The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1590 The Palace of Dry Qins is Very Poor

This is the Supreme Academy!

Only the strong will be remembered by the world!

The name of the weak will only disappear forever in everyone's memory just like his shattered godhead...

The strong are respected, the weak... can only end up being reduced to a stepping stone!

"How about it, are you familiar with the rules of the academy today?"

Although I don't know why Ge Lao is still flying over the academy as a black-robed elder, but he chooses to walk leisurely back to the Kuqin Hall, and Du Yuesheng can only follow, and at this time, he and the former are quite acquainted with each other.

Shrugging his shoulders, Du Yuesheng didn't deny it: "Actually, in the vast world of God, the law of the strongest prevails everywhere. Supreme Academy, but it's a little more cold-blooded."

"Oh, by the way, Mr. Ge, what kind of place is the Kuqin Palace...?"

After chatting all the way, Elder Ge had tacitly allowed Du Yuesheng to call him that. When the latter asked the question, he still didn't forget to think in his heart. Even if the place where the top ten martial gods practice is not as grand as the Star Palace, it should be the supernatural power, right?

Kuqin... To be honest, when Du Yuesheng heard these two words, he immediately felt a sense of literary and artistic atmosphere, but when he thought that this was the Supreme Academy, he immediately dismissed the idea.

"Could it be that the bamboo forest is like the sea, full of divine power, and supported by a unique spiritual vein, it is simply the best cultivation cave in the God Realm?"

Hearing Du Yuesheng's question, Elder Ge smiled mysteriously, shook his head and said, "Unfortunately, the Kuqin Palace is not what you imagined.

It can even be said... It is the exact opposite of the scene you imagined. "

Quite the opposite?

When Du Yuesheng heard the words, even though the city was quite deep, he couldn't help but stare blankly, and seemed speechless.

Contrary to what you said? Isn't that a barren land with exhausted spiritual energy?

Which big boss did this Kuqin Martial God offend, and is now so greedy?

But before Du Yuesheng could speak, Elder Ge raised his head slightly, looking at the college, as if looking at the academy: "The Hall of Kuqin is very poor."

"So poor that even I, an elder servant, can't afford to wear a white robe."

This profound emotion evoked memories in Ge Lao's cloudy eyes, but he didn't give Du Yuesheng a chance to satisfy his curiosity, so he shook his head self-consciously, and resumed the smile on his face just now.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if you don't mention the past, the reason why the old man said this is just to remind you to be mentally prepared in advance.

The true inheritance of the Kuqin Palace, the rights obtained, are far less than the burden to carry..."

While speaking, the always optimistic and kind elder Ge felt a burst of emotion, and walked towards the south with his hands on his back staggeringly. Du Yuesheng saw a certain feeling of desolation from his back.

Unknowingly, someone discovered the bloodbath of the Wentian Mountain Range, and became the true disciple that countless people dreamed of, and then ... so inexplicably, he shouldered a burden that even Du Yuesheng himself didn't know how heavy it was.

The Hall of Dry Qin is really exciting...

"No matter how greedy he is, even if it's the underworld of the underworld, the emperor of heaven went there, so why not go to the Kuqin Palace?"

Clenching his fists, Du Yuesheng immediately caught up with Ge Lao.

At the same time, another forbidden area of ​​the Supreme Academy - Bai Ze Hall!

The jade pillars were broken, the palace stones collapsed, and the chaos of the Lord God's anger was manifested everywhere.

However, the figure of a red-robed old man is particularly eye-catching.

Bai Ze no longer remembers how long he has been standing here!

But he knew that no matter if he stood for tens of thousands of years, the shattered natal stone in front of him would never heal again!


Just clenching the fists tightly, the Martial God-level aura once again outlines the already devastated hall...

Unexpectedly, my premonition turned out to be true!

Stepping into the realm of the main god, Bai Ze even has the supernatural ability to predict the future at certain times.

Last month, he entered a dream with his spiritual consciousness and used his prescience as usual, but he dreamed of a young man in a white robe.

A young man in white robe who swung his slash to shatter his natal Baiyuan Palace and his natal supernatural powers!

After being awakened by the prophecy of the dream, a shadow that was hard to get rid of appeared in Bai Ze's heart.

From the first time he saw Du Yuesheng at Qinglongtai, Bai Ze felt that he looked like the boy in white robe in his dream!

The nightmare of killing his junior brother and being his own brother!

The so-called Hongguang test on the Qinglong stage was basically the reason for Bai Ze to perfunctory later. His purpose at that time was to take the opportunity to destroy Du Yuesheng!

No matter whether the prophecy is true or not, and whether Du Yuesheng is the boy in white robe in the nightmare, he would rather kill by mistake than let him go!

However, Du Yuesheng's strength was far beyond his expectations.

The power of the Martial God is really terrifying, but Bai Ze secretly hates that there are too many innocent new disciples on Qinglong Stage, and there are too many accidental injuries, even he can't explain to the academy!

If Du Yuesheng is forcibly killed at Qinglongtai, it will definitely cause unnecessary troubles, and even stimulate the awakening of the guardian god of Qinglong...

In Qinglongtai, it is strictly forbidden to fight with the same family. If he is one of the ten martial arts gods of the academy, he can use coercion as a test to play sidelines.

Bai Ze, who was only skeptical at the time, withdrew his coercion, but the elder Ge's words in the Hall of Stars suddenly confirmed his guess!

Ask the Sky Mountains!

Bai Qian participated in the assessment in Wentian Mountain Range!

On the last day, Du Yuesheng was the only one who returned to Supreme City from Wentian Mountain Range!

How could Bai Ze not guess such an obvious result! ?

As brothers, and also in the realm of the Lord God, between Bai Ze and Bai Yuan, there is naturally a secret method to sense each other's safety.

Back then, when Bai Ze noticed that Bai Yuan had come to the Wentian Mountain Range, he realized something was wrong...Unfortunately, limited by the rules, as a ten warrior god who dares to step into the assessment site, he would surely alarm the elders of the Palace of Punishments to mobilize!

The final outcome, the moment he saw the two natal stones on his temple shattered to the ground, Bai Ze knew everything.

Du Yuesheng! ! !

"Yuan, back then you and I entered the academy together, but your mind has always been unruly, and you left the academy to practice in the clouds, and a heaven-defying chance a thousand years ago, you stepped into the realm of the main god in one fell swoop.

Lingtu Bai Ze is not much better than those current leader disciples. This time you asked him to participate in the academy assessment, and you wanted him to make a career in the academy, let alone me, the eldest brother, to pass on the teachings.

But... that Du Yuesheng actually ruined all of this! "

After the words were cut, there was a gust of wind in Bai Ze Hall, and the originally peaceful and comfortable laws around became violent and raging!

"Du Yuesheng, I don't care what methods you use to defeat my brother, but if you are in the academy for one day, I, Bai Ze, will never give up!

If you don't avenge this revenge, I, Bai Ze, swear not to be a human being! "

After all, it was the unfathomable city that allowed Bai Ze to accept his brother's tragic death. Although he tried to maintain a gloomy expression, the crimson in the eagle's eyes was like Shura!

The red robes all over her body were even rustling by the strong wind, showing endless killing intent!

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