The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1621 The Palace of Punishments is completely outraged!

After listening to it, Du Yuesheng's face did not show the shock that Du Sheng expected. Instead, there was playfulness in the plainness: "Tsk, I was a saint in the temple first, and now I am the true biography of Saint Yi Martial God. If someday I am seen by the dean again Among them, the house slave of the three surnames said that hypocrite is accepted..."

Seeing that Du Yuesheng disdained Huajiu so much, Du Sheng hurriedly silenced, and cautiously glanced around with his peripheral vision: "Shh...Brother Du, it's better to speak in a low voice. Huajiu is different from you. He is now a disciple of thousands of people." among them look up to idols.

Even many senior sisters expressly favor Hua Jiu, if you get angry, you will be in trouble. "


After hearing these two words, Du Yuesheng only felt it was funny: "When do you think this Emperor of Heaven is afraid of offending the public?

The only thing that the Emperor of Heaven is afraid of is that there are too few people who are sent to death, and it is simply not fun to kill. "

Of course, after Du Yuesheng sneered, he didn't sneer any more. It's not demeanor to talk about people's length behind their backs.

Just thinking about it, Du Yuesheng felt that this was a trouble that even he didn't want to cause. He was in China in his previous life, and he had seen how terrifying the power of brainless fans was.

After all, after abandoning all the brain and IQ, the strength bonus in exchange is still very unusual.

However, Du Yuesheng swept his consciousness and found that there was no aura of Hua Jiu around, so he frowned and asked: "No, if Hua Jiu is really, according to his personality, he should ask the Emperor Xingshi for punishment immediately.

Could it be that I am going to call a bunch of dog legs to build up my courage, and let your pig teammates come to report the news by the way! "

Facing Du Yuesheng's gloomy gaze, Du Sheng thought of his cheating behavior just now, couldn't help but smile, waved his hands and said: "Brother Du is wronged! I came here to inform you as soon as I got the news.

After all, there are not many people who can fly away from Zhenbao Pavilion and are so handsome, except for Huajiu. "

"Damn! That little boy is as handsome as the Emperor of Heaven?"

"No, no, that guy can't match even you, Brother Du..."

After laughing, Du Sheng explained the news he got: "I heard that the person who went to the Zhenbao Pavilion with Huajiu to find the Chaos Stone, and the servant of the Holy Martial God.

They came today, and they were able to enter the second floor with the amethyst jade plaque, which was obviously the intention of the god of war, Sheng Yi.

And my little brother heard that the reason why Saint Yi Martial God is willing to hand over the jade tablet to Huajiu is to refine the chaotic stone and use secret techniques to make his divine technique more exquisite, as if it can be integrated into the body of the holy light..."

The body of the holy light is also the supernatural power that Du Yuesheng heard about after coming to the God Realm. The control conditions for this kind of natal supernatural power are very strict, and only those who are born with a strong affinity for the divine power of the divine attribute can have a chance.

As the current saint, Hua Jiu obviously has the potential to be the body of the Holy Light.

But this level of supernatural powers, not to mention Du Yuesheng didn't take it seriously, even compared to Liuli's Wanhua Body, the gap is not even a star...

But if Sheng Yi Martial God could refine it himself, the Body of Holy Light would naturally have its merits.

After pondering for a moment, Du Yuesheng asked: "Then why, Saint Yi Martial God doesn't come to the Treasure Pavilion in person, even if a clone arrives, I'm afraid even the bargaining chip of the holy magic weapon can be saved.

After all, the favor of a Valkyrie is not so easy to find. "

Hearing this, Du Sheng took out a translucent and crystal-clear secret scroll from his sleeve and glanced at it for a while, before explaining: "It seems that it is because the Martial God Sheng Yi considered the other true disciples under his seat, so he made such a trade-off.

However, the amethyst jade card of Sheng Yi Martial God is definitely in Hua Jiu's hands, otherwise he would not be able to grab the Chaos Stone at all! "

After listening to the explanation, Du Yuesheng nodded undeniably. After all, no matter how unreliable the female man is, the jade card is still at the level of a martial god. Even if Hua Jiu can invite the elder servants to accompany him, it is absolutely impossible to get ahead.


It doesn't matter whose token you get, anyway, the Chaos Stone has now become the possession of the Emperor of Heaven!

Thinking of this, the corners of Du Yuesheng's mouth became slightly playful: "That's enough nonsense, you should also answer my Heavenly Emperor now, why is there no trace of Huajiu yet?"

Unexpectedly, when Du Sheng heard this, his face that had just calmed down was filled with anxiety again: "This is what my little brother is worried about! Brother Du, you don't know something..."

"You're fine after killing Elder Ji Ying in Zhenbao Pavilion, and the Martial God of Kuqin appeared to cover his face, the dean and the Hall of Punishment endorsed together, no matter how high Huajiu thought of himself, he didn't dare to trouble you, Brother Du ah!

But that little boy is a traitor! He didn't dare to come to the door to make trouble, but he discussed with the elder servant, and he simply went to the punishment hall to report on you, Brother Du! "

"Report on me? You're not a three-year-old anymore, so I'm ashamed to put this kind of trick on the table..."

After the sneer, Du Yuesheng couldn't help frowning again, and asked back: "No, isn't someone responsible for the matter of the Emperor of Heaven in Zhenbao Pavilion? What else can that little boy tell me?"

Looking at Du Yuesheng's gloomy expression, Du Sheng let out a long sigh, feeling quite speechless: "Brother Du, you really are a noble person who forgets things...

Here, turn your head that way! The body is not cold yet, what do you think Huajiu reported on you? Massacring fellow sects and robbing treasures in public, even defending the law enforcement team, do you think the elders in the Hall of Punishment are just for nothing? ! "

But Du Yuesheng waved his hand indifferently: "It's just a few ants. Before that woman Kuqin is impeached and abdicated because of this Emperor, it shouldn't be a big deal, right?"

"...It's not a big deal!? My brother Du, do you know that the scene where you pinched someone's throat with your finger just now, some people have already spread it all over the temples with the technique of taking pictures?

I guess now, not only the Hall of Punishment, but also the elders of the college should be admiring Brother Du for your heroic demeanor. "

"I am over-flattered."

"It's too much of a reward, Brother Du, to be honest, don't you think you have gone too far this time?"

Looking at Du Sheng who looked hesitant, Du Yuesheng smiled and didn't say any more jokes, but turned his back and looked in the direction of the Palace of Punishment with playful eyes.

"Are you overdoing it? This Heavenly Emperor's a little low-key!

Just now, he was willing to spare the lives of those ants who spoke rudely. This time, the Emperor of Heaven is already kind enough! "

In the distance, a sharp and majestic gaze was penetrating the void, looking directly at Du Yuesheng who was chuckling all the time!


In the punishment hall, the roar of bone cracks made all the elders' black robes, which were not moving against the wind, dance suddenly and make a sound of hunting!

In the lead was an old man with a dark face but wearing a black gold python robe, exuding extremely dangerous rage all over his body!

"Du Yuesheng, is this your truth?

That being the case, there is no need to give Kuqin any face in the Palace of Punishment! "

PS: I recommend the new book "Sura Emperor", if you like it, you can read and search it on QQ.

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