The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1627 Slay Thunder Dragon with One Sword!

Followed by the sword glow of the Zhuxian Sword trying to break through the sky, and Du Yuesheng's roar resounding through the academy!

"A mere Thunder Dragon? Today, the Emperor of Heaven would like to ask you, since you claim to be fair and strict, why do you allow your callers to protect other disciples?"

Du Yuesheng stands alone between the heaven and the earth, as if the king is in the world, no offense is allowed!

"It's ridiculous that such a divine thunder still talks about the rule of representing the supremacy of the academy?

In the eyes of the Emperor of Heaven, it was just a thunderbolt to suppress all voices who dared to question and resist!

That being the case, whether it is the god thunder or the rules, why should the Emperor of Heaven recognize it? Why obey?

Instead of being restricted everywhere, stick to the rules. It would be better if you do what you want, at least you can have a clear idea! "

"Break it!"


Thunder Dragon's painful neighing, followed by the bursting thunder light all over his body, filled every corner of the academy!

One sword!

Just one sword!

The Thunder Dragon, which was comparable to a holy beast, turned into a sky full of purple light, and then... disappeared without a trace!

Such supernatural powers, I am afraid that Yan Xiyue himself is far from being able to do it!


A mouthful of hot blood gushed out of his throat, Yan Xiyue's face was extremely ugly, all the fellow students beside him couldn't help but look at each other, it was the first time in their life that they saw such a bleak smile on that serious face.

However, their own complexions may not be much better...

"This, these heartbreaking words are hard to refute. The most important thing is..."

Du Yuesheng could really kill the wrathful thunder dragon with one strike!

Although the Thunder Dragon was only sacrificed by the Mirror of Questioning, guided by Yan Xiyue's divine power, coupled with the condensed divine thunder, it would die automatically after not lasting for a while.

But that is also the angry-eyed thunder dragon that is only second-class than the legendary beast!

Yan Xiyue can be sure that if Thunder Dragon's time alone is used to attack the academy, apart from himself, all the elders beside him may not be opponents!

Besides, what Du Yuesheng said just now was so domineering that even Yan Xiyue himself felt a tremor in his heart!

But Yan Xiyue will never be so stupid as to think that it is a power that can be displayed with just a few words.

A few words, no matter how gorgeous the rhetoric, it is impossible to touch the heavy mountain of academy rules!

Standing under the thunder dragon's sharp claws, if he dared to be so provocative, he might be bombarded without even the ashes left, but Du Yuesheng still stood still!

From this point of view, there is only one explanation left!

An explanation that Yan Xiyue is unwilling to face no matter what!

That is... Du Yuesheng's realm has already surpassed the academy's laws and regulations, at least compared with the angry-eyed thunder dragon just now, it is simply a world of difference!

And Du Yuesheng is naturally high above the sky.

Du Yuesheng's words and deeds are already the supreme rules! The decree standing above the Supreme Academy!

Although his face was cloudy and uncertain for a long time, Yan Xiyue held back a few short words: "Old man...lost."

On the other hand, Du Yuesheng, after hearing the system prompt in Yuanshen, his face couldn't help showing a touch of joy, which was in stark contrast to Yan Xiyue and everyone else!

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng for killing the holy beast and gaining 1000000000 divine points!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng for breaking through the second level of God Venerable, the next upgrade requires 3000000/20000000000 divine points!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng for killing the holy beast and obtaining the Thunder Dragon's reins, which can be used to summon the angry-eyed Thunder Dragon."

"Ding, the system prompts that all the divine mines needed by the supreme questioning mirror have been collected to automatically generate artifacts!"

A series of promotions made it possible for Du Yuesheng to slap the punishment hall hard in the first place in the future.

But now, even if this slap is not slapped, the signboard of the Hall of Punishment will probably be crumbling...

"Tsk, it's ridiculous that this group of old antiques wanted to raise a teacher and ask for a crime, but they didn't expect to give the emperor a fortune. They really did their own crimes!"

Concentrating his eyes, Du Yuesheng could see Yan Xiyue's face clearly: "I'm afraid Elder Yan never thought in his life that one day he would be so useless to ask the god of delusion."

While speaking, Du Yuesheng took a step forward, but his figure was standing in mid-air, his indifferent eyes scanned the people in the Hall of Execution!

Such a setback made the Hall of Punishment feel ashamed. Except for Yan Xiyue who could barely raise his head, everyone avoided Du Yuesheng's gaze, especially the two people in the Hall of Sacred Reliance, wishing they could run away quickly...

After curling his lips, Du Yuesheng finally spoke, but out of Yan Xiyue's expectation, what the former said was not the contempt and ridicule that the winner should have enjoyed, but said with a light smile: "Elder Yan, if you guessed correctly, today you Come on, I'm afraid you have prepared three divine thunders to punish this Heavenly Emperor?"

"No... that's right."

Although he didn't know how Du Yuesheng guessed it right, Yan Xiyue gritted his teeth and nodded.

"Since there is only one hole card left, why don't you prepare to give it a try? Before half a stick of incense, you can't wait to let the Emperor of Heaven be destroyed!"

It's such a time, how dare Yan Xiyue let Du Yuesheng die!

I'm afraid that in the end, it will be himself who is truly annihilated!

Indeed, Yan Xiyue's most powerful hole card was the Three Dao Shenlei.

But now, there is no difference between the Third Dao God Thunder Ritual and No Ritual.

The first one was to question Du Yuesheng's crime of fighting for power and beheading Ji Ying, but he used all the divine thunder for his own use.

The second way, and also the most powerful one, is to punish Du Yuesheng for slaughtering the angry-eyed Thunder Dragon who robbed his fellow disciples by force.

It can be said that Yan Xiyue's support lies in the furious glare of Thunder Dragon.

After all, it is not an exaggeration to say that killing fellow disciples is a heinous crime! The power of Shenlei is naturally even more terrifying.

However, Du Yuesheng's few words of cruelty, coupled with a thunderous sword, completely shattered Yan Xiyue's support.

As for the third way, Yan Xiyue's original intention was to teach Du Yuesheng to be disrespectful, and to commit the following mistakes.

However, Du Yuesheng's words just now broke the third divine thunder invisibly!

There are so many gods and thunders, and those who punish are indeed those who have no respect for their elders. There is no doubt about the laws in it.

But... why?

Yan Xiyue, who is fair, strict and solemn, is indeed Du Yuesheng's elder according to the rules of the academy.

It's a pity that Yan Xiyue lost the protection of the rules the moment he personally presided over the shield and protected countless disciples.

Even though he is still wearing a python robe, even if he is still in a high position, but the heavens have insight into thousands of things, Wen Wangjing has long disapproved of such Yan Xiyue, and he is worthy of being called the elder of the academy...

"Old man... lost."

The same words sounded countless times worse than before.

When Du Yuesheng heard this, he smiled suddenly, but his eyes were frosted: "You lost, but the Emperor of Heaven has not yet won.

It's just a confession, and you want to go back to your home if you can't get the teacher to ask the crime, so where should you put the face of the Emperor of Heaven? "

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