The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1604 Offer a Reward of Ten Million


As soon as these words came out, all the disciples of the Supreme Academy who were watching the excitement all stood back one after another.

stand out?

dare not!

No one dared to stand up.

You didn't see a god-emperor-level existence, and Du Yuesheng killed it instantly with a look, let alone people like them, who didn't even have a god-emperor cultivation base.

Standing out is not a complete court for death, you can stand as far as you can.

"Ding, congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for killing the God Emperor monster and gaining one billion Shinto points."

"Ding, congratulations to the player with full experience points."

"Current level: First level of god respect."

"The experience value of the next level: 600 billion."


Du Yuesheng listened to the system sound that suddenly sounded in his mind, he unexpectedly upgraded unintentionally, which he did not expect.


Although it is not a big deal, it can be regarded as an overlord in the Supreme Academy, and some elders are only in this realm.

Du Sheng glanced at Du Yuesheng who killed Lin Yu instantly, and he flattered him and said, "Boss, I didn't expect to see you today, you are still so handsome."

"Okay." Du Yuesheng interrupted Du Sheng who was about to continue flattering, "Why are you here? You're not practicing hard in the church."

Du Yuesheng remembered that Du Sheng seemed to follow the church, why wasn't he in the church, why did he appear here?

Hearing Du Yuesheng's question, Du Sheng's face changed, and he said with a wry smile: "Brother, you think everyone is you, and you are under the ten martial gods, and you have all kinds of resources."

Top Ten Warriors.

The site created by the famous masters of the Supreme Academy.

Every Martial God is the best among the main gods, and if they can get their inheritance, it is definitely not a problem to win the title of the main god.

"It's okay." Du Yuesheng smiled slightly.

He really didn't take the top ten martial gods into his heart, even the dean of the Supreme Academy didn't care.

He has an awesome 'system'.

"It's okay?" Du Sheng looked at Du Yuesheng's expression, wishing he could bite him, what does it mean?

In the entire Supreme Academy, I don't know how many talented people want to enter the Ten Great Martial Gods Hall, but Du Yuesheng actually said 'it's okay'.

"Beautiful!" Du Sheng couldn't help giving a thumbs up, and suddenly his eyes looked into the distance, and his expression suddenly changed.

Then, he directly pulled up Du Yuesheng's robe, "Brother, run, the law enforcement team is here, let's go."

"Law enforcement team?"

"Well, the brother of the man you killed just now is considered a good character in the Supreme Academy, and his cultivation is in the state of God."

"And the captain of the guard in this area is his friend. If you killed him just now, someone must have tipped off the news."

"Oh, that's it!" Du Yuesheng heard Du Sheng's explanation, he directly shook off Du Sheng's hand, "What are you afraid of? Isn't it just a law enforcement team."

"That's right!" Du Sheng woke up suddenly, what are you running for, there is an unrivaled killer standing beside him.

Don't say anything about gods, I'm afraid it's not good for the main god to come.

He has seen the horror of Du Yuesheng.

After a while, groups of gods and men in black robes with the word "hold" engraved on their backs appeared from a distance.

"The law enforcement team is here, that person must be finished!!"

"There's a good show to watch!"

"Fortunately we didn't leave"

With the appearance of the law enforcement team, those standing around began to discuss, they didn't believe Du Yuesheng's confrontation with the law enforcement team.

The law enforcement team is the law enforcement department of the Supreme Academy, even if it is a god emperor, someone like a god god must obediently accept their fate when they see them.

"Du Yuesheng!!"

However, before the law enforcement team made any moves, a monstrous roar sounded from the sky not far away.

Then, instead of seeing a monstrous blood-red dark cloud descending from the sky, covering everything within a radius, almost to the point where he could barely see his fingers, a young man exuding a murderous intent appeared from it.


Du Yuesheng looked at the young man who emerged from the blood-red cloud, and found that this man was quite powerful, and his cultivation had reached the second level of divine respect.

Du Yuesheng quickly scanned his mind, and found that he didn't seem to know this person at all.

"Damn it, whoever you are, dare to shout the emperor's name like that, die for me."

Du Yuesheng's heart sank, he shouted loudly, and whipped a long white whip towards the sky!

clap clap ~~

The long whip is full of monstrous power, and when the whip hits the ground, a crack opens in the ground where it hits, which shows how terrifying the whip is.


The long whip was whipped out, tearing open the dark clouds directly, the sun swayed down, and the dark clouds that shrouded the surroundings disappeared in an instant.

"Pretending to be a ghost, get out of here, bang!" Du Yuesheng whipped another whip in his hand, and a figure stumbled out in the void, with blood on the corner of his mouth.

"Lonely day."

When Du Sheng saw the young man falling from the dark clouds, he couldn't help shouting in surprise.

Lonely and he came from a faction, members of the Holy Church.

However, Lone Tian is obviously much more advanced than Du Sheng. His cultivation has reached the state of God, and he is also dominant in the church.

Du Sheng didn't expect Lone Tian to appear here, why would he attack Brother Du?

"Not bad, I still have some strength." Du Yuesheng looked at the man who was photographed from the dark clouds by himself with a whip.

Ordinary people would probably be dead if they were hit with a whip by myself, but this person is not dead, which shows that his strength is not bad.

As for Lonely Sky, who was shot from the dark clouds to the ground by Du Yuesheng with a whip, there was a chill in his heart.

"Day, this information is wrong, isn't it saying that this person is the God Emperor?"

"Sister, can the emperor hurt himself with a whip?"

Lonely doesn't believe it, you must know that he is at the second level of god respect, but he was photographed from the dark clouds by Du Yuesheng with a whip.

Is this something the God Emperor can do?

But when he thought of the 10 million contribution value, he couldn't help but gritted his teeth, "Damn it, I fought for the contribution value."

Lonely and Du Yuesheng have no enmity, and they don't even have the slightest intersection.

But three days ago, someone suddenly posted a message on the reward list inside the Supreme Academy.

Anyone who kills Du Yuesheng can get 10 million contribution points.


This is the trading point for the Supreme Academy to exchange any treasures, elixir, or magic.

In the Supreme Academy, the god stone is of no use except for ordinary cultivation.

Only contribution value is king.

And Du Yuesheng's reward is worth 10 million. This is not 100,000, or 1 million, but 10 million.

The contribution value of 10 million is an astronomical number, which can be exchanged for emperor-level artifacts, and even false holy treasures can be exchanged.

It can be said that Du Yuesheng is now completely a humanoid boss monster.

However, the minimum to be able to see the news of the reward is the God Emperor Realm.

This is why Lonely Sky suddenly appeared here.

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