specializes in inquiring about all kinds of secret information.

Then, use intelligence in exchange for the most lucrative benefits...

The Holy Church is different from ordinary sects, there are no restrictions on members, but there is a set of unwritten hidden rules, which even Du Yuesheng is not very clear about.

In fact, as early as in the Wentian Mountain Range, Du Yuesheng had some doubts, how could Du Sheng, a god-king, live long enough to make friends with him?

Now it seems... This guy should have some top-secret information that can change his life

Not only is the Hidden Mu Holy Church very secretive, but most of its members are unwilling to expose themselves easily.

After all, few people want to get too close to a guy who might even want to find out what color underwear he's wearing.

Who would be so stupid as to make a high-profile statement in intelligence work?

But Du Yuesheng doesn't care about Du Sheng's identity, and even has more chances of knowing himself and the enemy in the future.

"Yue Wuying, Yue Wushuang...the two geniuses of the Yue family, Baili Sword God, the current saints of the temple...

Also, the incumbent Ye Ming of the Dark Temple—Xuanyuanying! "

Throwing the secret scroll to Yuqiu casually, Du Yuesheng leaned on his head with both hands, with a sighing expression: "It seems that the number one in the twelve main cities has their own advantages. Now it seems... It seems that the comprehensive strength of the Wentian Mountain Range I participated in the assessment is still relatively strong. Weak."

Regarding this point, Zhou Zheng couldn't deny it: "Brother Du is right, our Wentian Mountain Range is indeed a little weaker, and even recently we have clamored to simply disqualify Wentian Mountain Range as an inner sect."

"Cut, it's just a bunch of mentally retarded people who can only talk about it, don't worry about it."

After coldly snorting, Du Yuesheng's handsome face was inexplicably covered with a layer of frost, thinking that no matter where he went, there would be no shortage of incendiary bits and pieces!

"If they knew about the massacre in the Wentian Mountain Range that was paved with blood, these bastards might not even have the courage to spread rumors.

Speaking of which, it's your luck that you didn't get into a group with me, Du Yuesheng! Really delusional to be qualified to be compared with the Emperor of Heaven? "

Concentrated, Du Yuesheng glanced at the secret volume, and then noticed a certain detail: "Du Sheng, why did you conclude that Xuanyuan Ying is extremely dangerous in your information, can you not make a grudge against him, and try not to become an enemy? "

Even though he only had a glimpse at Qinglongtai, apart from feeling the boundless darkness on Xuanyuanying, Du Yuesheng didn't feel too much killing and brutality...

However, the explanation given by Du Sheng made Du Yuesheng's eyebrows gradually frowned.

"Brother Du, have you noticed that the ranking of Xuanyuanying is not the first place in the main city, but the second place. The ranking is the second place in the Holy Light Mountain Range."

"So what? It can only be said that his strength is not as good as the number one, no wonder others."

Hearing this, Du Sheng raised a mysterious smile: "Brother Du, you know, who is the number one in the Holy Light Mountain Range...?"


"The number one hypocrite of the temple—Saint Huajiu!"

How long does the saint draw?

Hearing this name, Du Yuesheng's expression suddenly became playful.

Everyone knows that the most at odds with the temple in the God Realm is the dark temple where Xuanyuanying is located!

And this ranking, one after the other, is not just as simple as the difference in strength.

It also symbolizes the dignity of the two supernatural forces!

And Du Yuesheng never believed that the ranking of these two rivals was just a coincidence.

"Of course it can't be a coincidence. How can there be such a coincidence?"

Speaking of the little-known Xin Mi, Du Sheng seemed excited: "Brother Du, don't forget that the place where the two of them are assessing is the Holy Light Mountain Range!

That place was still the site of the temple five thousand years ago! It's just that it is controlled by the academy now, but the divine power of laws in the mountains still contains a lot of sacred aura. "

"You mean..."

Jian Mei frowned slightly, and Du Yuesheng's starry eyes shone with wisdom: "As soon as the assessment started, Hua Jiu took advantage of the right time and place.

And Xuanyuanying... Naturally, she was also imperceptibly disadvantaged? "

Slapping the stone table, Du Sheng nodded again and again: "It's not just the right time and place, I heard that three of the four saints who accompanied Huajiu to participate in the assessment were assigned to the Holy Light Mountain Range!

With subordinates helping to collect the tokens, Xuanyuanying's points are naturally beyond the reach of Xuanyuanying alone, so it seems that the latter ranks second, which is quite normal..."

Slightly nodding, Du Yuesheng thought that Xuanyuanying was really strong in being able to win the second place under the circumstance that the laws of heaven and earth were faintly rejecting it!

After a few breaths of silence, Du Yuesheng asked: "After talking for a long time, you just want to remind me that Xuanyuan Ying is almost like a mad dog now, and bites anyone when he sees it. It's better not to provoke him?"

"That's right, that's what I mean. After all, it's a game between the Dark Temple and the Holy Temple. As outsiders, we don't need to get involved in this muddy water."

"It's true... when the snipe and the clam are fighting, it is the best policy to reap the benefits of the fisherman."

After finishing speaking, none of the people in the stone pavilion noticed the evil smile on Du Yuesheng's face!

"No matter how you fight, it's best not to provoke me.

Otherwise... the Emperor of Heaven doesn't mind turning this muddy water upside down! "

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