The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1582 God Emperor Yuqiu

"Hey... Hey, finally, is it over?"

In the middle of the hall, Yu Qiu held the sword with both hands, and the black and red chief's robe on his body was covered with messes, revealing smooth and smooth skin.

However, the girl's previously graceful and perfect skin was covered with holy golden blood, making her look so pitiful.

The Godly Sword of Futian has cracked into cracks at some point. Although it has the addition of the arrow sword talisman, as the master, Yu Qiu cuts a sword that breaks through the realm at any cost, which is unbearable even with the body of the sword.

Although Yuqiu is extremely weak at this time, she... still stands alone and strong!

Not even the stars can crush the young girl's high-spirited spine...

However, what amazed everyone was not just Yu Qiu's performance beyond imagination!

The elder in white was...injured!

How can this be! ?

However, the ten dazzling silver arcs that reached the sky before were still deeply imprinted in everyone's minds!

"Hey... being able to cut off a corner of this elder's clothes is enough for you, a girl, to be proud."

He seemed to shake off the dust on the white robe at will, but how could Jing Hong's servant conceal the shock and admiration in his eyes.

Although it was just cutting off the corner of his clothes and never really hurt the elder in white robe, it meant...

Yuqiu, broke through the servant's protective barrier!

That being the case, if the sword intent was a little bit stronger, it wouldn't just be the corner of the clothes if it was broken?

It took a long time before the silence in the Hall of Stars was broken by an inconceivable exclamation.

"I...I is it possible?!"

It was Bai Li who spoke, and the surprise on his face was completely different from his previous self-confidence.

Not only Baili, but even the people around him couldn't accept this fantastic sword for a while.

"Yuqiu, that God Emperor, can actually take the sword of the elder servant? Are you sure she is really just the God Emperor."

"Could it be water... But it shouldn't be, we all felt the vastness of the sword power just now, the power is only stronger than before, not weaker."

"Not only can it catch the star swordsmanship, but it can also hurt the elder's clothes! Is this what a mere god emperor can do?"

Du Yuesheng smiled obviously with disdain for these comments that tried to deny Yuqiu's achievements.

"God Emperor? From now on, she is no longer."

After finishing speaking, Du Yuesheng stood up, ignored the strange gazes from around, and proudly said: "Elder, the result is over, the judgment is up and down, who is qualified to become the true master, you should announce it, right?"

"No... that's right."

Even Jinghong's servant himself could not believe the ending at this time.

However, Du Yuesheng's high and low sentence resounded through the hall like a heavy hammer!

It also hit Baili's heart so hard that it made him feel tight in his chest and blurred his vision...

The more obsessed with swordsmanship, the more he will be hit by a girl who loses to a god-emperor realm for something she is proud of.

Bai Li obviously couldn't accept this fact.

But what if you can't accept it?

Yuqiu was still standing, so he could only sit in a corner in a daze. This was the biggest gap!

Finally, the white-robed elder spoke, his expression was serious and pious, and even the tall red-robed elder changed from his previous sternness: "If you can receive my sword with the power of condensing stars, you have already passed the examination."

"I'm the elder, let me ask you, would you enter my Shocking Palace?!"

Jinghong Hall!

The supreme glory of the true disciples of the Martial God sect echoed deeply in the ears of all the chief disciples!

In the main hall, somehow a monstrous sword intent was ignited!

However, Yuqiu was extremely weak at this time, her cherry lips were whispering, and her voice was like a mosquito.

"Disciple... willing, willing."

After the Wanyin finished, Yu Qiu trembled and fell straight down. Fortunately, Du Yuesheng was standing beside her just now, lending her generous shoulders to the girl without hesitation.

Attached to Yuqiu's ear, Du Yuesheng, who had always been indifferent and deep, congratulated with a chuckle but was very sincere: "Congratulations, Yuqiu... God Emperor."

Du Yuesheng remembered clearly the look in the girl's beautiful eyes before she fainted.

Relieved? joy? tired?

Maybe... Yuqiu just wanted to say.

I didn't let everyone in Ancient God Mountain down, and I didn't... let you down, Brother Du.

The result has been announced, although the chief disciples were in an uproar, but Du Yuesheng has no interest or need to stay any longer.

"Seniors, if there is nothing wrong, this disciple will retire first to restore Yuqiu's divine power."

Holding Yuqiu who fainted due to excessive overdraft, Du Yuesheng bowed slightly. Although it was not in accordance with the etiquette to leave the stage halfway, it was a special situation after all.

Furthermore, the remaining Qianye Palace True Inheritance Assessment is almost pre-determined, if it is not because of face, who would like to stay any longer?

Waving his sleeves, the elder in white robe still did not forget to hand over a bottle of elixir to Du Yuesheng, and looked at Yu Qiu with kind eyes: "Go, let Yu Qiu go to Jinghong Palace in a day to serve He Yuqiu." This elder has already put it in her academy token."

Facing everyone's different gazes, Du Yuesheng was just about to turn around and leave, but he heard a cold shout from inside and outside the hall at the same time.



Hearing this, Du Yuesheng's gaze flickered, he could tell that he stopped his two voices, that the person in the hall was an old man in red robes, mixed with a trace of anger that had been patient for a long time.

And the one outside the hall shouted with a smile, obviously looking for him with something important.

"Tsk... As expected, it's not a good thing to look exactly like that old bastard Bai Yuan. Seeing that the Emperor of Heaven is leaving, can't you help but make trouble?"

Du Yuesheng sneered from the bottom of his heart, but his face remained calm, he turned his head to see what tricks the red-robed old man was trying to play, but he saw the latter's gaze passing over him, and a smile appeared on his cold and majestic face.

"Hey, elder Ge, you are a rare guest in the Hall of Stars, why are you here today?"

Mr. Ge...

Du Yuesheng immediately looked at the old man walking outside the hall.

Seeing the person called Ge Lao, Du Yuesheng's eyelids obviously twitched, and he didn't know what to do.

This old man is too weird, right?

Judging from the aura exuded by the old man alone, this person is definitely a master who can be ranked in the Supreme Academy, not even losing to the red-robed old man with the highest status present!

But...he was actually wearing the eagle-embroidered black robe of the college, obviously he was at the level of a black-robed elder!

With such strength, but only a black-robed elder, this is enough to surprise Du Yuesheng in the academy where the strong are respected.

And what surprised him even more was... When Elder Ge looked at him, he was smiling all over his face, kind and kind, and his every move was quite ancient, and he didn't have the coldness that elders treat disciples at all.

"Elder Bai Ze is really polite. You came to the Hall of Stars uninvited. We, Martial God Kuqin, have some important orders for you!"

They are all famous figures in the academy, so they naturally have to exchange polite greetings when they meet, but after the polite greetings, Elder Ge's eyes linger on Du Yuesheng.

"Boy, are you... the disciple of the leader of the Wentian Mountain Range?"

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