The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1573: Blood Splatters Star Hall!

"Tsk, if you don't speak, the Emperor of Heaven was planning to spare your life. After all, this is a forbidden area of ​​sects. It's not good to dirty the floor."

In the end, Du Yuesheng still turned around with a sneer on his face, and his playful eyes fell on Feng Ming who was in the pothole.

Looking directly at the abyss-like eyes, Feng Ming suddenly felt as if he was in an ice cave, and tremblingly said: "You...what do you want to do? I warn you, the elder in charge will arrive soon, and he will definitely kill you by then place!"

"What do I want to do? It's very simple..."

As soon as the topic changed, Du Yuesheng walked towards Feng Ming and Feng Ming, looking down at Ao Ran: "Since you all said that I seriously injured my fellow disciple, then I will satisfy you, and just give you the capital to pretend to be pitiful by wagging your tail later."

Before the words fell, Du Yuesheng clenched his fists tightly and rushed towards Feng Ming's abdomen!



Standing a few meters away, everyone was terrified when they heard it.

And Feng Ming, who was pierced through the Yu Mansion by Du Yuesheng's punch, his mouth twitched and his eyelids turned white and he almost passed out!

The most important thing is that the heart and blood that Feng Ming spoke of soaring is the foundation for the operation of divine power!

But under Du Yuesheng's fist that broke the gold and split the river, it has already become devastated!

One punch, abolishing the cultivation of the gods!

Feng Ming is now, let alone Yu Qiu's opponent, I am afraid that Du Sheng can easily trample him to death in the presence of Du Sheng!

Compared to Feng Ming's misery, everyone was even more surprised by Du Yuesheng's ruthless methods!

Abandoning a person's cultivation, and even crippling his future! From now on, Feng Ming will not even think about gaining a foothold in the Supreme Academy.

"This... smashes Yufu with one punch, this guy is simply a monster! His physical strength can almost catch up with the gray-robed elder!"

"Feng Ming, this kid, will be considered completely useless in the future. Without his cultivation, he is not even as good as a dog in the God Realm!"

"It's too ruthless. Even if Feng Ming provokes first, it won't be a waste of cultivation..."

Everyone's discussion was covered up by howling like a pig: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Oh shit! When the elder in charge comes, your fate will only be ten times worse than mine! ! ! "

"The elder who is in charge..."

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and the condescending Du Yuesheng was not afraid at all: "The Emperor of Heaven has been waiting for me for a long time."

Outside the Hall of Stars, blood was spattered.

Limp like a dead dog in the potholes, Feng Ming endured the heart-wrenching pain of Yufu being demolished, and desperately waited for the last straw!

And Yu Qiu's beautiful eyes trembled slightly, as if she was a little worried about the stalwart boy who would block the provocation in front of her.

"Brother Du, otherwise... let's go to the hall to find the elders to clarify. After all, the rules of the academy are ruthless, and the elders are punished..."

"Elder in charge, you have to be reasonable, don't you?"

Before he finished speaking, Du Yuesheng turned his head and caressed the girl's hair, interrupting the latter's concern: "Although I act a little arrogantly, don't confuse me with those mentally handicapped with zero IQ.

If I really didn't hit the hole card, how dare I abolish his cultivation outside the Hall of Stars? "

While talking, Du Yuesheng took out a piece of light gray jade from his sleeve. There was still a blur of light and shadow in the stone. Yu Qiu saw it in his eyes, and immediately covered his mouth and said, "Brother Du, when did you hide it?"

"Carry it with you and use it at any time. The process of the mentally retarded framing us just now is clearly recorded."

Looking at the indifferent curvature of the boy's mouth, the worry in Yuqiu's beautiful eyes gradually dissipated...

In the sky, three figures were extremely eye-catching.

Before it was approaching, the unique powerful aura of the elder in charge made many passers-by who were watching the show hurriedly scatter.

"Hmph, how brave you are to provoke trouble outside the Hall of Stars!"

With a gloomy and cold snort, Du Yuesheng's gaze flickered, and the stone slab on which his feet were standing instantly burst into cracks!

So strong!

The divine power is released freely, even the breath is so mysterious, and the magic of the cultivation base restrains the ordinary laws everywhere. The elders in charge of the Supreme Academy are indeed the most mysterious and terrifying existence!

Finally, three black shadows fell in front of Du Yuesheng together.

And before Du Yuesheng saw the appearance of the visitor clearly, he heard Yu Qiu beside him exclaim: "Elder in black robe, how is it possible?!"

The black-robed elder, the mainstay of the Supreme Academy!

Same as the disciple generation, the position and status of the elders in the college are also extremely strict.

From low to high, they are grey, black, white and red!

Except for the gray-robed elder who is in charge of the outer door and various chores, the elders of the other three levels are not to be offended in the academy!

And the black-robed elder is obviously a symbol of the majesty of the academy!

The white-robed elders on the next level are already the most elite and top-notch fighters in the academy! The right to be responsible is even more unimaginable. For example, on the fourth floor of the Shenji Pavilion, the transmission of various secret realm experiences, and the magic soldier floor of the Wusang Hall, are all guarded by white-robed elders!

As for the red-robed elder... It is rumored that under the head of the Supreme Academy, the ten martial gods above ten thousand people are the famous red-robed elders!

If any one of the red-robed elders walked out of the academy, they would be able to destroy the so-called top-rank faction in an instant!

You must know that even in the prestigious temple of the God Realm, there are only a handful of people who can compete with the red-robed elder!

"The leader's disciple? Are you the one who seriously injured your fellow disciples and trespassed on the Hall of Stars?"

With just one look, Du Yuesheng clenched his fists secretly. The depth of the people headed by the elders in black robes is definitely beyond the reach of ordinary people!

Fortunately, although the elder in charge of punishment had the intention of questioning, he had no intention of punishing him. He only restrained his divine power after a cold drink, which made Yu Qiu behind Du Yuesheng heaved a sigh of relief.

Without waiting for Du Yuesheng to explain anything, Feng Ming, who had been limp in the pothole like a dead dog, came to his senses, crawled to the front, pulled the black-robed elder's trouser legs and cried.

"Master Elder Mingjian, it was these two guys who forcibly broke into the Hall of Stars, and the disciples were unable to stop them, but were seriously injured and their cultivation levels were abolished.

Please elders uphold justice, disciple here has a photo stone to prove it! "

While crying, Feng Ming quickly took out the photo stone and offered it with both hands. To be honest, his face was covered with blood, his body was trembling, and his tone was extremely weak. He really looked like a poor person who was seriously injured.

Even Du Yuesheng couldn't help showing a bit of ridiculous sympathy, and of course he admired Feng Ming's upside-down face even more.

Especially when the three punishment elders sensed the photo stone, the sinister gaze cast by Feng Ming made Du Yuesheng's sneer even more indifferent.

"It's ok, boy, if you are beaten into a disability by me, you can persist until the elders in charge come to give you justice. Although you are useless in strength, but with this ability to turn black and white, you don't have to worry about another place in the academy..."

Sure enough, as expected by Du Yuesheng, after the brilliance of the picture stone gradually dimmed, the headed elder in black robe turned his head suddenly with an angry expression on his face, his eyes were like eagles.

"Boy, you are so ruthless, you don't think about the friendship of the same family at all, it seems that you want to taste the taste of punishing Tianlei?"

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