The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1584 Compete with the Emperor of Heaven for true biography?

This seemingly innocuous rhetorical question actually implied a deep meaning, which made Du Yuesheng's gaze brighten, and the corners of his mouth became more serious.

Even though it was the first time meeting this elder who claimed to be the elder of the Pavilion, he had never even heard of the Kuqin Palace before, so he didn't dare to be interested.

What's more, Du Yuesheng is not willing to be sent to others, let alone the tenth Martial God, even if the Supreme Academy came personally, he would not bother to worship the true biography.

But... With the status of true disciple, it seems that many things are much more convenient.

Especially the entry restrictions of several training places and forbidden places such as Shenji Pavilion, it is difficult for non-true disciples to step into it at ordinary times!

"This old man's strength is so terrifying, but he is rarely approachable. He doesn't have the airs of a servant in the slightest. It's better... to be a different identity."

Thinking of this, Du Yuesheng nodded and smiled and said: "Isn't it the Kuqin Palace, how can the disciple not give face when the Martial God is so flattering?

I'll go... can't I? "

Seeing that Du Yuesheng agreed, the smile on the old man's wrinkled face was even more proud: "That's right, when you go to the Kuqin Palace, you will know that there are many benefits!"

However, during the conversation between the two, a discordant voice suddenly broke in.

"Elder... You just said that the assessment of the true disciples of the Kuqin Palace is that the winner is the king, right?"

Hearing this, Elder Ge looked around, and there was a gloomy blood umbrella covering the sky in his sight!

The name of Blood Umbrella Shading the Sky has never been known. In fact, many people in the Supreme Academy have never disclosed their real names. For example, the current Martial God of Kuqin Palace is not named Kuqin, but just inherited the inheritance of the previous Martial God.

Looking at the blood umbrella covering the sky with the bloody fighting intent all over his body, the elder Ge smiled mysteriously and did not deny it: "That's right, why, you kid also want to worship under my Kuqin Palace?"

"The disciple dares to fight for a true disciple!"

In fact, Xuesan Zhetian has been coveting the position of true disciple for a long time!

He was not a sword cultivator in the previous Jinghong Palace assessment, so he had no choice but to give up. Qianye Palace also had Xuanyuan Ying as Ye Ming. Although he was unwilling, he did not dare to offend the entire Dark Temple because of this!

Blood Umbrella Shatian, who was still somewhat remorseful and watched the opportunity slip away, actually made him wait until the elder servant of the Kuqin Palace, how could he not be happy?

Although Kuqin ranks at the bottom of the Ten Martial Gods, the strength of the peerless powerhouses in the realm of the main gods is only slightly different, and the ranking of the temple does not represent the real strength.

Every Martial God has reached the pinnacle of his own way of cultivation, and it is really difficult to judge who is strong and who is weak.

But for disciples like them who have just entered the academy, any one of them is a high and respected existence!

Therefore, it doesn't matter which main god you worship, the important thing is...

The transcendent identity and future of true disciples!

So seeing that Du Yuesheng was almost being gathered by the old man, and the blood umbrella could not wait any longer, he immediately stood up and threatened: "If the elder is willing to follow the rules of the Kuqin Palace, let us compete. The winner will receive the true pass.

That willing to fight! "

It's a good one who is willing to fight. Looking at it like this, is he treating the Emperor of Heaven as a soft persimmon?

Looking at the opponent with bloodshot eyes, Du Yuesheng couldn't help sneering, thinking that this guy seems to have been ridiculed since he entered the palace, and now... he even stood up and declared war!

At such a time, how could Du Yuesheng shrink back?

"You want to fight, right? The Emperor of Heaven will accompany you."

"I am the Emperor of Heaven? Are you worthy of such praise?"

Xuesan Zhetian heard the words, and said sarcastically: "I really don't understand, as the leader of the Wentian Mountain Range, what qualifications do you have to enter the Kuqin Martial God's eyes.

But no matter what, before the rules, everyone is equal! Today, there is only one person who can become the true biography of Kuqin, and that is me! "

After finishing speaking, Xuesan Shatian turned his head to look at Elder Ge, and said, "Dare to ask the elder, if there are casualties during the competition, what should I do..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Ge Lao interrupted with a wave of his hand indifferently: "What casualties, if you can't beat people, blame yourself for your lack of strength!

If anyone loses, it depends on their own ability whether they are killed or injured. Martial arts competition is a matter of life and death! "

Such a sentence of life and death made Du Yuesheng sneer involuntarily.

Originally, I was worried that trampling you to death in full view would cause unnecessary trouble, but now that the rules are in front of me, no one can say anything!

And the blood umbrella beside him covered the sky, and while bowing to salute, his face could not hide his arrogance: "In this case, this disciple has no scruples."

"Concerned? Haha...boy, don't talk too much, this elder still wants to remind you."

Seeing that Blood Umbrella Shade was so conceited, Elder Ge couldn't help shaking his head and said: "You know that Du Yuesheng is not the first in terms of realm, not even the top three, but why does Martial God Kuqin take a fancy to him?

Because, he and Na Nizi tied for the first place, but walked over the corpses of all their opponents! "


As soon as these words came out, there were bursts of chills in the hall!

This guy is so ruthless? ! The entire Wentian Mountain Range was actually killed by him?

Although everyone had heard earlier that the Wentian Mountain Range suffered the most severe death, but since those who knew the truth had already become the souls of Du Yuesheng's sword, they always thought that it was caused by the people in that main city killing each other too hard.

But now it seems... Except for those who returned to the Supreme City a few days ago, the rest of the people were all killed by Du Yuesheng? !

Even Xuanyuan Ying, who regards human life as worthless, looked at Du Yuesheng with fear!

You know, it's fine if Du Yuesheng kills ordinary people, but those who can enter the Wentian Mountain Range are all competitors with their own magical powers!

There are hundreds of masters of different realms, even if they stand in front of everyone, they may not be able to defeat them all within ten days! Not to mention killing them all!

But what everyone didn't know was that it didn't take ten days for Du Yuesheng to do the bloodbath that shocked the academy.

It's only been two days!

Xuesan Zhetian's complexion changed again and again. Although he was holding on to his fighting spirit, his pale complexion betrayed his heart. Elder Ge saw it and patted him on the shoulder meaningfully: "Boy, this The elder advises you, don't be impulsive, your talent level can be called a genius, for the sake of a momentary dispute, don't...

His life was ruined! "

"Needless to say!"

As if he was stimulated by something, Blood Umbrella Shoutian shook Ge Lao's palm, gritted his teeth, and said ferociously: "Since you have stood up, there is no reason to admit defeat without fighting!

You, Du Yuesheng, can wash the Wentian Mountain Range with blood, you are amazing! But my blood umbrella covering the sky is not a display, everyone is the leader, in terms of strength, I will never lose to you!

Today, the position of True Inheritance Disciple is my absolute must! "

Facing the fierce declaration of war by the Blood Umbrella Shading the Sky, Du Yuesheng still smiled lightly, and wrote lightly: "I don't care about the position of the true biography, but... your life, the Emperor of Heaven must take it!"

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