The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1571 Two watchdogs dare to block the way?

Is this guy going to fight against the Emperor of Heaven?

Jian Mei frowned slightly, and the corners of Du Yuesheng's mouth turned up playfully: "If you want to challenge me, you can accompany me at any time.


As soon as the topic changed, Du Yuesheng said coldly: "You should think about defeating Xuanyuanying first. After all, the competition stage is different from the Holy Light Mountain Range. There, you can only rely on your own strength..."


Hearing Hua Jiu's sneer, Du Yuesheng couldn't help curling his mouth slightly.

And the people watching the excitement around naturally didn't dare to question Yu Qiu's identity anymore. After all, relying on luck's unrealistic ridicule, it is very likely that even the saints on the side will be offended!

Outside the Hall of Stars, the stars are shining brightly.

Du Yuesheng, who was standing at the bottom of the steps, was looking up at the sky, staring at the brilliant blue and purple stars in the sky.

The sky is full of stars, dazzing and dazzling, among which ten bright purple stars are even more dare not be desecrated, rising and falling alternately, symbolizing the eternal and lofty status of the Supreme Academy in the God Realm...

"Tsk, the academy really impresses me again and again, since there are so many masters who understand the way of heaven and earth.

The Shenji Pavilion uses the way of luck, and the Star Palace controls the starry sky.

Located in the middle hub of the academy, in the place of the spiritual vein, coupled with the secret art of star concentration, it can supply the divine power consumption of the entire Supreme Academy.

If someone provokes so far, with the power of the star array alone, I am afraid that even the main god-level masters will have no return! "

The design of the Hall of Stars is extremely ingenious, but Du Yuesheng was able to perceive its mystery within a few breaths, and the strength of his spiritual consciousness can be imagined!

Originally, if this analysis fell into the ears of the elders who studied the stars, they would naturally be praised, and Du Yuesheng would even be snatched and accepted as a closed disciple to teach what he had learned all his life...

But it fell into the ears of the two guarding disciples standing outside the Hall of Stars, and it became a provocative act of showing off knowledge.

"Hmph, it's only the first day I came to the academy, so I'm pretending to be a ghost. I have been guarding the Hall of Stars for three years, and I have never heard such nonsense!"

"It's just... I guess I thought I won the leader and wanted to show off, but after seeing us, don't you have to call me senior brother?"

The two people who were speaking had a strange air of yin and yang, but the dark red waist plaque with the word 'King' engraved on their waists showed their unusual status.

A king-level disciple who surpasses the elite of the inner sect!

The person who mocked Du Yuesheng earlier was named Feng Ming, who was talented in Ling Ran, but he seemed mediocre in the academy, and he was able to become a king-level disciple because of several lucky encounters and hard work.

But seeing that Du Yuesheng was young and only a god emperor could win the chief disciple, and was even summoned by the elders, he couldn't help feeling jealous.

However, Du Yuesheng usually chose to ignore the yelling in his ear, and pulled Yu Qiu up to walk into the Hall of Stars, but was stopped by Feng Ming's stern voice.

"Stop! Didn't you hear what I said just now? When you see the two senior brothers, it's fine if you don't bow down, and you don't even say hello?"

Obviously, Feng Ming and the two were deliberately making things difficult for Du Yuesheng.

According to the rules of the academy, when a disciple sees a senior brother or sister who is higher in status than him, he should really honor him, but only on formal occasions.

Otherwise, the Supreme Academy is vast and boundless, large and small occasions and teleportation arrays are almost guarded by king-level disciples, newcomers have to bow and salute when they meet, and they will be exhausted if they don't get bored after a day.

What's more, with the status of Feng Ming and the other among the king-level disciples...the hard work of guarding the palace for three consecutive years, how can you even talk about their status!

And what made Du Yuesheng feel the most amusing was that when he felt the mystery of the Hall of Stars just now, Hua Jiu and others had already walked into the hall. During this period, except for the polite greetings from the saints, the others chose to ignore the two gatekeepers dog!

But when he came to his place, he still had to bow and salute instead?

It's fine to bow and salute... It's still okay to bow to the grave for you two trash.

"Are the king-level disciples amazing? Why do I see that none of the people who entered just now called you senior brothers?"

Du Yuesheng sneered mercilessly, immediately made Feng Ming's face extremely ugly, and said sharply: "They are them, you are you!

Today, Elder Bai summoned the chief disciples. One of you has a hidden cultivation base, and the other is only in the God Emperor realm. Are you also worthy to come here to pretend to be your identity? "

Fake identity?

Du Yuesheng really laughed, the token aura around his waist cannot be faked, as long as he has a little common sense, he knows that his identity is definitely not a fake.

And these two people can clearly detect it, but they just stop themselves...

Dogs look at people as inferior trash, you can meet them everywhere you go.

After feeling deeply in his heart, Du Yuesheng sneered unabated: "If you are not blind, you should be able to tell whether this token is real or not.

Don't say that I violated the rules and contradicted the teacher. If you delay the summoning of the elders, you two watchdogs, can you bear the responsibility? "

Feng Ming and the others really couldn't bear the elder's anger!

Originally, they just wanted to deliberately make things difficult for Du Yuesheng, but who would have thought that the latter would speak so mercilessly that he would compare them to watchdogs?

Immediately, Feng Ming said angrily: "You...what are you talking about? How dare you talk to senior brother Wang like that!"

"It seems that you are not only blind, but also have bad ears. You are not qualified to let me repeat what you just said!"

Seeing that the time for the call was approaching, Du Yuesheng was naturally not in the mood to talk nonsense with these two watchdogs, and immediately said coldly: "I just want to ask, will you let me go this way!?"

In the cold drinking room, Du Yuesheng's demeanor was condescending, and Feng Ming's unbridled and arrogant Wushuang domineering made Feng Ming and the two back again and again.

After finally standing still, he saw that Du Yuesheng had already passed him and walked into the hall. How could Feng Ming endure such humiliation, and shouted: "Stop! You can go in, but the emperor must stay!"

"Stay? Why, are you qualified to order us?"

"Of course! After all, I, Feng Ming, am also a king-level disciple. Now I suspect that this woman cheated in the assessment and her ranking is false. I must follow us to the elder in charge of punishment to investigate..."

Without waiting for Feng Ming to frame anything else, Du Yuesheng's eyes gradually became indifferent: "False? We are tied for the leader of the Wentian Mountain Range. You doubt her, and you suspect that my ranking is also fake?"


The companion beside Feng Ming also gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "A rubbish god emperor, who is not even qualified to enter the inner sect, but can win the leader, is enough for us to ask the elder in charge of punishment to investigate!

Now your identities need to be identified, if you take one step forward, you will be trespassing on the Hall of Stars!

If you dare to trespass into the restricted area of ​​the academy, even if you are killed now, no one will be able to blame us! "


This indiscriminate accusation is really ridiculous...

Standing on the steps, Du Yuesheng looked down at the two of them and said with disdain: "It seems that what you suspect is not only our identities.

How dare you question the strength of the Emperor of Heaven! ? "

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