The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1602 Trading Area, Treasure Pavilion!

"Then, of course, that guy from Yuehei Mountain succeeded..."

Ge Lao shook his head helplessly, and then continued: "When you meet people in Yuehei Mountain, there are two normal situations. If your strength is weak, you will stay away from them, and if your strength is crushed, you will kill them with a sword. I really don't understand. I will form an alliance with those low-level guys!"

"It's not just that you can't figure it out, even this Martial God is puzzled. It's ridiculous that you can buy that girl with just a pack of crystal candies produced by Cangtian Pavilion!"

A packet of... crystal sugar? !

Du Yuesheng was speechless as he listened. No matter how valuable a pack of crystal candy was, it was only a few dozen coins, but the temptation to Liuli was so great...

"Hey, I would rather take this way of thinking as her brain is sick."

After sighing, Du Yuesheng didn't feel that Liuli's IQ was really that hopeless, because the elder Ge later explained that after the girl came to the Kuqin Hall, she practiced all kinds of magical powers, even the formation of zither, chess, calligraphy, painting, talisman and seal, without a teacher!

Even the obscure problems produced by the academy's idle egg pain appear extremely simple in front of the girl...

Such an existence is difficult to judge by cleverness or stupidity.

"It's ridiculous that little Liuli was attacked by the guys from Yuehei Mountain back then, if it weren't for the healing ability of the body of Wanhua, the identity of the leader's disciple might not be guaranteed.

But having said that, if it weren't for the body of Wanhua, Liuli wouldn't have ended up in the land it is today, good fortune tricks people..."

Du Yuesheng got up and walked into the hall without hearing Elder Ge's emotion again. It doesn't matter whether Liuli is cute or stupid, on this acre of cultivated land, there will be no accidents.

"Here, here's a bag of crystal candies for you. Just now, I was discussing with elder Ge, and it seemed to scare you, right?"

Looking at the girl whose cherry lips were filled with rose cakes and her eyes were wide open, Du Yuesheng very freely put a pack of crystal candy exuding the fragrance of fairy fruit on the table, which caused the former to burst into cheers.

"Great, I haven't eaten crystal candy for a long time, brother Yuesheng, thank you."

"You're welcome, you eat first, if it's not enough, you can ask me for it later."

After waving his hands, Du Yuesheng saw that the girl was eating with gusto, so he muttered: "Uh... Liuli, if one day, someone can help you break the seal of the gods on your body, what would you do?"

"Well, of course I will treat him to a lot of delicious food!"

...This answer, probably only Liuli can come up with.

Du Yuesheng wanted to ask again, but found that his question seemed unrealistic, so he stroked Liuli's black hair, which caused the girl to be angry.

"You eat first, I'll go to the Treasure Pavilion and see if there's anything delicious to bring back for you."

Hearing the word Zhenbaoge, Liuli's beautiful eyes suddenly lit up, she raised her head and tried to swallow the candy in her mouth, her excited Wanyin stammered a little: "Yueyue...Brother Yuesheng, it would be great if you went to the one in the academy." Eat at Treasure Pavilion?"

"...What we are talking about should be a place."

After finishing speaking, Du Yuesheng turned around and got up to leave, but just a few steps away, he felt a little guilty when he was stared at by the girl's envious eyes, and then he stopped and said, "Are you yearning for the outside world?"


Liuli nodded heavily, causing Du Yuesheng to chuckle: "Okay, if one day, I'll take you to the God Realm, how about it?"

"It's a deal, Lahook!"

In the academy, the hawking in the trading area was extremely lively, which reminded Du Yuesheng of the market in the lower realm. He rubbed his fingertips, which seemed to still have the scent of a girl's body and promise, and smiled even more warmly.

"Huh... Treasure Hunting Rabbit, you came in handy this time, do you know what the Emperor of Heaven needs?"

"Master Tiandi, don't worry, there is no treasure in the world that I can't find with the treasure hunting rabbit!"

After Yuanshen finished speaking, the Treasure Hunting Rabbit jumped out of the Kingdom of God, and after applying invisibility, it ran to the inside of the Treasure Pavilion, leaving Du Yuesheng alone for a rare and comfortable stroll.

Du Yuesheng was always very relieved to have the Treasure Hunting Rabbit, so he just took advantage of this time to enjoy the excitement of the academy.

As the most frequented place of the academy, the trading area surrounds the three-story high and extremely vast Treasure Pavilion, gradually forming a special area for the academy's disciples to replenish their supplies.

Even some elders would come to the trading area to hunt for treasures from time to time, and occasionally they could take advantage of dispensable advantages by virtue of their status as elders.

There are stalls at both ends of the street, that is, the grocery store in front of Du Yuesheng. I also know that my business is poor, and there is almost no enthusiasm on my face, purely as a way to pass the time after practicing.

However, some magical treasures are not eligible to enter the Treasure Pavilion because the audience is not wide, so they can only be sold outside, surrounded by crowds from time to time, and there are constant voices of bargaining.

The rules of the trading area are also very simple, almost the same as those in the lower realm. The first one is to buy things with money. God stones and god coins can be used as the exclusive currency of the god world.

If you have money, you can be willful. If you fancy something, you can spend a lot of money to buy it, but it is not so easy to buy the truly valuable magic weapon and secret scroll.

At least in the Treasure Pavilion, the Divine Stone is almost useless.

And the second is the most primitive and fair barter!

As the name suggests, if you like some useful magic weapon, you can exchange it with something that is useless but valuable to you. As for whether it is fair or not, it depends on the willingness of both buyers and sellers. In the college trading area, there are very few forced buyers. Bad sale!

In order to ensure the order and safety of the trading area, the academy appointed guards headed by emperor-level disciples and composed of many king-level disciples, covering every corner of the trading area. Whenever there are blind guys who provoke troubles, they can demonstrate their usefulness .

And Du Yuesheng vaguely remembered that it seemed that the topmost floor of the Treasure Pavilion - the third floor, was a place where only barter and auctions were accepted, and the elders of the Palace of Punishments were specially guarded. The torturer Tianlei waited...

"Tsk, it's really nice to see a bunch of self-proclaimed geniuses bargaining for a mere magic weapon."

After wandering around a few stalls at random, Du Yuesheng lost interest. The stalls in the trading area are really not high-end, and there is something hidden in the Zhenbao Pavilion.

But just as he walked to the gate of Zhenbao Pavilion, Du Yuesheng was stunned by the passing streets.

The stall can be placed at the entrance of the Treasure Pavilion, no matter the grade of the magic weapon sold or the identity of the stall owner, they have certain strengths, and this place is also the most prone to disputes!

What Du Yuesheng didn't expect was that Du Sheng would appear here!


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