The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1616 Valkyrie privilege is cool!

However, in the next second, before Du Yuesheng could open his mouth, Ku Qin restrained his smile, with an indescribable bitterness on his pretty face.

"I can't hold it anymore..."

This inexplicable remark really surprised Du Yuesheng, and frowned, "I can't hold it any longer? You mean... about Liuli!?"

"That's right."

Nodding his head, Kuqin said seriously: "You should be able to see that I came to Zhenbao Pavilion today to use only one avatar, and I dare not leave Kuqin Hall for even half a step.

After you left, Liuli was taken away by that guy once, and the fluctuation of divine power was much more raging than before. "

Waking up again?

When Du Yuesheng heard this, his slightly frowned sword eyebrows couldn't help but frown. He knew that the ten-tailed fairy fox was very powerful, but he didn't expect that the matter was imminent.

After pondering for a moment, Du Yuesheng asked back: "Then... the dean and the other martial gods, didn't they say anything? It seems that it is not the Emperor's turn to intervene in this matter."

"I've asked, the principal's cultivation is about the same as it was a thousand years ago, but the seal of the gods is after all drinking poison to quench thirst. I even suspect that the reason why the ten-tailed fairy fox has not completely seized it may be that it has turned the seal of the gods into its own. Use it to gradually increase your strength!"

This kind of assumption is indeed whimsical, but judging by the ten-tailed fairy fox's indomitable deeds that were enough to destroy the Supreme Academy at its peak, this little trick couldn't be simpler.

If this guess continues, what Neng Kuqin and the others face all day is a flawless Liuli disguised by a ten-tailed fairy fox!

"The ten-tailed fairy fox, whose strength is against the sky, is so cunning even in manipulating people's hearts. It only took a few times, but it made the female men panic. If one day returns to the peak, the consequences will be disastrous..."

After pondering, Du Yuesheng finally understood why even a woman like Kuqin who has no lower limit would say that she couldn't hold on anymore.

Because every moment she spends with Liuli may be calculated by the ten-tailed fairy fox, this kind of passivity and suffering, it is not easy for her to survive until now...

"If the dean's strength hasn't improved much, then no matter how much the other martial gods advance by leaps and bounds, it won't be of much use. This time, the effect of the seal of the gods will only be worse than it was a thousand years ago..."

When Du Yuesheng thought of this, he realized what Kuqin was really worried about!

Although she is a Martial God, her lower limit and strength are difficult to measure, but... whether she can survive into the next millennium is still unknown.

What's more, the ten-tailed fairy fox may not be trapped for another thousand years. Although the seal of the gods is strong, it does not really imprison the gods. After such a long time, it may not be possible for it to pry into the mystery and methods of the seal of the gods...

"Then...why did you find me?"

"Because I will never meet the second Yue Sheng again in my life."


Such ambiguous words are not like what Kuqin would say, but Du Yuesheng turned his head to look, and it was the former's face with a wry smile that filled his sight.

"Hehe, I know you're complaining about me again, but it's okay, you should understand what it means.

No matter how tyrannical the Supreme Academy is, the strength of the deans of the past generations is almost the same. It is very difficult to have a great opportunity to break through. Only you can truly break through this barrier. At that time, there will be no need for the seal of the gods! "

At that time, there is no need to seal the gods...

These words really sounded a lot of pride.

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng raised a solemn look on his handsome face, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll help you. I will completely settle the matter of the ten-tailed fairy fox."

With Kuqin's vision and intelligence, how could he fail to see that Du Yuesheng is definitely not a thing in the pond. It will be a matter of time before he smashes the God Realm and ascends, but the Kuqin Palace will continue to stand.

"Yeah, people know you are the best~"

"Get lost! Don't use that tone of cuteness, green tea with white lotus is just right for you!"

Seeing the majestic Kuqin Martial God dancing with joy, Du Yuesheng couldn't help laughing and cursing, but then he thought, maybe it's only in front of a few people that this female man can laugh so heartlessly...

Similarly, Du Yuesheng also understood why Kuqin gave the Amethyst Jade Card to herself.

Because the things needed to completely subdue the ten-tailed fairy fox are too rare!

After only communicating with the sword spirit for a moment, Du Yuesheng couldn't help sighing: "Hey, even the Emperor of Heaven doesn't have all these heaven-defying treasures, no matter how many treasures are hidden in the Zhenbao Pavilion, there may not be any.

But it doesn't matter, the things are not complete, the Emperor of Heaven doesn't mind coming to a bully to force his bow! "

Although the ten-tailed fairy fox is strong, as long as it blocks Du Yuesheng's progress, there is still only a dead end!

"In short, remember to go back to the Kuqin Hall after you're done. You and I will discuss together with our senior brother. At least based on our strength, we are qualified to help out."

After sending off Kuqin and receiving the amethyst jade plaque from the servant of Zhenbao Pavilion, Du Yuesheng took a closer look at the jade plaque that symbolizes respect for status.

The jade tablet is carved out of Xuantian Amethyst, and you can feel the peaceful and gentle fluctuations of divine power just by touching it with your hands. The jade tablet even leaves you with a touch of godhead, giving you a bit of majesty!

Holding the jade plaque on his waist, Du Yuesheng could only feel a layer of invisible ripples enveloping his body, and immediately the air in the entire Zhenbao Pavilion respected him invisible...

"Tsk, as expected of the Martial God Jade Card, this kind of differential treatment is really refreshing..."

Taking Du Sheng up to the second floor, Du Yuesheng was sent to an independent space by the Zhenbao Pavilion's decree just as Du Yuesheng stepped out of the steps.

The interior of the space is comfortable and comfortable, showing the unique treatment for VIPs, and Du Yuesheng doesn't even need to pick things himself, as long as he inspires the Amethyst Jade Card, he can have a look at the collection of Zhenbao Pavilion.

Of course, these are only the collections that Martial God Kuqin is eligible to purchase, and there are also some treasures of the town hall, which he does not have the right to browse with the jade badge alone.

It seems that I don't have many favorite things to choose from, but Du Sheng's eyes are shining like a mountain cannon, begging himself to buy some wonderful treasures from time to time...

"Hey, Brother Du, what are you buying in the Treasure Pavilion? You can't just leave empty-handed, right?"

Looking at Du Sheng who got cheap and good-looking, Du Yuesheng couldn't help sneering: "Hehe, I originally wanted to buy a super-sized auto-rotating fairy cucumber for the woman just now, but now, it seems that I don't need it anymore..."

This is just a joke on Kuqin Martial God. Even if Du Yuesheng has a very close relationship with her, Du Sheng can only laugh dryly and hastily shift the conversation: "Although you can't see ordinary treasures, you can use the amethyst jade card directly. Locked like a treasure.

As long as the Treasure Pavilion can get this thing, you just need to give a satisfactory price, but the opportunity is rare, only once a year. "

Once a year?

This privilege is indeed rare enough, but having said that, anyway, the two brothers and sisters in the Kuqin Palace probably don’t even have the chance to go down the mountain every year. It’s a waste to keep this number of times, why not...

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