The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1596 Please focus on yourself

Looking at the dignified Kuqin Martial God's face of Xiaojiabiyu's coquettish smile and shyness, Du Yuesheng was also completely convinced by this guy's acting skills, rubbed his forehead and said depressedly: "You are still a girl? Senior Wu, your real age seems to be enough for me Multiplied!

Please focus on yourself..."

"Fuck! Don't expose others, okay?"

After cursing, Martial God Kuqin turned around and walked into the hall that looked like an attic, and said briskly, "As for your identity, let's just treat you as a cultivation furnace that was taken care of by this Martial God, right? Very face-saving?"

"Damn! I should give you a few more large fairy dogs!"

Looking at that Miaoman's back, Du Yuesheng shook his head after laughing and cursing, secretly thinking that this female man is the originator of the back killer.

"Hey, it seems inappropriate to call you Miss Dancer, how about... how about calling you a female man?"

"Go to hell! This Valkyrie has said that he is a young girl!"

After bursts of laughter that sounded more like barbells than silver bells, Kuqin threw a hidden weapon from his bosom without looking back.

The speed of the hidden weapon was fast, and it was the tip of the iceberg that contained the strength of the Martial God. Du Yuesheng couldn't dodge in time, and a lavender square scarf wiped the corner of his face...

Softly caressing her cheeks, bursts of orchid fragrance filled Du Yuesheng's nostrils, making him seem to be in a hurry when he took off the silk scarf: "Damn, you, a woman whose age is multiplied by two digits, still wears perfume?"

Inside the Kuqin Hall, there was a burst of hearty and proud laughter: "Hahaha... Take it, you're welcome, the night in the Kuqin Hall is very lonely~"

Lonely you big head ghost!

Du Yuesheng walked to his room only after being reminded by elder Ge.

An ordinary bamboo house, the furnishings in the house are naturally unremarkable.

Lying on the bamboo mat that could vaguely smell musk, Du Yuesheng frowned slightly, and it took a lot of effort to turn it into a cleansing mantra to remove the body fragrance stained from the silk scarf.

"Huh... Sword Spirit, you haven't been shaken to pieces by that woman's strange flower, have you?"

After confirming that the two main god-level powerhouses under the same roof did not have the habit of eavesdropping on him while he was sleeping, Du Yuesheng summoned Zhu Xian Sword Spirit.

"...Almost, but to report back to the master, the strength of that Kuqin Martial God does not seem to be as simple as it appears on the surface."

"Yes! Compared with the main god, she has many advantages!"

Sighing, Du Yuesheng reluctantly agreed: "Just that thick skin like a city wall, that unfathomable lower limit, and the weird brain circuit...

I'm afraid that the Supreme God would be willing to bow down when meeting her, she really deserves the name of Martial God..."

Hearing the sarcasm in Du Yuesheng's tone, Sword Spirit echoed and said with a smile: "Hehe, it's been a long time since I saw Master being so humorous. Come to think of it, this Kuqin Palace is really an interesting place?"

"...This isn't humor, it's master. My IQ was almost lowered by that woman!"

After feeling depressed, Du Yuesheng returned to the main topic: "Talking about the sword spirit, regarding the seal of the gods, do you... have a way to decipher or completely kill the ten-tailed fairy fox?"

After a moment of silence, I heard the slightly regretful voice of the sword spirit from my primordial spirit: "Yes, but the difficulty is not small...Master, you also know that it is a master who is close to the level of a supreme god, supplemented by a godhead. The Valkyrie also stripped off a trace of his godhead and the seal of the gods.

Killing the ten-tailed fairy fox is no less difficult than single-handedly fighting the Supreme God. I think it is better for us to discuss this matter after we have made sufficient preparations. "

"Well... First, let's help you shape the body of the sword servant. Tomorrow, let's go to the Treasure Pavilion to see, maybe we can find something good."

"For you, master, how can there be good things in that kind of place..."

After Jian Ling finished speaking, he was surprised to find that his master, who had always been diligent in meditation, seemed to be tortured a lot by the Valkyrie who was called a female man during the day, and unexpectedly... there was a slight snoring sound.

The next day, early morning.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Yuesheng, open the door! Do I have to let the old man break your barrier?"

Hearing the knock on the door, Du Yuesheng rubbed his sleepy eyes. After being surprised for a short time that he had fallen asleep, he realized that this was probably the enchantment that the sword spirit had set up for him.

"Ge Lao, you don't want me to play Tai Chi with you so early?"

After dressing up with a random cleansing mantra, Du Yuesheng pushed open the bamboo door, and saw the old man in black robes standing outside the door: "Tai Chi? What is that, it is something that can only be practiced by absorbing the divine power of the purple air coming from the east in the morning Is it a skill?"

Seeing the old man looking at him curiously, Du Yuesheng couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth: "You think too much, it's just a boxing technique for the elderly in a place called Huaxia to strengthen their bodies, it's not that advanced."

"Oh...that's it."

As if he had missed a set of peerless exercises, Ge Lao looked a little disappointed: "In this case, let's practice with the old man. The day's plan lies in the morning."


Du Yuesheng's eyebrows froze, he seemed to feel that these two words sounded so unfamiliar: "By the way, what happened between me and Senior Kuqin last should already know, so let's let go of the practice first, I'm going to Zhenbao Pavilion one trip."

"The old man knows, isn't it just throwing a silk scarf to play with ambiguous things, so it won't delay the cultivation, right?"

After the elder Ge finished speaking, he still did not forget to look at Du Yuesheng seriously: "Could it be... that he broke the boy's skill? Then he really should go to Zhenbao Pavilion to buy some pills for supplementation!"

"Come on! Mr. Ge, you know that's not what I'm talking about!"

Seeing Du Yuesheng's displeased face, Elder Ge stopped joking with a sneer: "Well, since you don't want to do this true biography, my junior sister agrees, and I have nothing to say.

But having said that, you have great luck and great strength, and it is normal to have a high spirit, but since you have come to Kuqin Palace, you have a predestined relationship with the old man.

In a word, self-created swordsmanship, do you want to learn? "


After hesitating again and again, Du Yuesheng still nodded in agreement, thinking that at least it is a peerless sword technique created by himself at the level of a martial god, and there is no harm in learning it.

And he really doesn't have many skills now, and the exchange of exercises in the system is too expensive, and now he can't afford it at all.

"Okay, there are two options for this set of swordsmanship, one is about great perseverance, and the other is about pursuing great wisdom. Which one do you choose?"

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng replied without thinking, "Of course it's great wisdom. Do you think I look like the kind who took a shortcut and fell over?"

After hearing this, Elder Ge caressed his silver beard with a half-smile: "It's really not like it, but it's a pity that Liuli chose the road of great wisdom first.

So... the old man specially reserved this set of great perseverance for you! "

Damn, Du Yuesheng was taken aback, and thought to himself, could it be that this vicissitudes-faced old man has plotted against him long ago?

Having said that, Du Yuesheng still didn't say it so directly, but changed the subject and said: "Liuli? She... why is she learning swordsmanship?"

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