The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1598 Dugu Nine Swords

Dugu Nine Swords is the martial art Du Yuesheng exchanged in the system mall these days, but it is the unique skill of a generation of sword demons "Dugu Qiubai".

The black robe and the bamboo sword seem to be within easy reach!

And Liuli beside him, her eyes widened even more, as if she was afraid of missing any details: "Wow, this is the first time I see elder Ge taking the initiative to attack, what a strong sword intent!

You are much better than Sister Wu..."

"Damn! This Valkyrie is that, is that a hidden strength?"

Although it was a bit wrong, Kuqin had to admit in her heart that her brother, who was somewhat dull in some respects, seemed to be favored in the way of swords, which she couldn't envy.

"Brother, since when did you take pleasure in bullying juniors?

Unknown swordsmanship is sacrificed, even the god of war will be hard to shake its edge, it's just a competition, it can't be so serious, right? "

At the same time, Kuqin did not forget to take a careful look at Du Yuesheng, seeing that the latter was still standing there like a pine tree, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that if this kid had discussed with his senior brother to cheat him, wouldn't it be true? Begging for mercy in bed?

"Brother Yuesheng, hurry up and resist with your sword!"

The state of mind is ethereal, and even Liuli's anxious and concerned reminders can't arouse the slightest turmoil in Du Yuesheng's indifferent expression.

The sparring with elder Ge was originally intended to hone the way of swordsmanship. As an elder, the former would naturally not take advantage of his superiority in realm, but rely on swordsmanship in vain, without fluctuations in divine power!

Similarly, Du Yuesheng did not want to take advantage of the weapon. At this time, the Zhuxian Sword was deliberately suppressed by him, but it was just a long sword with a sharp edge.

It is precisely because of this that this sparring between sword repairers is so amazing...

The Nine Swords of Lonely, rely on retreat to advance, only attack but not defend, all moves are derived from defeat and victory, so...

Ge Lao's preemptive sword strikes Du Yuesheng's plan!

"The first form of the Lonely Nine Swords, swinging the sword!"

Between lightning and flint, Du Yuesheng's figure was like the wind, and the Zhuxian sword in his hand was extremely light. When Ge Lao's offensive bamboo sword was less than half an inch away from the former's cheek, he could no longer take a half step forward!


The bamboo sword clashed with the sharp sword, and there was a sharp sword cry. Although Ge Lao did not intend to use his supernatural power, his own attainments in the way of swords seemed to have reached a state of perfection!

A sword swing is the prelude to Dugu Nine Swords!

The swords collided, but Du Yuesheng's figure flew backwards like a ghost. Seeing this, Mr. Ge's sword did not weaken, and he wanted to take advantage of the victory and pursue it!

However, he did not expect that Du Yuesheng's figure would flip in mid-air in a posture that subverted common sense without using divine power and secret techniques.

"Ding ding ding..."

Du Yuesheng used his sword to retreat, but retreated to advance, Zhu Xianjian drew a flawless sword light, and forced Ge Lao to retreat several steps!

With such changes, even Ku Qin who was standing beside her was stunned with beautiful eyes, and her pretty face was stunned: "This... this is indeed a sword technique from the lower realm, and the moves are nothing more than ordinary. Yue Sheng's sword just now was just the simplest way to turn around and fight back!"

But what made Kuqin speechless was that this simplest turning around and counterattack was performed vividly in Du Yuesheng's hands, not to mention flaws, not even the slightest flaw of deliberately making things difficult...

Every arc drawn by Zhu Xian's sword just happened to defuse Ge Lao's every attack ingeniously, and quietly blocked every defensive angle of Yujian. The latter had no choice but to back away from being hurt by the sword... …

Dugu Nine Swords, I am afraid that it can only be condensed to the pinnacle after integrating all the sword arts and supernatural powers in the world!

With just one move, Ge Lao was forced to counterattack and defend, supporting the sword encirclement to be undefeated for the time being...

"Ge Lao, your swordsmanship is really a miracle. The mere bamboo sword can be transformed into an immortal sword, and it is more than a little bit stronger than that female man who has the title of Martial God, but...

This is the first formula! "

Before Du Yuesheng finished speaking, he was in mid-air, but suddenly hit the ground with one foot, and his slender figure instantly surpassed the elder Ge!

Looking at the young man whose sword power was soaring in front of him, Elder Ge also showed a rare heroism of cherishing his opponent, and shouted: "It's just a single sword technique, and it's too early to break the old man's sword circle!"

"Broken Sword Style!"


At this moment, the sword arc seemed to be extremely slow.

But unfortunately, looking at the sharp edge of the Zhuxian sword, Ge Lao tried his best, but he couldn't dodge it!


In a hurry, Ge Lao could only rely on his experienced instinct to raise his hand to block, and the bamboo sword could withstand the imposing sword glow.

Others didn't see it, but Ku Qin, who is a god of war, could see it clearly. In the confrontation just now, the senior brother... finally lost half a move.

The sword's edge could reach, but the sword's energy was unstoppable. On the back of Ge Lao's hand, there was already a striking black and blue bloodstain.

The scorching pain caused Ge Lao's cloudy eyes to tremble and tremble. If he hadn't competed with Du Yuesheng today, he might have forgotten the taste of pain.

Looking at the entire Supreme Academy, the only ones who could hurt him in the slightest are those few old antiques who are hidden from the world, but today, Du Yuesheng completely overturned him!

"Swinging a sword out of thin air, without any divine power, can hurt people with sword energy, Yue Sheng, you really amaze me!"

Although the palm was slightly injured, it aroused Ge Lao's fighting spirit even more. Although the bamboo sword in his hand was covered with sword marks, the martial arts were even more fierce!

As for Du Yuesheng, from the beginning to the end, his face was so indifferent. When he heard Mr. Ge's praise, he smiled lightly: "Mr. Ge is very polite, what opened your eyes is just the beginning!"



Although the two of them didn't use their realms, their swords were so strong that they were able to startle the bamboo forest beside them into bursts of fallen leaves!

Only relying on his body skills, he can even pull out afterimages that are hard to find with the naked eye in the open space...

The girl Liuli, who was just thinking about using Du Yuesheng as a shield, had long been staring in astonishment: "This, this is too powerful, right? Brother Yuesheng, who is so sacred? But why did he gain the upper hand in just two moves!"

The Martial God Kuqin beside him rubbed his fair forehead, with a look of regret: "It's over, it's over, do you really want to be this kid's fire pot?

That's all, if he really wins, even if this martial god begs for mercy on the bed, he will have to get his master's name back! "

"Ling Jian Style..."

I don't know when, Du Yuesheng has already attacked every step of the way, and Ge Lao's self-proclaimed undefeated Jianwei can only passively defend at this time.

The steps under his feet were even forced back dozens of steps by the Zhuxian Sword!

"I can't retreat anymore. I used to compete with Liuli, and if I stepped into the bamboo forest, I would lose. I didn't expect that Feng Shui would turn around. Today, the old man was forced to such a field by Du Yuesheng. This kid's potential is really terrifying."


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