The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1606 Creating Character Functions

"Ding, reply to the player, creating and summoning characters is a function that can only be activated after the player breaks through the realm of God.

Players can get any characters created in novels, TV, anime, games, virtual, fantasy worlds once a month. During this period, they cannot be replaced. "


Du Yuesheng couldn't help but startled when he heard the words, then he smiled and said: "Even if it's Pangu?"

"Ding, reply to the player, there is no limit to the creation range of summoned characters."

After receiving the system's reply, Du Yuesheng smiled even more. In a month's time, he could create a strong man who can stand alone against the sky to be his subordinate. This feeling is extremely refreshing!

In the past, I could only pop out cards and then summon them randomly.

The system upgrade this time came just in time, allowing him to summon characters as he wished.

Ha ha……

"Ding, remind players that if you collect special items, you can summon legendary characters. It takes a lot of time, but the strength is extremely powerful."

"Ding, remind the player that summoning a super character requires consumption of unparalleled value, special items vary, and the strength is devastating."

a legendary person?

Super character?

After Du Yuesheng listened, he couldn't help but lament the almightiness of the system. He was sure that there would eventually be a strong person in this world who was extremely difficult for him now, but it didn't matter, I just created you as a younger brother!

"Tsk, creation has to be chosen carefully, let's think about it for now."

After muttering softly, Du Yuesheng turned to look at Du Sheng who was beside him, and said, "Apart from the secret seal scroll, do you have anything else to buy?"


After Du Sheng finished speaking, he couldn't help showing a sinister smile on his face. After coming to the Supreme Academy and seeing the vast world, he wanted to buy a lot of things, but because of his lack of money, he didn't want to enter the Zhenbao Pavilion to enjoy the sight.

But since I met my eldest brother Du Yuesheng here, is money such a thing?

"Hey, brother Du, I didn't have anything to buy, but for the sake of rewarding me, I just came up with a lot of good things to buy..."

"Damn! How can you tell from my face that I want to reward you? It's true that I want to beat you hard."

Laughing and scolding are all jokes, but money is really no different from dung to Du Yuesheng, so he immediately urged: "Since you want me to reward you, then what valuable information will you have in the future..."

Before Du Yuesheng could finish speaking, Du Sheng nodded his head very politely: "Of course, it's the first time to offer it to you, Brother Du."

"Let's go."

The two said, and walked towards the Zhenbao Pavilion together.

As for the first floor, Du Yuesheng directly chose to ignore it.

Looking for the antique wooden ladder, the two of them prepared to step into the second floor, which requires a certain identity in the academy.

However, the young man standing on both sides of the wooden ladder, wearing a robe with the word "hold" and exuding a domineering aura, stopped the two of them in their footsteps.

The man glanced at Du Yuesheng disdainfully, and said coldly: "Who are you, this... is not a place for you to enter!"

When the two heard the words, before Du Yuesheng could speak, Du Sheng was the first to say angrily: "You are fucking blind, you know this is..."

Before he finished speaking, Du Yuesheng raised his hand to stop him.

Looking at the proud law enforcement team standing on the steps, Du Yuesheng couldn't help feeling amused.

I'm afraid they don't know it yet, just now, Lone Tian, ​​who is extremely powerful in their law enforcement team, has died tragically in his own hands.

Watchdogs anywhere are very difficult to deal with...

However, this place is different from the outside. The second floor of the Treasure Pavilion is obviously considered to be a more important forbidden area of ​​the Supreme Academy, and judging by the arrogant confidence of these two people, it is obviously based on the rules.

The most important thing is that Du Yuesheng clearly felt that on the wooden ladder, that is, on the second floor of the Zhenbao Pavilion, there were at least five divine senses above the peak of the gods locked on him, and the meaning of the warning was self-evident. The deeds of killing the law enforcement team by himself have been known by the masters on the second floor.

But Du Yuesheng was not afraid at all, if the elders in the attic on the second floor knew the ins and outs of the fighting outside just now, if they were willing to reason, they would definitely not be embarrassed.

If you are unreasonable, even the elders, the Heavenly Emperor, will be wiped out by you!

"Interesting, what identity do you need to be eligible to enter the second floor?"

Seeing Du Yuesheng's question, the two looked at each other before replying in a cold voice: "Are you worthy of me explaining to you?

We will not stop those who are qualified to enter, but you are definitely not qualified! "

Du Yuesheng smiled when he heard the words, the corners of his mouth curved playfully.

At this time, his godly aura is not restrained, it is easy to feel it, and he still has the authentic token of the Kuqin Palace on his waist, which is not eligible to enter, so few people can enter this second floor up!

Why do you think this is the dean's secret room!

Not only that, Du Yuesheng could see clearly just now that there was a king-level disciple with the strength of a god emperor before him who entered, and he was not blocked at all, but now he made things difficult in every possible way, obviously on purpose!

Thinking of this, Du Yuesheng immediately sneered: "Why, your captain died in my hands, you dare not even fart, but you want to use the rules to suppress me?

The emperor of heaven just said once, good dogs don't get in the way, get out of the way obediently, let this matter never be blamed! should know what will happen to Lone Tian! "


The cold drink was mixed with contemptuous and tyrannical majesty, which made the two people standing on the steps tremble and sweat profusely.

How could they not know Lonely's fate? Even the top ten emperor-level disciples were killed in one blow, and it would never be better for me!

Besides, as Du Yuesheng's true biography, he is absolutely qualified to enter the second floor, even if Ku Qin stepped forward, it may not be impossible to enter the mysterious third floor...

But they were under the elder's will, so they could only stop them by taking advantage of Du Sheng's status as an outer disciple, but once Du Yuesheng got angry...

This cheating guard job really offends people!

But even so, they are afraid of the elders, much more than Du Yuesheng, although a little shaken, they still gritted their teeth and said ruthlessly: "Joke, we enforce the rules of the academy, and are we still afraid of you?

Do you want to threaten us by killing a few people? Don't forget what this place is, it's not your turn to be arrogant!

If you are sensible, don't stand here and block the way, otherwise you will make the elders upstairs unhappy, and you won't even have a chance to beg for mercy! "

Seeing this, another person sneered and echoed: "Senior brother, I'm afraid this trash doesn't know that he is about to die.

If you dare to kill Lone Tian, ​​just obediently wait for your death, and I will see how you will kneel at the feet of the Lord God and beg for mercy! "

Glancing at the two of them jokingly, Du Yuesheng nodded with a half-smile: "Very good, this is your answer?

Dare to call this Heavenly Emperor a waste, even if the dean comes, you two bastards will never survive! "

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