The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1618 So what if you grab it in public?

"Emperor of Heaven... you, calm down, I also found the Chaos Stone and rushed back to report it as soon as I found it. This... I really can't blame it!"

It is conceivable that the treasure in hand was preempted by others. Seeing Du Yuesheng's unhappy face, Treasure Hunting Rabbit hurriedly struggled to explain.

"Forget it, I can't blame you for this matter. The most urgent thing is to find the Chaos Stone. As for the pig teammate who cheated the Emperor of Heaven, we will have a chance to settle this account in the future!"

After finishing speaking, Du Yuesheng still gave Du Sheng a cold look, and the latter curled up in fright and said, "Brother Du... I'll get you some news right now."


With a wave of his hand, Du Yuesheng took the Treasure Hunting Rabbit back to the kingdom of God, and Du Yuesheng interrupted directly: "I don't even have the right to view the amethyst jade medal of the martial god level, but if the other party hides it intentionally, you won't be able to detect it at all, maybe you will." piss each other off.


As soon as the topic changed, the confident arc of Du Yuesheng's mouth reappeared!

"However, in the mere God Realm, there is nothing that the Heavenly Emperor can't get. Since the jade card is not counted on, then the Heavenly Emperor will do it himself!"

After finishing speaking, Du Yuesheng directly took out a spell with the character "Xun" from the system. Just holding it in his hand made Du Sheng feel the mystery of the season full of it!

The spell that can seal the seasons as a mantra is at least a semi-sacred rune!

"I'll go, Brother Du, you're too extravagant, you're just looking for something, and it's such a high-end talisman!"

Ignoring Du Sheng's flattery and flattery when he got the opportunity, Du Yuesheng said coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, now that you know the level of this talisman, you should know how important the Chaos Stone is to the Emperor of Heaven!

If you dare to delay any longer, the understand! "

After finishing speaking, Du Yuesheng directly detonated the divine talisman, and an invisible wave of air suddenly swept out from the Zhenbao Pavilion!


In just a few breaths, most of the world of the Supreme Academy has been absorbed into Du Yuesheng's spiritual consciousness.

As long as the character-seeking talisman is any treasure known to the person who inspired the talisman, no matter how chaotic and tyrannical the surrounding laws and regulations are, they can be found in an instant!

As for the range, Du Yuesheng didn't use it aimlessly, since he knew that the person with the stubborn stone was in the academy, he was confident in using the word-finding talisman.

"Tsk, I found it. It seems that this guy's status is not high. He came to Zhenbao Pavilion at such a slow speed that he is not even qualified to fly across the sky."

"Since that's the case... then the Emperor of Heaven will go find you in person!"

Before the words were finished, Du Yuesheng was no longer in the independent space!

In the academy, at a space hub station, Jie Zhanlin, who was at the end of the long line, was anxious, but couldn't hide his excitement!

"Damn it! Isn't it an inner sect disciple! Wait for me to get my holy magic weapon! Let's see who dares to jump in line!"

As the young master of Jietian Sect, Jie Zhanlin only has the cultivation of a god emperor, which is a bit embarrassing. Even in the assessment of the Twelve Main Cities, it was the desperate loyalty of his former retainers that made him barely qualified to enter the outer sect.

After the assessment was over, the retainer who had devoted himself to his duties in Supreme City but was treated like a dog by Jie Zhanlin completely lost the idea of ​​being loyal to Jietianmen.

Therefore, Jie Zhanlin fully understood what it meant to be bullied by dogs in Pingyang. Without the support of that retainer who was comparable to a god, his status as the young master of Jietian Sect would only make his fellow sects more ridiculed.

"Hmph, it's a good thing that my young master begged my father so hard that I let him give me the family's most treasured chaotic stone for cultivation. This time, when I come out of the Treasure Pavilion, those trash who dare to bully my young master will all die!"

Jie Zhanlin couldn't help but look ferocious, as if thinking of the repeated troubles he had suffered a few days ago, but suddenly a flickering figure around him really attracted his attention.

"This guy... why does he look so familiar? I seem to have seen this young master somewhere."

Being able to use magical powers to teleport in the academy proved that the person who came was extraordinary and naturally attracted the attention of the surroundings. However, the slender young man ignored the discussion and scanned his surroundings with sharp eyes!

"The location is right, the Chaos Stone should be right there..."

Pupils shrank, and the surprise on Du Yuesheng's face disappeared in an instant, replaced by... a sneer that was extremely joking.

Hmph, it's really a narrow road to the enemy!

I thought that there were masters present at Supreme Restaurant back then, and that the Emperor of Heaven intended to spare your life, but I didn't expect to meet you here today!

It's okay to encounter it, but I didn't expect that you are the one who sold the Chaos Stone!

"Tsk, it's not wrong to be crazy, but if you offend the Emperor of Heaven and still have the Chaos Stone in your body, there's no reason for you not to die today!"

After sneering, Du Yuesheng walked straight in the direction of Jie Zhanlin, striding forward, his whole body suddenly ignited with murderous intent!

Looking at the approaching Du Yuesheng, Jie Zhanlin felt more and more familiar, only felt a gust of cold wind blowing through his back, and he uncontrollably moved back a few steps.

"This... Who is this guy? He is flying across the sky, at least he is a king-level disciple! I don't remember offending this great Buddha!"

Before Jie Zhanlin could think about it, the palm on his shoulder interrupted his thoughts.

"Master Ming, do you still remember this Heavenly Emperor?"

God of Heaven?

Jie Zhanlin was startled when he heard the words, looking at Du Yuesheng's indifferent starry eyes, a thought suddenly flashed in his mind!

This... Isn't this the good-for-nothing king who provoked this young master at the Supreme Restaurant?

Why did it take so long, this young master can't even see through this person's realm!

However, when it comes to lying, Jie Zhanlin is still a bit witty, and immediately shook his head with a sneer and said, "Heh...hehe, this true brother, you seem to have misunderstood the person, right?"

"Admit it wrong? I think you don't know how to write dead characters!"

Squinting his eyes, a cold light flashed in Du Yuesheng's eyes: "Since I let the Emperor of Heaven touch you today, then you deserve to die.

Obediently hand over the Chaos Stone, the Emperor of Heaven may consider giving you a treat! "

"What chaotic stone? I don't know what you're talking about..."

In front of Du Yuesheng, Jie Zhanlin's clumsy acting skills were full of flaws: "It seems that you are not going to say anything, but unfortunately, the Emperor of Heaven is not in the mood to talk nonsense with you today!"


The palm of his hand was slightly harder, and the whole shoulder of Zhan Lin was broken and deformed, and the latter suddenly came out of the scream of pig killing: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Lifting Jie Zhanlin Xuankong as if carrying garbage, Du Yuesheng's tone was full of murderous intent: "You kind of garbage, you are not qualified to let the Emperor of Heaven answer!

In a word, the chaotic stone, the emperor of heaven is about to decide, and your life must also be left behind! "

If it was someone else who had no grievances, Du Yuesheng would not mind exchanging chips that the other party was satisfied with, but since today he met Jie Zhanlin who had a narrow road to the enemy...

Then even calculate the old accounts together, so what if you rob them in public?

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