The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1592 Kuqin's true biography, this life is not in vain!

A lavender-fitting and elegant long dress perfectly outlined the woman's graceful and exquisite figure.

Like a pretty face carved out of warm jade, under the careful maintenance of the perennial beauty technique, a glance and a smile reveal maturity and intellectuality, but the facial features are so pretty.

For a moment, Du Yuesheng only felt the world in front of him, as if only this fairy-like woman was left.

To be precise, the fairy is like a woman.

However, just when Du Yuesheng was in a rare daze, the woman's words shattered all his state of mind.

"Damn, those scumbags in the Palace of Punishment are afraid of you. Since when did we in the Palace of Kuqin need to look at other people's faces?"

There is no so-called melodious silver bell, and there is no yellow warbler out of the valley. It can be said... This is as straightforward as a female man, and it can barely be regarded as a gentle tone, ruining all the temperament of a woman related to elegance...

Probably, when God pinched people, he accidentally stuffed a piece of sheep dung into this guy's throat!

Du Yuesheng could only think so.

Ren He never imagined that he would face such a strange scene when he came to the Kuqin Palace for the first time.

"It's no wonder that Ge Lao's unfathomable strength can only be used as a servant. This ability to refresh people's three views is nothing compared to this guy!"

Just when Du Yuesheng was convincing himself that it would be inappropriate to go back the way he came, the Ziqun woman subverted his three views again.

"Well, not bad...much more handsome than the ones seen in the spectator array, why? Seeing the future master, you can't even salute?"

Looking at the woman's slightly raised willow eyebrows, Du Yuesheng's mouth twitched, but seeing the former who didn't care about the image of a woman raised her head and laughed wildly, her pink neck was focused on: "Hahaha... this martial god's face-holding technique is really powerful, even this You can hook up with any kind of fresh meat!"

...This guy, is he really a martial god of Kuqin?

If it weren't for the fact that the black robe on Ge Lao's body was indeed the exclusive mark of the academy, Du Yuesheng would have suspected that he had fallen into some kind of illusion!

Just this manly voice, this unrestrained personality, this first meeting between a master and a student who has no majesty...

Are you sure you're not the idiot cook Jia Doubi hired by Kuqin Palace to cook?

Du Yuesheng had no choice but to glance at Elder Ge beside him. Elder Ge didn't expect the scene to be so chaotic, so he coughed lightly twice, and said seriously: "Ahem...Junior Sister, it's the first time for Master and Disciple to meet, the majesty of the Martial God, pay attention some!"

Junior sister? !

It seems that Du Yuesheng showed such a surprised expression for the first time!

Ge Lao and this crazy woman are actually brothers and sisters?

Damn, looking at their looks and temperament, I am afraid that some people will believe the father and daughter! You told me that the two of you were from the same school?

"That...Ge Lao, am I, it would be better to visit the Martial God another day when I'm ready?"

Du Yuesheng said, but Ge Lao hadn't answered, but saw the woman grabbed him first, waved her hands repeatedly and said: "It's okay, anyway, sooner or later, you will be the man of this martial god... Bah, they are all the true inheritance of Kuqin Palace!

It is better to hit the sun than to choose the day. Although we don't have fairy wine or delicacies here, we still have to do the master-student ceremony. "

Master-apprentice ceremony?

Seeing the proud appearance of the woman with her head raised slightly and her jade hands pinching her waist, Du Yuesheng really didn't know how to accept that the dignified Kuqin Martial God is such a wonderful existence...

Even if he had made psychological preparations in advance, Du Yuesheng still felt that there were countless heads galloping in Yufu's state of mind!

Perhaps, this is the reason why the Kuqin Palace ranks at the bottom.

Although the face of the woman in front of her was not awe-inspiring, Du Yuesheng could feel that the strength of the former was definitely superior to that of the old man, and she even ranked third among the ten warrior gods.

"Hey...the Kuqin Palace is so bleak, it seems that there is no reason for it."

Wanting to think about it, Du Yuesheng still bowed stiffly and performed a master-student ceremony, but when he bent down, he seemed to hear the sound of his own eggs breaking all over the ground!

Seeing this, the woman nodded in satisfaction: "That's right, after performing the master-apprentice ceremony, I will be the true inheritance of my Kuqin Palace from now on. If anyone dares to bully you, just report the name of the Martial God."

Hehe... Reporting your name, I'm afraid it will make people beat you worse.

Du Yuesheng sneered from the bottom of her heart, but the woman changed the subject again, her plump pink lips raised a touch of greed unique to money lovers: "But now... since you and I are masters and apprentices, it is natural that we should help each other.

Master is hungry now, there should be many fairies and rare birds in the mustard bag you carry with you, right? Take it out quickly, just to celebrate that we have one more person in Kuqin Hall! "

Use the delicacies and wines in my mustard bag to prepare myself a welcome banquet...

Then what use do I need you as a master? !

Besides, this introductory ceremony is too simple, the average majesty of the Ten Valkyrie will make you lower how much!

To be honest, no matter how much he thinks that there is a mystery in the Kuqin Palace, Du Yuesheng also faintly doubts that his intuition has always been accurate, did he accidentally betray the master?

With a helpless expression, he took out the fairy food and wine from the mustard bag. Seeing the woman took it, Du Yuesheng ran to the wooden house that looked like a kitchen. His skillful movements were astonishing, and he couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly, which was a little interesting.

"Boy, accompany the old man... no, according to the rules, you should be called Uncle Benchang Teacher now, but it doesn't matter, you can stay here with us as you like.

Let me walk around with the old man, after all, this is where you will... practice in the future. "

Hearing the deep meaning of the second half of Ge Lao's words, no matter how unwilling Du Yuesheng was, he could only nod his head in agreement.

The two of them just walked around the Kuqin Hall, aiming for a leisurely stroll.

Du Yuesheng's reluctance was not unreasonable, but... It's just such an acre of three-point land, what a fart it is! The Emperor of Heaven can see any corner clearly with a glance, okay?

But anyway, Ge Lao is also his uncle, Du Yuesheng has no reason to object, so he walks half a step beside the former around the bamboo forest.

"Junior Sister, she wasn't like this before..."


Rao knew that being pulled by Ge Lao for a walk at this time was definitely more than just a walk, but Du Yuesheng did not expect that the opening remarks would be so sudden.

Looking up, only the old man's side face full of wrinkles and vicissitudes came into sight.

It was hard for Du Yuesheng to imagine that such an old man who showed his old age under the setting sun would be a woman... the senior brother of Kuqin Martial God.

After deliberating over and over again, Du Yuesheng still bit the bullet and answered the question: "Master, what do you mean, Master, before she inherited the mantle of Kuqin Martial God, she was even more..."

As Ge Lao's complexion became more and more gloomy, Du Yuesheng stopped his words in a timely manner: "Stinky boy, you are capable of misinterpreting Master Uncle's meaning like this!"

After laughing and cursing, Elder Ge seemed to have lost the desire to recall the past in front of a young man who had just started for less than half a day, and shook his head and said: "There are some things that you don't need to say, but the uncle wants you to remember.

Worshiping at the Kuqin Hall in this life, it will never be in vain to be the true biography of my junior sister! "

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